is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas and guidelines for the use of Japanese, Korean, Russian and other languages in public service areas jointly constitute series of national standards of guidelines for the use of foreign languages in public service areas.
GB/T 30240 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas consists of the following parts
——Part 1: General Rules;
——Part 2: Transportation;
——Part 3: Tourism;
——Part 4: Culture and Entertainment;
——Part 5: Sports;
——Part 6: Education;
——Part 7: Health and Medicine;
——Part 8: Post and Telecommunications;
——Part 9: Accommodation and Catering;
——Part 10: Commerce and Finance.
This part is Part 9 of GB/T 30240.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part is under the jurisdiction of Language Information Management Department of Ministry of Education.
Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas -
Part 9: Accommodation and Catering
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 30240 specifies relevant terms and definitions, translation methods and requirements, writing requirements and the like for the use of English in accommodation and catering area.
This part is applicable to English translation and writing of names of operating unit in accommodation and catering and relevant places as well as accommodation and catering service information.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for application of this standard. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For the undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) apply.
GB/T 30240.1-2013 Guidelines for the Use of English in Public Service Areas - Part 1: General Rules
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
food production and management industry which provides consumers with catering and relevant services
the industry which provides consumers with accommodation and relevant services
4 Translation Methods and Requirements
4.1 Catering and accommodation service site and organization name
4.1.1 Service institutions only providing catering service such as "酒家", "酒楼", "酒店", "菜馆", "餐馆", "餐厅", "饭庄", "食府" and "饮食店" are generally translated as Restaurant. "阁", "轩", "府", "坊", "村", "廊" and the like included in Chinese name are deemed as a part of proper name and are written, together with proper name, in Chinese phonetic alphabet, e.g. Qinghexuan Restaurant.
4.1.2 "咖啡馆" is generally translated as Café, "酒吧" as Bar and "茶馆" as Teahouse.
4.1.3 "宾馆" and places such as "酒店" and "饭店" which provide accommodation are translated as Hotel; economic chain hotel may be translated as Motel or Inn.
4.1.4 Names of other accommodation and catering public places and institutions shall be translated and written according to 5.1 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. Specific provisions are given in Annex A.
4.2 Accommodation and catering service information
4.2.1 China-specific food such as 饺子 (dumpling), 包子 (steamed stuffed bun), 粽子 (rice dumpling), 馒头 (steamed bun), 火烧 (baked wheaten cake), 煎饼 (pancake), 肉夹馍 (marinated meat in baked bun) and 油条 (fried bread stick) can be spelt in Chinese phonetic alphabet.
4.2.2 Other accommodation and catering service information shall be translated and written according to 5.2 in GB/T 30240.1-2013. Specific translation method for catering service information is given in Annex B and that of accommodation service information is given in Annex C.
4.3 Words and expressions selection and spelling method
The selection and spelling of English words and expressions shall meet the requirements of 5.3 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
4.4 Grammar and format
English person, tense, single and plural form and abbreviation shall meet the requirements of 5.4 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
5 Writing Requirements
English capitalization, punctuation, font, blank space, line advance and the like shall meet the requirements of Chapter 6 in GB/T 30240.1-2013.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Translation Methods and Requirements 5 Writing Requirements Annex A (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Names of Accommodation and Catering Places and Institutions Annex B (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Catering Service Information Annex C (Informative) Examples for English Translations of Accommodation Service Information
B.4限令禁止信息 限令禁止信息英文译法示例见表B.3。 表B.3 限令禁止信息英文译法示例 序号 中文 英文 1 本柜恕不接受VIP卡 VIP Cards Not Accepted 2 谢绝外带食物;外来食品请勿入内 Outside Food Not Allowed或No Outside Food 3 文明用餐,请勿喧哗 Please Help Maintain a Quiet Atmosphere 4 适量取食,请勿浪费 Take Only What You Need//Do Not Waste Food 5 切勿暴饮暴食 Eat Light,Eat Right 6 切勿酒后驾车 Do Not Drink and Drive
B.5指示指令信息 指示指令信息英文译法示例见表B.4。 表B.4指示指令信息英文译法示例 序号 中文 英文 1 请照看好您的小孩 Please Do Not Leave Your Child Unattended 2 请依次取餐 Please Wait in Line 3 请加热后食用 Heat Before Eating或Heat Before You Eat 4 请不要遗忘个人物品 Please Do Not Leave Your Belongings Behind
B.6说明提示信息 说明提示信息英文译法示例见表B.5。 表B.5说明提示信息英文译法示例 序号 中文 英文 1 免费泊车 Free Parking 2 代客泊车 Valet Parking 3 提供酒后代驾服务 Designated Driver Service Available[Available可以省略] 4 订餐;订座 Table Reservation 5 已预订;预留 Reserved 6 招牌菜 Specialty Dish或Signature Dish 7 风味食品 Special Delicacies 8 风味小吃 Local Snacks或Local Delicacies或Local Food 9 餐厅服务员 Waiter[男];Waitress[女] 10 厨师 Chef 11 厨师长 Head Chef 12 调酒师 Bartender
B.7其他餐饮信息 其他餐饮信息英文译法示例见表B.6。 表B.6其他餐饮信息英文译法示例 序号 中文 英文 (餐类) 1 中餐 Chinese Food或Chinese Cuisine 2 西餐 Western Food或Western Cuisine 3 快餐 Fast Food 4 中式快餐 Chinese Fast Food 5 自助餐 Buffet (菜类) 6 凉菜 Cold Dishes 7 热菜;热炒 Hot Dishes 8 荤菜 Meat Dishes 9 素菜 Vegetable Dishes
C.3警示警告信息 警示警告信息英文译法示例见表C.2。 表C.2警示警告信息英文译法示例 序号 中文 英文 1 注意,此处设有视频监控 This Area Is Under Video Surveillance 2 只允许剃须刀充电[用于插座上] Shavers Only
C.4限令禁止信息 限令禁止信息英文译法示例见表C.3。 表C.3 限令禁止信息英文译法示例 序号 中文 英文 1 请勿卧床吸烟 Do Not Smoke in Bed 2 当心火险 Fire Hazard 3 如遇火警,请勿使用电梯 Do Not Use Elevator in Case of Fire 4 请勿打扰 Please Do Not Disturb 5 请勿影响其他客人休息 Please Do Not Disturb other Guests 6 严禁赌博 Gambling Is Forbidden by Law 7 请勿让孩子独自搭乘电梯 Children Must Be Accompanied by an Adult 8 请勿推门 Do Not Push 9 不准泊车 No Parking
表C.3(续) 序号 中文 英文 10 不准停放自行车 No Bicycle Parking 11 顾客止步 Staff Only 12 限紧急情况下使用 Emergency Use Only
C.5指示指令信息 指示指令信息英文译法示例见表C.4。 表C.4指示指令信息英文译法示例 序号 中文 英文 1 访客请登记 All Visitors Must Register
2 请在此处先刷房卡,再按目的楼层[电梯内] Please Swipe Your Room Card Here Before Pressing the Number of Your Floor 3 乘此梯至地下停车场 Elevator to Underground Parking 4 请留意退房时间 Our checkout time is____ O’clock或Check-Out Time:____O’clock 5 请保持整洁 Please Keep This Area Clean 6 请即打扫 Please Make up My Room 7 请将您的自行车锁好 Please Lock Your Bicycle 8 请将您需要清洁的皮鞋放置在此,我们将乐于为您服务。 Please place your shoes here if you would like to have them pol-ished. 9 请节约用水 Please Conserve Water或Please Save Water 10 请节约用纸[用于厕所] Please Save Toilet Paper 11 贵重物品请自行妥善保管 Please Keep Your Valuables With You 12 如需帮助,请即对讲 Lift the Handset for Assistance 13 票款当面点清;找零请当面点清 Please Check Your Change Before Leaving the Counter 14 如需帮助,请按键 Press Button for Assistance 15 紧急时请按此按钮 Press Button in Emergency
C.6说明提示信息 说明提示信息英文译法示例见表C.5。 表C.5说明提示信息英文译法示例 序号 中文 英文 (营业情况) 1 内部施工,暂停营业 Under Construction//Temporarily Closed 2 照常营业 We Are Open或Open 3 暂停服务 Temporarily Out of Service (入住、结账) 4 接待问询 Information或Reception and Information 5 手语服务 Sign Language Services 6 旺季 High Season或Peak Season 7 淡季 Low Season或Slack Season 8 客房价格 Room Rates 9 入宿登记 Check-In 10 住宿登记表 Check-In Form 11 签字 Signature 12 结账[住宿];退房 Check-Out 13 退房时间 Check-Out Time:____O’clock 14 打折;优惠 Discount或Reduced Rate 15 对折;五折 50%Off 16 账单 Bill 17 可用信用卡结账 Credit Card Accepted 18 不接受信用卡结账 Credit Card Not Accepted (客房服务) 19 服务项目 Services Available 20 轮椅借用 Wheelchairs Available 21 儿童车借用 Strollers Available或Baby Carriages Available 22 手杖借用 Walking Sticks Available 23 雨伞借用 Umbrellas Available 24 代客存衣 Coat Check 25 客房服务 Housekeeping 26 客房送餐服务 Room Service或In-Room Dining 27 餐饮服务 Food and Beverages
表C.5(续) 序号 中文 英文 28 洗衣服务 Laundry或Laundry Service 29 冰块服务 Ice Delivery 30 加床服务 Extra Bed Service 31 夜床服务 Turndown Service或Turn Down Service 32 叫醒服务 Wake-Up Call 33 叫早服务 Morning Call 34 行李服务 Baggage Service 35 租车服务 Car Rental 36 擦鞋服务 Shoe Shine Service (互联网服务) 37 互联网服务 Internet Service 38 宽带连接 Internet Connection 39 上网计时收费 Duration-Based Internet Access Charge 40 上网免费 Free Internet Use 41 可使用无线网络 WiFi Available (电话服务) 42 电话服务 Telephone Service 43 电话总机 Operator 44 电话号码查询;信息查询 Information and Telephone Directory 45 外线电话 External Call 46 内线电话;内部电话 Internal Call 47 房间至房间[用于电话机上] Room-to-Room 48 长途电话 Long Distance Call 49 市内电话 Local Call 50 投币电话 Payphone或Coin Telephone (客房内提示说明信息) 51 插卡取电 Insert Key for Power或Insert Card for Power 52 总开关 Master Light Switch[电灯];Main Switch[电源] 53 不间断电源 Uninterruptible Power Supply或UPS 54 赠品 Complimentary 55 免费使用 Free 56 非赠品 Non-Complimentary 57 有偿使用 Not Free 58 冷[用于水龙头上] Cold
表C.5(续) 序号 中文 英文 59 热[用于水龙头上] Hot (其他) 60 感谢您帮助我们节能减排,请将仍要使用的毛巾放在毛巾架上。 Thank you for helping us save water and energy. Please put on the rack the towels you will use again. 61 谢谢光临 Thank You for Your Patronage