is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/Z 29328-2012 Specific configuration of power supply and self-emergency power supply for important power users, and the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/Z 29328-2012:
——the related contents such as configuration requirements of power supply for important power users are adjusted and improved;
——the related contents such as operation and maintenance requirements of emergency power supply for important power users are supplemented and improved;
——the related contents such as type, technical characteristics and typical configuration modes of emergency power supply are supplemented and updated;
——the categories and scope of important power users are adjusted and improved;
——the important power identification subjects and methods are adjusted and improved.
This standard was proposed by the National Energy Administration.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of SAC/TC 296 National Technical Committee on electricity regulation of Standardization Administration of China.
The previous edition of this standard is as follows:
——GB/Z 29328-2012.
Specific configuration of power supply and self-emergency power supply for important power users
1 Scope
This standard specifies the definition and classification of important power users, and the configuration principles and main technical conditions of power supply and self-emergency power supply for important power users.
This standard is applicable to the specific configuration of power supply and self-emergency power supply for important power users.
This standard may also be referenced to for the configuration of power supply and self-emergency power supply for other power users.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2820.1 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 1: Application, ratings and performance
GB 50052 Code for design electric power supply systems
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
protective load
power load required for ensuring the safety of people and property in the power consuming place
Note: the load which will cause one of the following consequences after a power failure is generally deemed to be a protective load:
a) direct personal injury or death;
b) spilling of toxic and harmful substances, thus resulting in large-scale environmental pollution;
c) explosion or fire;
d) large-scale social disorder or serious political impact;
e) major production equipment damage or major direct economic losses.
prime power supply
power supply that can effectively supply power to all loads under normal conditions
standby power supply
power supply that can effectively supply power to all loads or the protective load when the prime power supply fails or is interrupted according to the actual needs of users for the power supply reliability of in terms of safety, business and production
self-emergency power supply
independent power supply that is equipped by the user itself and can reliably supply power to the user's protective load when both the prime and standby power supplies are interrupted
double circuit
two power supply lines providing power to the loads of the same user, which may be from the same bus section of the same power distribution substation
double power supply
two power supply lines providing power to the loads of the same user, which may be respectively from two different power distribution substations or from two bus sections in the same power distribution with different incoming power lines
multiple power supply
more than two power supply lines providing power to the loads of the same user, among which at least two power supply lines are from two different power distribution substations
allowable outage time
maximum outage time that the power user’s protective load can tolerate
non-electrical security measures
non-electrical emergency measures and methods adopted by the users for the purpose of ensuring safety
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviations apply.
EPS: Emergency Power Supply
UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply
4 General
4.1 This standard is formulated with a view to guiding the reasonable configuration of power supply and self-emergency power supply for important power users, improving their ability to respond to power emergencies, effectively preventing secondary disasters, and maintaining social public security.
4.2 This standard defines the scope and classification of important power users, and specifies the configuration principles and technical conditions of the power supply for important power users.
4.3 This standard specifies the configuration principles and technical conditions of the self-emergency power supply for important power users, and standardizes the connection, switching, operation and maintenance of self-emergency power supply for important power users.
4.4 The configuration of power supply and self-emergency power supply for important power users shall comply with this standard. For industries that have relevant national standards, these relevant standards may be complied with.
5 Definition and classification of important power users
5.1 Definition of important power users
5.1.1 An important power user refers to a power user that occupies an important position in the social, political, and economic life of a country or a region (city), and may cause personal injury or death, greater environmental pollution, greater political impact, greater economic losses, and serious public disorder in case of power interruption, or a power consuming place with special requirements for power supply reliability. Refer to Annexes A and B for the classification and scope of important power users.
5.1.2 Identification of important power users shall be carried out by the power supply enterprises and power users under the organization of the competent power department of the local people’s government at or above the county level according to the requirements of the Regulations on emergency disposal, investigation and handling of electric power safety accidents.
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations 4 General 5 Definition and classification of important power users 5.1 Definition of important power users 5.2 Classification of important power users 6 Configuration of power supply for important power users 6.1 Configuration principles of power supply for important power users 6.2 Technical requirements for configuration of power supply for important power users 7 Configuration of self-emergency power supply for important power users 7.1 Type of self-emergency power supply 7.2 Configuration principles of self-emergency power supply 7.3 Technical requirements for configuration of self-emergency power supply 7.4 Operation of self-emergency power supply Annex A (Informative) Classification of important power users Annex B (Informative) Scope of important power users Annex C (Informative) Typical configuration modes of power supply Annex D (Informative) Typical configuration modes of self-emergency power supply Bibliography
重要电力用户供电电源及自备 应急电源配置技术规范 1 范围 本标准规定了重要电力用户的界定和分级、供电电源和自备应急电源的配置原则和主要技术条件。 本标准适用于重要电力用户的供电电源及自备应急电源的配置。 其他电力用户的供电电源和自备应急电源配置可参照执行。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 2820.1 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第1部分:用途、定额和性能 GB 50052 供配电系统设计规范 3 术语和定义、缩略语 3.1 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1.1 保安负荷 protective load 用于保障用电场所人身与财产安全所需的电力负荷。 注:一般认为,断电后会造成下列后果之一的,为保安负荷: a) 直接引发人身伤亡的; b) 使有毒、有害物溢出,造成环境大面积污染的; c) 将引起爆炸或火灾的; d) 将引起较大范围社会秩序混乱或在政治上产生严重影响的; e) 将造成重大生产设备损坏或引起重大直接经济损失的。 3.1.2 主供电源 prime power supply 在正常情况下,能有效为全部负荷提供电力的电源。 3.1.3 备用电源 standby power supply 根据用户在安全、业务和生产上对供电可靠性的实际需求,在主供电源发生故障或断电时,能有效为全部负荷或保安负荷提供电力的电源。 3.1.4 自备应急电源 self-emergency power supply 在主供和备用电源全部发生中断的情况下,由用户自行配备的,能为用户保安负荷可靠供电的独立电源。 3.1.5 双回路 double circuit 为同一用户负荷供电的两回供电线路,两回供电线路可以来自同一变电站的同一母线段。 3.1.6 双电源 duble power supply 为同一用户负荷供电的两回供电线路,两回供电线路可以分别来自两个不同变电站,或来自不同电源进线的同一变电站内两段母线。 3.1.7 多电源 multiple power supply 为同一用户负荷供电的两回以上供电线路,至少有两回供电线路分别来自两个不同变电站。 3.1.8 允许断电时间 allowable outage time 电力用户的保安负荷所能容忍的最长断电时间。 3.1.9 非电保安措施 non-electrical security measures 为保证安全,用户所采取的非电性质的应急手段和方法。 3.2 缩略语 下列缩略语适用于本文件。 EPS:应急电源(Emergency Power Supply) UPS:不间断电源(Uninterruptible Power Supply) 4 总则 4.1 为指导重要电力用户 供电电源及自备应急电源的合理配置.提高其应对电力突发事件的能力,有效防止次生灾害发生,维护社会公共安全。 4.2 对重要电力用户的范围进行了界定和分级。规定了重要电力用户供电电源的配置原则和技术条件。 4.3 规定了重要电力用户自备应急电源的配置原则和技术条件。对重要电力用户自备应急电源的接入、投切、运行和维护等方面进行了规范。 4.4 重要电力用户供电电源及自备应急电源的配置应遵照执行,已有相关国家标准规定的行业,可按照相关标准执行。 5 重要电力用户的界定和分级 5.1 重要电力用户界定 5.1.1 重要电力用户是指在国家或者一个地区(城市)的社会、政治、经济生活中占有重要地位,供电中断将可能造成人身伤亡、较大环境污染、较大政治影响、较大经济损失、社会公共秩序严重混乱的用电单位或对供电可靠性有特殊要求的用电场所。重要电力用户的分类与范围参见附录A和附录B。 5.1.2 重要电力用户的认定按电力安全事故应急处置和调查处理条例要求,由县级以上地方人民政府电力主管部门组织供电企业和用户统一开展,采取一次认定,每年审核新增和变更的重要电力用户。 5.2 重要电力用户分级 5.2.1 根据供电可靠性的要求以及供电中断的危害程度,重要电力用户可分为特级、一级、二级重要电力用户和临时性重要电力用户。为了便于对重要电力用户进行界定,可参见表B.1。 5.2.2 特级重要电力用户,是指在管理国家事务中具有特别重要的作用,供电中断将可能危害国家安全的电力用户。 5.2.3 一级重要电力用户,是指供电中断将可能产生下列后果之一的电力用户: a) 直接引发人身伤亡的; b) 造成严重环境污染的; c) 发生中毒、爆炸或火灾的; d) 造成重大政治影响的; e) 造成重大经济损失的; f) 造成较大范围社会公共秩序严重混乱的。 5.2.4 二级重要电力用户,是指供电中断将可能产生下列后果之一的电力用户: a) 造成较大环境污染的; b) 造成较大政治影响的; c) 造成较大经济损失的; d) 造成一定范围社会公共秩序严重混乱的。 5.2.5 临时性重要电力用户,是指需要临时特殊供电保障的电力用户。 6 重要电力用户的供电电源配置 6.1 重要电力用户供电电源配置原则 6.1.1 重要电力用户的供电电源一般包括主供电源和备用电源。重要电力用户的供电电源应依据其对供电可靠性的需求、负荷特性、用电设备特性、用电容量、对供电安全的要求、供电距离、当地公共电网现状、发展规划及所在行业的特定要求等因素,通过技术、经济比较后确定。 6.1.2 重要电力用户电压等级和供电电源数量应根据其用电需求、负荷特性和安全供电准则来确定。 6.1.3 重要电力用户应根据其生产特点、负荷特性等,合理配置非电保安措施。 6.1.4 在地区公共电网无法满足重要电力用户的供电电源需求时,重要电力用户应根据自身需求,按照相关标准自行建设或配置独立电源。 6.2 重要电力用户供电电源配置技术要求 6.2.1 重要电力用户的供电电源应采用多电源、双电源或双回路供电。当任何一路或一路以上电源发生故障时,至少仍有一路电源能对保安负荷供电。 6.2.2 特级重要电力用户应采用多电源供电;一级重要电力用户至少应采用双电源供电;二级重要电力用户至少应采用双回路供电。重要电力用户典型供电模式,包括适用范围及其供电方式参见附录C。 6.2.3 临时性重要电力用户按照用电负荷的重要性,在条件允许情况下,可以通过临时敷设线路或移动发电设备等方式满足双回路或两路以上电源供电条件。 6.2.4 重要电力用户供电电源的切换时间和切换方式应满足重要电力用户保安负荷允许断电时间的要求。切换时间不能满足保安负荷允许断电时间要求的,重要电力用户应自行采取技术措施解决。 6.2.5 重要电力用户供电系统应简单可靠,简化电压层级,重要电力用户的供电系统设计应按GB 50052执行。 6.2.6 对电能质量有特殊需求的重要电力用户,应自行加装电能质量控制装置。 6.2.7 双电源或多路电源供电的重要电力用户,宜采用同级电压供电。但根据不同负荷需要及地区供电条件,亦可采用不同电压供电。采用双电源的同一重要电力用户,不宜采用同杆架设或电缆同沟敷设供电。 7 重要电力用户的自备应急电源配置 7.1 自备应急电源类型 下列电源可作为自备应急电源: a) 自备电厂。 b) 发动机驱动发电机组,包括: 1) 柴油发动机发电机组; 2) 汽油发动机发电机组; 3) 燃气发动机发电机组。 c) 静态储能装置,包括: 1) UPS; 2) EPS; 3) 蓄电池; 4) 超级电容。 d) 动态储能装置(飞轮储能装置)。 e) 移动发电设备,包括: 1) 装有电源装置的专用车辆; 2) 小型移动式发电机。 f) 其他新型电源装置。 7.2 自备应急电源配置原则 7.2.1 重要电力用户均应配置自备应急电源,电源容量至少应满足全部保安负荷正常启动和带载运行的要求。 7.2.2 重要电力用户的自备应急电源应与供电电源同步建设,同步投运,可设置专用应急母线,提升重要用户的应急能力。 7.2.3 自备应急电源的配置应依据保安负荷的允许断电时间、容量、停电影响等负荷特性,综合考虑各类应急电源在启动时间、切换方式、容量大小、持续供电时间、电能质量、节能环保、适用场所等方面的技术性能,合理的选取自备应急电源。重要电力用户自备应急电源配置典型模式参见附录D。 7.2.4 重要电力用户应具备外部应急电源接入条件,有特殊供电需求及临时重要电力用户,应配置外部应急电源接入装置。 7.2.5 自备应急电源应符合国家有关安全、消防、节能、环保等相关技术标准的要求。 7.2.6 自备应急电源应配置闭锁装置,防止向电网反送电。 7.3 自备应急电源配置技术要求 7.3.1 允许断电时间的技术要求: a) 保安负荷允许断电时间为毫秒级的,应选用满足相应技术条件的静态储能不间断电源或动态储能不间断电源,且采用在线运行方式; b) 保安负荷允许断电时间为秒级的,应选用满足相应技术条件的静态储能电源、快速自动启动发电机组等电源,且具有自动切换功能; c) 保安负荷允许断电时间为分钟级的,应选用满足相应技术条件的发电机组等电源,可采用自动切换装置,也可以手动的方式进行切换。 7.3.2 自备应急电源需求容量的技术要求: a) 自备应急电源需求容量达到百兆瓦级的,用户可选用满足相应技术条件的独立于电网的自备电厂作为自备应急电源; b) 自备应急电源需求容量达到兆瓦级的,用户应选用满足相应技术条件的大容量发电机组、动态储能装置、大容量静态储能装置(如EPS)等自备应急电源;如选用往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组,可参照GB/T 2820.1的要求执行; c) 自备应急电源需求容量达到百千瓦级的,用户可选用满足相应技术条件的中等容量静态储能不间断电源(如UPS)或小型发电机组等自备应急电源; d) 自备应急电源需求容量达到千瓦级的,用户可选用满足相应技术条件的小容量静态储能电源(如小型移动式UPS、储能装置)等自备应急电源。 7.3.3 持续 供电时间和供电质量的技术要求: a) 对于持续供电时间要求在标准条件下12 h以内,对供电质量要求不高的保安负荷,可选用满足相应技术条件的一般发电机组作为自备应急电源; b) 对于持续供电时间要求在标准条件下12 h以内,对供电质量要求较高的保安负荷,可选用满足相应技术条件的供电质量高的发电机组、动态储能不间断供电装置、静态储能装置或采用静态储能装置与发电机组的组合作为自备应急电源; c) 对于持续供电时间要求在标准条件下2 h以内,对供电质量要求较高的保安负荷,可选用满足相应技术条件的大容量静态储能装置作为自备应急电源; d) 对于持续供电时间要求在标准条件下30 min以内,对供电质量要求较高的保安负荷,可选用满足相应技术条件的小容量静态储能装置作为自备应急电源。 7.3.4 对于环保和防火等有特殊要求的用电场所,应选用满足相应要求的自备应急电源。