This standard specifies the method for determination of flash and fire points with open cup.
This standard is applicable to the determination of lubricating oil and dark petroleum products.
2 Normative References
GB 514 Liquid in Glass Thermometers for Petroleum Products-Specification
GB 1922 Solvent Naphthas
SY 3609 Specification for Open Flash Point Tester
3 Summary of Test Method
The crucible is filled to a specified graduation mark with the sample. The temperature of the sample is increased rapidly at first and then at a slow constant rate as the flash point is approached. At specified temperature intervals, a small igniter flame passes across the sample surface as required. The lowest temperature at which application of the test flame causes the vapor on the surface of the sample to ignite is taken as the flash point for open cup method. To determine the fire point, the test is continued until the application of the igniter flame causes the sample to ignite and burn for at least 5s.
4 Apparatus and Material
4.1 Apparatus
4.1.1 Open flash point tester: meeting the requirements of SY 3609.
4.1.2 Thermometer: meeting the requirements of GB 514.
4.1.3 Gaslight, alcohol blast burner or electric furnace (the electric furnace must be applied when determining the sample with flash point larger than 200℃).
4.2 Material
Solvent naphtha: meeting the requirements of NY-120 of GB 1922.
1 Subject Content and Application Scope 2 Normative References 3 Summary of Test Method 4 Apparatus and Material 5 Preparation 6 Procedure 7 Precision 8 Report Additional Explanation