is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed by reference to ISO 4607-1978 Plastics - Methods of exposure to natural weathering.
Test method for atmosphere exposure of glass fiber reinforced plastics
1 Subject content and applicable scope
This standard specifies exposed pieces, exposure site, exposure racks, test procedure, and result calculation for atmosphere exposure test of glass fiber reinforced plastics.
This standard is applicable to the evaluation of the influence of atmosphere exposure on the appearance and physical or mechanical performances of glass fiber reinforced plastics at the state without applied stress.
2 Normative references
GB 1446 Fiber-reinforced plastics composites - The generals for determination of properties
3 Exposed pieces
3.1 Specimen, specimen plate, or physical objects may be used as the exposed pieces for atmosphere exposure test.
3.2 The specimen shall meet the requirements of GB 1446.
3.3 The dimension of the specimen plate shall be calculated according to the dimension and quantity required by the performance test, and the edge of 20 to 30 mm shall be added.
3.4 The physical object shall meet the requirements of the exposure site and the specimen processing method shall be specified.
3.5 The exposed pieces, before the test, shall be sampled according to the performance requirements, initial performance shall be determined under standard atmospheres, and then the quantity of exposed pieces to be tested shall be determined according to the exposure duration, contrast group number and other relevant requirements. It is recommended to carry out calculation according to twice of the exposed quantity, among which one half of pieces are used for exposure test and the other half for indoor shelf test; after a certain period, all the pieces shall be sampled at the same time and be determined for their performances under the same conditions so as to perform indoor and outdoor performance comparison.
3.6 Unless otherwise specified, the number of exposed pieces in each group shall not be less than 5.
3.7 The exposed pieces, in addition to being sampled from the same batch, shall also be sampled and grouped randomly.
4 Exposure site
4.1 The places with representative climate types or with environment conditions similar to that of the actual use shall be selected as the exposure site.
4.2 Exposure site shall be flat and shall not be affected by high-rise structures. If there are obstacles around, the distance between the exposed site and the obstacle shall be greater than three times the height of the obstacle.
4.3 Exposure site shall maintain the vegetation status of local natural environment, mainly of grass ground, and the grass height should not exceed 30 cm. If there is snow, do not destroy it artificially.
4.4 Exposure site is allowed to be placed on the roof of the building, but the materials used for the roofing platform must be stated in the test report.
4.5 Meteorological observation instruments shall be provided at the same time when the exposure site is arranged, and observation shall be conducted. The installation and observation methods of relevant meteorological observation instruments shall be carried out according to Specifications for Surface Meteorological Observation and Specifications for Solar Radiation Observation promulgated by China Meteorological Administration. If there is a meteorological observatory (station) near the exposure site, the observation data may be used directly.
Atmospheric meteorological data shall include: air temperature (mean, maximum, minimum), air pressure, relative humidity, total precipitation, average wind velocity, sunshine duration, sunshine percentage, total horizontal solar radiation, land surface temperature (mean, maximum, minimum), monthly and annual mean values (or cumulative values) of acid rain.
Exposure sites with special environment may be subject to additional observation items as required.
4.6 Contrast exposures shall be kept indoors near the exposure site without direct sunlight.
5 Exposed rack and fixing method of exposed pieces
5.1 The exposed rack is used to place exposed pieces. See the following figure for the structure.
Foreword i 1 Subject content and applicable scope 2 Normative references 3 Exposed pieces 4 Exposure site 5 Exposed rack and fixing method of exposed pieces 6 Test procedure 7 Result calculation 8 Test report Additional explanation