This Standard specifies the definition, principle, reagents and materials, apparatus, test conditions, procedure and precision of the determination of fusibility of coal ash.
This Standard is applicable to lignite, soft coal, hard coal and coal water mixture.
Foreword I 1 Scope 1 2 Normative References 1 3 Terms and Definitions 2 4 Principle 2 5 Reagents and Materials 3 6 Apparatus 4 7 Test Conditions 6 8 Preparation of Ash Cone 7 9 Procedure 7 10 Inspection for Weakly Reducing Atmosphere 9 11 Precision 10 12 Test Report 10 Appendix A (Informative) Comparison of Chapter and Article Numbers of This Standard to those of ISO 540: 1995 (E) 11 Appendix B (Informative) Technical Differences between this Standard and ISO 540: 1995 (E) as well as the Reasons 13