GB/T 21559.2:2023 Rolling bearings - Linear motion rolling bearings - Part 2: Static load ratings
Rolling bearings - Linear motion rolling bearings - Part 2: Static load ratings
1 Scope
This document specifies methods of calculating the basic static load rating, static equivalent load and static safety factor for linear motion rolling bearings.
This document is applicable to linear motion rolling bearings manufactured from contemporary, commonly used, high quality, hardened bearing steel in accordance with good manufacturing practice and basically of conventional design with regard to the shape of the rolling contact surfaces.
This document is not applicable to designs where the rolling elements operate directly on the slide surface of the machine equipment, unless that surface is equivalent in all respects to the raceway of the linear motion rolling bearing component it replaces.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 76 Rolling bearings - Static load ratings
Note: GB/T 4662-2012 Rolling bearings - Static load ratings (ISO 76:2006, IDT)
ISO 5593 Rolling bearings- Vocabulary
Note: GB/T 6930-2002 Rolling bearings - Vocabulary (ISO 5593:1997, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 76 and ISO 5593 as well as the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
——ISO Online browsing platform: available at;
——IEC Electropedia: available at
recirculating linear ball bearing, sleeve type, with or without raceway grooves
basically cylindrical sleeve provided with a number of closed loops of recirculating balls designed to achieve linear rolling motion along a hardened cylindrical shaft
Note 1: See Figure 1.
Note 2: The raceways in the sleeve can be designed cylindrical as well as steel inserts with raceway grooves parallel to the axis.
Figure 1 Recirculating linear ball bearing, sleeve type
recirculating linear ball (or roller) bearing, linear guideway, carriage type
linear ball (or roller) bearing provided with a number of symmetrically arranged, closed loops of recirculating balls (or rollers) designed to achieve linear rolling motion along a hardened guideway furnished with adequate raceways
Note: See Figure 2.
Figure 2 Recirculating linear ball (or roller) bearing, linear guideway, carriage type
non-recirculating linear ball bearing, linear guideway, deep groove type
linear bearing with balls as rolling elements, each ball having two points of contact
Note 1: See Figure 3.
recirculating linear ball bearing, sleeve type, with or without raceway grooves
basically cylindrical sleeve provided with a number of closed loops of recirculating balls designed to achieve linear rolling motion along a hardened cylindrical shaft
Note 1: See Figure 1.
Note 2: The raceways in the sleeve can be designed cylindrical as well as steel inserts with raceway grooves parallel to the axis.
Figure 1 Recirculating linear ball bearing, sleeve type
recirculating linear ball (or roller) bearing, linear guideway, carriage type
linear ball (or roller) bearing provided with a number of symmetrically arranged, closed loops of recirculating balls (or rollers) designed to achieve linear rolling motion along a hardened guideway furnished with adequate raceways
Foreword I Introduction II 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Symbols 5 Basic static load ratings 6 Static equivalent load 7 Static load safety factor Bibliography
滚动轴承 直线运动滚动支承 第2部分:额定静载荷 1 范围 本文件规定了直线运动滚动支承基本额定静载荷、当量静载荷和静载荷安全系数的计算方法。 本文件适用于采用现代常用、高质量淬硬轴承钢、按良好加工方法制造,且滚动接触表面的形状基本上为常规设计的直线运动滚动支承。 本文件不适用于滚动体直接在机械设备的光滑表面上运转的设计,除非该表面在各方面与其所代替的直线运动滚动支承零部件的滚道相当。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。其中,注日期的引用文件,仅该日期对应的版本适用于本文件;不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 ISO 76 滚动轴承 额定静载荷(Rolling bearings—Static load ratings) 注:GB/T 4662—2012 滚动轴承 额定静载荷(ISO 76:2006,IDT) ISO 5593 滚动轴承 词汇(Rolling bearings—Vocabulary) 注:GB/T 6930—2002 滚动轴承 词汇(ISO 5593:1997,IDT) 3 术语和定义 ISO 76和ISO 5593界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 ISO和IEC维护的标准化工作中使用的术语数据库网址如下: ——ISO在线浏览平台:; ——IEC电工百科:。 3.1 有或无沟道套筒型循环球直线轴承 recirculating linear ball bearing, sleeve type, with or without raceway grooves 为实现沿淬硬圆柱形轴作直线滚动运动而设计的具有若干循环球封闭滚道的基本圆柱形套简。 注1:见图1。 注2:套筒上的滚道被设计为圆柱形或具有平行于轴线的沟道的钢制嵌块。
图1 套筒型循环球直线轴承 3.2 滑块型循环球(或滚子)直线导轨支承 recirculating linear ball (or roller) bearing, linear guideway, carriage type 为实现沿设有相应滚道的淬硬导轨作直线滚动运动而设计的具有若干循环球(或滚子)的对称、封闭滚道的直线球(或滚子)支承。 注:见图2。
图2 滑块型循环球(或滚子)直线导轨支承 3.3 深沟型非循环球直线导轨支承 non-recirculating linear ball bearing, linear guideway, deep groove type 用球作滚动体,每个球有两个接触点的直线支承。 注1:见图3。 注2:两导轨的沟道截面半径相等,且在0.52DW~+∞之间。
图3 深沟型非循环球直线导轨支承 3.4 四点接触型非循环球直线导轨支承 non-recirculating linear ball bearing, linear guideway, four-point-contact type 用球作滚动体,每个球有四个接触点的直线支承。 注1:见图1。 注2:两导轨上四个接触点的沟道截面半径相等,且在0.52DW~+∞之间。
图4 四点接触型非循环球直线导轨支承 3.5 平型非循环滚子直线导轨支承 non-recirculating linear roller bearing, linear guideway, flat type 用滚针或圆柱滚子作滚动体的直线支承。 注:见图5。
图5 平型非循环滚子直线导轨支承 3.6 V型非循环滚子直线导轨支承 non-recirculating linear roller bearing, linear guideway, V-angle type 导轨为90°V型构件的直线支承。 注1:见图6。 注2:常用滚针或圆柱滚子作滚动体。
图6 V型非循环滚子直线导轨支承 3.7 交叉滚子型非循环滚子直线导轨支承 nor-reirculating linear roller bearing, linear guideway, crossed roller type 圆柱滚子交叉排设的直线支承。 注:见图7。
图7 交叉滚子型非循环滚子直线导轨支承 3.8 静载荷安全系数 static load safety factor 表示克服滚动体和滚道上产生不允许超过永久变形量的安全裕度的基本额定静载荷与当量静载荷之比。 3.9 直线运动滚动支承的基本额定静载荷 basic static rating of a linear motion rolling bearing 最大载荷滚动体与滚道接触中心处产生的,与计算的接触应力(σmax)相当的静载荷。 注:这些接触应力是指引起滚动体和滚道产生约为滚动体直径0.0001倍总永久变形量时的应力: ——对于套筒型循环球直线轴承,σmax=5300 MPa; ——对于循环球导轨直线支承,见表1; ——对于非循环球直线支承,见表1; ——对于直线滚子支承σmax=4000 MPa。 表1 接触应力σmax