is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 21181-2007 Secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots. The following technical content changes have been made with respect to GB/T 21181-2007:
——Three designations ZSPb99.98, ZSPb99.95 and ZSPb98.00 are canceled;
——Two designations ZSPb99.994 and ZSPb99.992 are added.
This standard was proposed by the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association.
This standard was prepared by National Technical Committee on Nonferrous Metals of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 243).
Secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, quality certificate and order form (or contract) contents of secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots.
This standard is applicable to secondarily lead and its alloy ingots produced by smelting and processing waste materials containing lead, which are mainly used in the fields of batteries, alloys and chemical industry.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 1250 Rules for expression and judgment of limiting values
GB/T 4103 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys (all parts)
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgment of limiting values
3 Requirements
3.1 Classification
Secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots are classified into seven designations according to their chemical composition: ZSPB99.994, ZSPB99.992, ZSPBSbl, ZSPBSb2, ZSPBCa, ZSPBSnl and ZSPBSn2.
3.2 Chemical composition
3.2.1 The chemical composition of secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots shall comply with the provisions in Table 1.
3.2.2 The special requirements, if any, proposed by the buyer for alloying elements and impurities shall be determined by the supplier and the buyer through negotiation.
3.2.3 Lead (Pb) content is 100% minus the sum of the other elements actually measured in Table 1.
3.3 Physical specifications
3.3.1 Secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots are rectangular trapezoids with bundling grooves at the bottom and protruding ears at both ends.
3.3.2 The weight per ingot may be 48 kg+2 kg, 40 kg+2 kg, 24 kg+1 kg, or determined by negotiation between the supplier and the buyer.
3.3.3 If the buyer raises special requirements on the specifications and shapes of secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots, agreement made reached through negotiation of the supplier and the buyer.
3.3.4 The surface of secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots shall be free from slag, karst cave, granular oxide, inclusions and external pollution, cold segregation, and flash burr greater than 10 mm (trimming is allowed).
4 Test methods
4.1 The analytical method for chemical composition arbitration of secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots shall be in accordance with GB/T 4103 (all parts), or follow the method approved by both parties.
4.2 The surface quality of secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots shall be inspected visually.
Table 1 Chemical composition of secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots
Note: Designation representation: "ZS" is the initials of "regeneration" in Chinese Pinyin.
5 Inspection rules
5.1 Inspection and acceptance
5.1.1 Secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots shall be inspected by the supplier's technical supervision department to ensure that the product quality meets the requirements of this standard or the order form (or contract), with the quality certificate filled in.
5.1.2 The buyer shall inspect the products received according to the provisions of this standard. If the inspection results are inconsistent with the provisions of this standard or the order form (or contract), the buyer shall submit them to the supplier within 15 days from the date of receiving the products, and the supplier and the buyer shall negotiate and solve them. In case of arbitration, arbitration sampling shall be conducted jointly by both suppliers and buyer at the buyer's site.
5.2 Batching
5.2.1 Secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots shall be submitted for inspection in batches, each batch shall consist of products of the same smelting number, and the batch size shall not exceed 120 to
5.2.2 According to the requirements of the buyer, it is allowed to form one inspection batch by multiple production batches of the same designation, and the batch size shall be executed according to the requirements of the buyer.
5.3 Inspection items
Each batch of secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots shall be inspected for chemical composition and surface quality.
5.4 Arbitration sampling and sample preparation
5.4.1 Arbitration sampling quantity: 2% of secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots shall be randomly selected as sample ingots, and the total number of sample ingots shall be multiples of 6 for grouping. If there are less than 6 ingots after grouping, they shall be supplemented from secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots, but shall not be discarded.
5.4.2 Arbitration sampling method: Ingots shall be sampled in groups of 6 ingots. Sampling shall be conducted by drilling or sawing. At drilling or sawing, no lubricant shall be used, and the speed shall not oxidize the sample. At sampling, the skin shall be removed, and the depth of drilling and sawing shall not be less than two-thirds of the ingot thickness. To specific:
a) Drilling method: Sample with a drill bit with a diameter of 10 mm to 15 mm, arrange the pouring surface A and the bottom surface B into a rectangle in turn, draw two diagonal lines on the rectangle, with the two points intersecting the longitudinal center line of each ingot being the sampling points of the ingot, as shown in Figure 1.
b) Sawing method: The saw blade is perpendicular to the regenerated lead and lead alloy ingot, and sawing shall be conducted transversely through the sampling point of drilling method.
5.4.3 Preparation of sample: Make the obtained sample into chip shape of not more than 4 mm, remove the iron filings brought in during processing with magnets, mix carefully and shrink it to not less than 360 g by quartering method, and make it serve as arbitration analysis sample.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Requirements 4 Test methods 5 Inspection rules 6 Marking, packaging, storage, transportation and quality certificate 7 Contents of order form (or contract)
ICS 77.150.60 H69 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 21181—2017 代替 GB/T 21181—2007 再生铅及铅合金锭 Secondarily lead and lead alloy ingots 2022-06-30发布 2023-06-30实施 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会 发布