GB/T 19963.1-2021 Technical specification for connecting wind farm to power system - Part 1: On shore wind power
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements for connecting onshore wind farms into to power system.
This document is applicable to newly built or modified (expanded) onshore wind farms connected to the power system through lines with voltage levels of 110 (66) kV and above.
It may also serve as a reference for onshore wind farms connected to the power system through other voltage levels.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 12326 Power quality - Voltage fluctuation and flicker
GB/T 14285 Technical code for relaying protection and security automatic equipment
GB/T 14549 Quality of electric energy supply - Harmonics in public supply network
GB/T 15543 Power quality - Three-phase voltage unbalance
GB/T 19862 General requirements for monitoring equipment of power quality
GB/T 22239 Information security technology - Baseline for classified protection of cybersecurity
GB/T 24337 Power quality - Interharmonics in public supply network
GB/T 31464 The grid operation code
GB/T 36572 Guidelines of cyber security protection for electric power system supervision and control
GB 38755 Code on security and stability for power system
GB/T 50063 Code for design of electrical measuring device of power system
DL/T 448 Technical administrative code of electric energy metering
DL/T 1870 Technical specification for power grid and source coordination
DL/T 5003 Specifications for the design of dispatch automation in electric power systems
NB/T 31046 Function specification of wind power forecasting system
NB/T 31055 Guide on wind farm theoretical energy production and wind energy curtailment evaluation
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
wind farm;
wind power plant
power station consisting of a batch of wind turbines or wind turbine groups (including unit transformers), collection lines, main step-up transformers and other equipment
point of connection of onshore wind farm
high-voltage side bus or node of onshore wind farm booster station
transmission line of wind farm
transmission line from the point of connection of wind farm to the public grid
active power of wind farm
active power output by a wind farm to the grid through its point of connection
reactive power of wind farm
reactive power output by a wind farm to the grid through its point of connection
active power change
difference between the maximum and minimum active power of the wind farm within a certain time interval
wind power forecasting
forecasting of the active power of the wind farm for a period of time in the future using information such as wind speed, power, or numerical weather forecast data as inputs for the model, combined with the equipment status and operating conditions of the wind farm units
medium-term wind power forecasting
forecasting of the active power of the wind farm from 0:00 the next day to the next 240 hours
Note: The time resolution is 15 min.
short-term wind power forecasting
forecasting of the active power of the wind farm from 0:00 the next day to the next 72 hours
Note: The time resolution is 15 min.
ultra-short-term wind power forecasting
forecasting of the active power of the wind farm in the next 15 minutes to 4 hours.
Note: The time resolution is 15 min.
inertia response of wind farm
function of wind farms to quickly adjust their active power in response to the rate of system frequency change when the frequency of the power system changes rapidly
Note: It is used to mitigate rapid changes in system frequency.
primary frequency regulation of wind farm
function of wind farms to quickly adjust their active power in response to the frequency deviation of the power system when the frequency deviates from the rated value
Note: It is used to reduce the frequency deviation of the power system.
primary frequency delay time
time required for the actual output active power change of the wind farm to reach 10% of the difference between the active power target value and the initial value from the time when the system frequency increases or decreases by more than one frequency modulation dead band (see Annex A)
primary frequency rise time
time required for the actual output active power change of the wind farm to reach 90% of the difference between the active power target value and the initial value from the time when the system frequency increases or decreases by more than one frequency modulation dead band (see Annex A)
primary frequency settling time
minimum time during which the absolute value of the difference between the actual output active power of a wind farm and the target active power value does not exceed the allowable deviation from the moment the system frequency increases or decreases by more than one frequency regulation dead zone (see Annex A)
Foreword i Introduction iv 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Active power of wind farm 5 Inertia response and primary frequency regulation of wind farm 6 Power forecasting of wind farm 7 Reactive capacity of wind farm 8 Voltage control of the wind farm 9 Wind farm fault ride through 10 Adaptability of wind farm operation 11 Power quality of wind farm 12 Simulation models and parameters of wind farm 13 Secondary system of wind farm 14 Test and evaluation of wind farm access system Annex A (Informative) Explanation of control system response performance index Annex B (Informative) Recommended active power control mode of wind farm Annex C (Informative) Example curve of primary frequency regulation of wind farm Annex D (Informative) Calculation method of power forecasting performance of wind farm