This document describes all tests for the technical performance and characteristics of jet fans as defined in ISO 13349. This document does not cover ventilation fans designed for ducting applications or designed separately for air circulation, e.g. ceiling fans and table fans.
The test procedures described in this document apply to laboratory conditions and do not include field performance tests.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document by means of normative references in the text. Where a reference is dated, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; where a reference is not dated, the latest version (including all amendment sheets) applies to this document.
GB/T 1236-2017 Performance Test of Industrial Fans and Standardized Air Ducts (ISO 5801:2007, IDT)
ISO 3744 Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for substantially free over a reflecting plane
Note: GB/T 3767-2016 Acoustics - Engineering method for determining sound power level and sound energy level of noise sources in an approximate free field above the reflecting surface (ISO 3744; 2010, IDT)
ISO 13347 (all parts) Industrial fans - De determination of fan sound power levels der standardized laboratory conditions
Note: GB/T 34877.3 2017 Industrial Fans - Determination of Sound Power Levels of Fans under Standard Laboratory Conditions - Part 3: Envelope Surface Method (ISO 13347-3:2004, IDT)
ISO 13349 Fans - Vocabulary and definitions of categories
Note: GB/T 19075-2003 Industrial Fans Vocabulary and Category Definitions (ISO 13349:1999. IDT)
ISO 14694 Industrial fans - Specifications for balance quality and vibration levels
ISO 14695 Industrial fans - Methods of measurement of vibration
ISO 21940-11 "Mechanical vibration - Rotor balancing - Part 11: Procedures and tolerances for rotors with rigid behavior"
Note: GB/T 9239.1-2006 Mechanical Vibration - Balance Quality Requirements for Constant (Rigid) Rotors - Part 1: Specification and Inspection of Balance Tolerance
(ISO 1940-1;2003,IDT)
IEC 60034-2-1 Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-1: Standard methods for determining losses and efficiency from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)
3 Terms and definitions
The terms defined in ISO 13349 and GB/T 1236-2017 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
effective fan dynamic pressurepa
The conventional quantity of the kinetic energy component of the output of a ventilation fan. For jet fans, this is calculated from the effective outlet air velocity of the ventilator and the inlet density.
Note that the effective fan dynamic pressure differs from the average value of the dynamic pressure through the section, since it does not take into account the fluctuating part of the kinetic energy due to deviations from the mean axial velocity distribution plane.
Gross fan outlet area
The surface area defined immediately downstream of the air conveyor.
Note: As a rule, the gross fan outlet area is the total area of the inner plane of the housing or duct or muffler (see Figure 1) without regard to any obstructions in the ventilator outlet.
Effective fan outlet areaeffective fan owtisy areatr
The effective area of a jet fan ventilator outlet less the area of the motor, fairing or other obstruction mentioned in the notes.
Note 1, if the centre body of the muffler reaches the ventilator outlet plane, then the effective ventilator outlet area is defined as the annular area of the ventilator outlet plane, as shown in Figure
1 a).
Note 2r If the ventilator has a muffler without a central body, as in Figure 1 b), then the effective ventilator outlet area is close to the cross-sectional area within the muffler v not an outlet area of some flared shape
Note 3. If the central body (the central part of the motor or muffler) does not extend to the outlet plane, the effective outlet area of the ventilator is close to the annular area between the housing and the motor, but increases with the distance between the central body and the outlet, as defined in Figure 1 c). When the motor is located on the inlet side, the diagram applies to the impeller hub rather than the motor.
4 Symbols and units
The following symbols and their units apply to this document.
5 Measured characteristic parameters
5.1 Overview
In order to use a jet fan correctly and to obtain satisfactory performance and reliability in the application, in addition to mechanical characteristics such as weight, overall dimensions and mounting dimensions, it is necessary to determine certain socio-economic properties and characteristics.
5.2 Thrust
Friction on the tunnel walls, inlet and outlet losses and sometimes traffic jams, as well as the effects of the weather at the tunnel entrance, create a pressure drop in the tunnel equal to the total pressure rise resulting from the momentum exchange between the jet fan exhaust airflow and the tunnel airflow. Since it is not possible to measure the momentum of the ventilator outlet airflow, but the change in momentum is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the thrust, the thrust measurement is used instead.
5.3 Input power
In order to design a tunnel installation, the input power of the ventilator motor should be known. In addition, this is a parameter that needs to be known in order to determine the overall efficiency of the jet fan.
5.4 Sound level
To ensure the best combination of jet fan and muffler to meet the sound level requirements of the tunnel, the sound levels at the inlet and outlet are usually determined.
Note: The ventilator manufacturer can only guarantee the sound power level of the ventilator, the sound pressure level in the tunnel depends on the size of the tunnel and the sound absorption characteristics, which is not the responsibility of the ventilator manufacturer.
5.5 Vibration speed
For safety, reliability and maintenance purposes, the actual vibration speed of the tunnel fan should be specified and recorded. Vibration speed measurements should be carried out in accordance with ISO 14695.
6 Instruments and measurements
6.1 Dimensions and area
Dimensional measurements and area measurements shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of chapter 11 of GB/T 1236-2017.
6.2 Rotational speed
The impeller rotational speed shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 9 of GB/T 1236-2017.
6.3 Thrust
6.3.1 Force balancing system
By using a calibrated balancing block, the force balancing system shall be able to determine the force or thrust with an uncertainty of ±5%.
6.3.2 Force transducer
The force transducer shall be capable of determining the thrust force with a hand determination of ±5% by using a calibrated balancing block.
6.4 Input power
The input power of the motor or impeller shall be determined in accordance with the coloured sub-chapter 10 of GB/T 1236-2017 and the measured power shall be corrected for density 1.2 kg/m* to determine P. and P.
6.5 Sound level
The sound level measurement system including microphone, wind shield, cable, amplifier and frequency analyser shall comply with ISO 13347.
6.6 Vibration velocity
The vibration velocity shall be measured in accordance with ! The root mean square (RMS) vibration velocity shall be measured by instrumentation in accordance with ISO 14695 to record the vibration velocity of the ventilator.
6.7 Volumetric flow
6.7.1 Pressure measuring instruments
Manometers for measuring differential pressure in the test space and barometers for measuring atmospheric pressure shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 6 of GB/T 1236-2017.
6.7.2 Temperature measuring instruments
Thermometers shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 8 of GB/T 1236-2017, the
7 Determination of thrust
7.1 Overview
There are two feasible basic forms for determining the thrust of a ventilator (T.) using direct measurements:
8 Determination of sound level
8.1 Overview
The semi-reverberant method of determining sound levels is a very practical method which, in addition to the necessary noise measurement instrumentation, requires minimal facilities, requiring only:
-- a suitable space;
--a calibrated sound source (if a calibrated standard sound source is not commercially available, see Appendix A if you wish to make your own).
When the resistance is zero, the ventilator has only one operating point and there is no intricate noise generated by the "loading device". Similarly, since only an open inlet or outlet sound level is required, there is no need for an anechoic end. It is important to recognise that this method measures the noise generated by the ventilator, whether it is radiated from the inlet, outlet or ventilator casing, and is therefore the same as the installation and use of the ventilator in the tunnel.
Alternatively, other international standards for measuring the sound level of fans, such as ISO 13347, can be used.
8.2 Test arrangement
The path of the ventilator, the calibrated standard sound source and the microphone are shown in Figure 8.
9 Determination of vibration speed
9.1 Overview
As the jet fan has only one operating condition in actual use, the test arrangement for vibration velocity of the jet fan can be simplified compared to the provisions of ISO 14695 for laboratory tests.
9.2 Test layout
The test shall be carried out in the same construction as that submitted to the user, otherwise the upstream and downstream mufflers shall be appropriately configured and, where vibration isolators are specified and vibration levels are required to be measured, the minimum static deflections given in Table 1 shall be used for measurement.
Unless otherwise agreed between the user and the supplier, the balance class of the impeller of the ventilator shall be G6.3 as defined in ISO 21940-11 and the motor shall be supplied with a normal vibration class corresponding to the motor base number in accordance with IEC 60034-14.
10 Determination of flow rate
10.1 General
It should be noted that the flow rate through a jet fan is not directly related to the flow rate through a tunnel and that this is not a major requirement in the technical specifications for jet fans There are three methods of flow measurement:
a) The first method is to use the inlet air chamber test set, where the previous pressurised ventilator is used as part of the test set, in order to correctly simulate the operating conditions of the ventilator;
b) the second method is to use the Pitot tube traverse method at the inlet of the jet fan
c) the third method, which is the simplest but also the least accurate, is to connect a venturi or conical inlet to the inlet of the jet fan as a flow measurement device.
10.2 Upstream air chamber method
The installation of the ventilator in the air chamber is shown in Figure 9, this arrangement simulates device type A, the upstream section of the test device should comply with the provisions of GB/T 1236 a 2017 30.2.
The ability to determine the flow rate using an arc or conical inlet in accordance with Chapter 23 in GB/T 1236-2017.
11 Representation of results
11.1 Product description
12 Tolerances and conversion rules
12.1 Tolerances
The performance parameters listed are the most probable parameters, not the maximum or the most careful. The tolerance values for jet fans apply to performance tested in accordance with this document, operating without external resistance.
As shown in Table 3, the tolerances are used to take account of measurement uncertainties and inverted w-differences, where direct test results are not available, see Appendix C. The effects described in the notes to Table 3 are for large fractional values in Table 3 to avoid a complex correction process; in addition, in some cases these uncertainties can result in a total tolerance for absorbed power higher than the 5% given in the table.
12.2 Conversion rules
Appendix A (informative) Illustrations and descriptions of standard sound sources
Appendix B (informative) Correction of sound pressure levels
Appendix C (informative) Factorless parameters
Appendix D (normative) Efficiency based on thrust measurements
contents 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Symbols and units 5 Measured characteristic parameters 6 Instruments and measurements 7 Determination of thrust 8 Determination of sound level 9 Determination of vibration speed 10 Determination of flow rate 11 Representation of results 12 Tolerances and conversion rules Appendix A (informative) Illustrations and descriptions of standard sound sources Appendix B (informative) Correction of sound pressure levels Appendix C (informative) Factorless parameters Appendix D (normative) Efficiency based on thrust measurements Bibliography
1范围 本文件描述了ISO 13349定义的射流风机所有技术性能与特性的试验。本文件不包括为管道应用设计的或为空气循环单独设计的通风机,例如,吊扇和台扇。 本文件所述试验程序适用于实验室条件,不包含现场性能试验。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。其中,注日期的引用文件,仅该日期对应的版本适用于本文件;不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 1236-2017工业通风机﹑用标准化风道性能试验(ISO 5801:2007,IDT) ISO 3744声学声压法测定噪声源声功率级和声能量级﹑反射面上方近似自由场的工程法(Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels andcound energy levels of noise sources usingsound pressurc - Engineering methods for essentially free over a reflecting plane) 注:GB/T 3767-2016声学声压法测定噪声源声功率级和声能量级反射面上方近似自由场的工程法(ISO 3744;2010,IDT) ISO 13347(所有部分)工业风机﹑标准实验室条件下风机声功率级的测定(Industrial fans - De-termination of fan sound power levels nder standardized laboratory conditions) 注:GB/T 34877.3 2017 工业风机标准实验室条件下风机声功率级的测定第3部分:包络面法(ISO 13347-3:2004,IDT) ISO 13349工业通风机词汇及种类定义(Fans - Vocabulary and definitions of categories) 注:GB/T 19075-2003工业通风机词汇及种类定义(ISO 13349:1999.IDT) ISO 14694工业通风机平衡品质与振动等级规范(Industrial fans - Specifications for balancequality and vibration levels) ISO 14695工业通风机通风机振动测量方法(Industrial fans - Methods of measurement of fanvibration) ISO 21940-11"机械振动转子平衡第11部分:刚性转子的程序和公差(Mechanical vibration - Rotor balancing - Part 11: Procedures and tolerances for rotors with rigid behaviour) 注:GB/T 9239.1-2006机械振动恒态(刚性)转子平衡品质要求第1部分:规范与平衡允差的检验 (ISO 1940-1;2003,IDT) IEC 60034-2-1旋转电机第2-1部分:确定损耗和效率的标准测试方法(不包括机车牵引电机)[Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-1: Standard methods for determining losses and efficiency fromtests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)]