is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 18442 consists of the following seven parts under the general title Static vacuum insulated cryogenic pressure vessels:
——Part 1: General requirements;
——Part 2: Materials;
——Part 3: Design;
——Part 4: Fabrication;
——Part 5: Inspection and testing;
——Part 6: Safety protection;
——Part 7: Rules of pressure strengthening for inner vessels.
This is part 2 of GB/T 18442.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part replaces GB/T 18442.2-2011 Static vacuum insulated cryogenic pressure vessel - Part 2: Material, with respect to which, the following main technical changes have been made:
——five terms and definitions, such as interspace and tank, are deleted;
——the general requirements for materials are modified;
——the requirements for steel plates, steel forgings, pipes and fittings, insulation materials, adsorbent materials, welding materials, annular space bracing materials, purchased parts and other materials for tanks are modified;
——the performance indexes and quality control requirements for tank materials are modified.
This part was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Boilers and Pressure Vessels of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 262).
The previous editions of this part are as follows:
——GB/T 18442.2-2011;
——GB 18442-2001.
Static vacuum insulated cryogenic pressure vessels - Part 2: Materials
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 18442 specifies the basic requirements for steel plates, forgings, pipes and fittings, insulation materials, adsorbent materials, welding materials, annular space bracing materials and purchased parts of static vacuum insulated cryogenic pressure vessels (hereinafter referred to as "cryogenic vessels").
This part is applicable to cryogenic vessels that simultaneously meet the following conditions:
a) the geometric volume is not less than 0.1MPa;
b) the geometric volume is not less than 1m3;
c) the insulation mode is vacuum powder insulation, vacuum composite insulation or high vacuum multilayer insulation;
d) cryogenic vessel storing refrigerated liquefied gas contents with standard boiling point not lower than -196℃.
This part is not applicable to cryogenic vessels that meet the following conditions:
a) cryogenic vessel with the inner vessel and outer jacket made of non-ferrous metal or non-metallic materials;
b) cryogenic vessel with spherical structure;
c) cryogenic vessel with stacked insulation;
d) transportable cryogenic vessel;
e) cryogenic vessel storing refrigerated liquefied gas contents with standard boiling point lower than -196℃;
f) cryogenic vessel storing toxic gas as specified in GB 12268;
g) cryogenic vessel with special requirements such as national defense military equipment.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 150 (All parts) Pressure vessels
GB/T 713 Steel plates for boilers and pressure vessels
GB/T 3531 Steel plates for low temperature pressure vessels
GB/T 13296 Seamless stainless steel tubes for boiler and heat exchanger
GB/T 13350 Glass wool and its products for thermal insulation
GB/T 13550 Molecular sieve 5A and its determination
GB/T 14976 Seamless stainless steel pipes for fluid transport
GB/T 17600
(All parts) Steel - Conversion of elongation values
GB/T 18442.1 Static vacuum insulated cryogenic pressure vessels - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 24511 Stainless steel and heat resisting steel plate, sheet and strip for pressure equipments
GB/T 31480 Materials for high vacuum multilayer insulation of cryogenic vessel
GB/T 31481 Guidance for gas/materials compatibility of cryogenic vessels
HG/T 2690 Molecular sieve 13X
JC/T 1020 Expanded perlite for thermal insulation of low temperature equipment
NB/T 47009 Alloy steel forgings for low temperature pressure equipment
NB/T 47010 Stainless and heat-resisting steel forgings for pressure equipments
NB/T 47014 Welding procedure qualification for pressure equipment
NB/T 47018.1 Technical permission of welding materials for pressure equipment - Part 1: General rule
NB/T 47018.2 Technical permission of welding materials for pressure equipment - Section 2: Electrodes for steel
NB/T 47018.3 Technical permission of welding materials for pressure equipment - Section 3: Steel electrodes and rods for gas shielded arc welding
NB/T 47018.4 Technical permission of welding materials for pressure equipment - Section 4: Electrodes and fluxes for submerged arc welding
YS/T 599 Super fine palladium oxide powder
TSG 21 Supervision regulation on safety technology for stationary pressure vessel
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 150 and GB/T 18442.1 apply.
4 General requirements
4.1 The mechanical, physical and processing properties and the compatibility with contents shall be considered for the selection of materials.
4.2 The materials selected for the tank shall comply with TSG 21, GB/T 150.2 and relevant national or professional standards.
4.3 For the material that may be exposed to oxygen or oxygen-enriched environment, its compatibility with oxygen shall meet the requirements of GB/T 31481.
4.4 Materials for non-pressure elements welded with pressure elements shall have good toughness and weldability.
4.5 The fabrication unit of pressure element materials shall make clear and firm factory steel impression mark or adopt other traceable mark on the obvious position of the material.
4.6 The fabrication unit of pressure element materials shall provide the cryogenic vessel fabrication unit with the material quality certificate, which shall be complete, clear and printed with traceable information identification and stamped with the quality inspection seal of the material fabrication unit.
4.7 Where obtaining tank and pipeline materials from a unit other than the material fabrication unit, the cryogenic vessel fabrication unit shall obtain the original material quality certificate provided by the material fabrication unit or the copy stamped with official seal of material operation unit and signed (stamped) by the responsible person.
4.8 The cryogenic vessel fabrication unit shall be responsible for the authenticity and consistency between the quality certificate and the materials and purchased parts.
4.9 The use of materials with foreign designations and new materials shall meet the requirements of TSG 21.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General requirements 5 Tank materials 6 Welding materials 7 Supporting materials for annular space 8 Purchased parts 9 Other materials