is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in the GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 18165-2008 Specifications of Amusement Rides Fairy Train Category In whole. In addition to a number of editorial changes, the following technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 18165-2008 (the previous edition):
— modification of the Scope (see Clause 1; Clause 1 of Edition 2008);
— modification of the Normative References (see Clause 2; Clause 2 of Edition 2008);
— addition of the Terms and Definitions (see Clause 3);
— modification of the General Rules (see Clause 4; Clause 4 of Edition 2008);
— addition of the common types and main technical parameters of fairy train type of rides (see Table 1);
— addition of the requirements for risk appraisal (see 5.1.2);
— addition of the requirements for braking rate and braking distance (see 5.2.13);
— addition of the requirements for emergency braking system (see 5.2.14);
— addition of the requirements for independent braking system (see 5.2.15);
— addition of the requirements for track slope and parking device (see 5.2.16);
— addition of the requirements for anti-overspeed device (see 5.2.18);
— addition of the requirements for isolation measures (see 5.2.20);
— addition of the requirements for the non-destructive testing of important axles (pins) and welds (see 5.2.37);
— addition of the requirements for carriage import and export block (see 5.3.6);
— addition of the requirements for safe guard for multi-vehicle operation (see 5.4.4);
— addition of the requirements for safety operating switch (see 5.4.16);
— addition of the requirements for energy storage system (see 5.4.19);
— addition of the requirements for electrical braking system (see 5.4.20);
— addition of the requirements for emergency rescue (see 5.5);
— addition of the requirements for complete machine (see 5.7);
— deletion of the Manufacturing and Installation (see Clause 10 of Edition 2008);
— deletion of the Operation and Maintenance (see Clause 11 of Edition 2008);
— modification of the requirements for inspection, testing and test (see Clause 6; Clause 12 of Edition 2008);
— deletion of the Inspection Rules (see Clause 13 of Edition 2008);
— addition of the Accompanying Document, Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage (see Clause 7);
— modification of the requirements for important axles (pins) and welds in Annex A (see Annex A; Annex A of Edition 2008);
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee 250 on Ropeway and Entertainment Facilities of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 250).
The previous editions of the standard replaced by this standard are as follows:
— GB 18165-2000, GB/T 18165-2008.
Specifications of Amusement Rides Fairy Train Category
1 Scope
This standard specifies the general principles, technical requirements, inspection, testing and test methods, accompanying documents, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of the fairy train type of rides.
This standard is applicable to the fairy train type of rides.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 191 Packaging — Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods
GB/T 4208-2017 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP code)
GB/T 7251.1 Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies — Part 1: General Rules
GB/T 7403.1 Lead-acid Traction Batteries — Part 1: Technical Conditions
GB 8408 Large-scale Amusement Device Safety Code
GB/T 8923 (all parts) Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related Products — Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness
GB/T 9286-1998 Paints and Varnishes — Cross Cut Test for Films
GB/T 13384 General Specifications for Packing of Mechanical and Electrical Product
GB/T 13912 Metallic Coatings — Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Fabricated Iron and Steel Articles — Specifications and Test Methods
GB/T 20306 Amusement Devices Terminology
GB/T 31467 (all parts) Lithium-ion Traction Battery Pack and System for Electric Vehicles
GB/T 31486 Electrical Performance Requirements and Test Methods for Traction Battery of Electric Vehicle
GB/T 34370 (all parts) Nondestructive Testing of Amusement Equipments
GB/T 34371 Risk Assessment for Amusement Ride — General Principles
GB 50231 General Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Installation Engineering
QC/T 741 Ultra-capacitor for Electric Vehicles
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 20306 and the following apply.
electric powered fairy train
fairy train type of rides running along ground track and driven by electric power and those with similar movement type
internal-combustion engine powered fairy train
fairy train type of rides running along ground track and driven by internal combustion engine and those with similar movement type
inner part of a fairy train wheel profile that guides and prevents derailment
emergency brake distance
total distance traveled from pressing the emergency stop button to the train stopping
when a fairy train braking, the wheels brake pressure is too strong to prevent the wheels from turning and slide on the track
a mode of avoiding larger failures or accidents in which the control system or mechanical mechanism system of the equipment is able to maintain or transfer to a safe state after a failure of the equipment.
generic term for equipment or facilities that bear the load of the train and constrain the running direction of train.
connecting part that holds a rail under a sleeper or other rail
guard rail
rail not bearing vertical load of wheels and is laid on the inner side of the rail on the track to prevent the wheels from derailment or deviation to one side
gauge widening
the case of widening the gauge according to the design requirements for curved sections and switches
running height
maximum vertical distance from the supporting surface of rider restraint (such as seat surface) to the lowest running reference plane
single point of failure
failure of a part, structural connection, or electrical component on a amusement ride, which will cause the entire equipment to fail or seriously endanger the safety of passengers
4 General Rules
4.1 The design, manufacturing, installation, modification, repair, test and inspection, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of fairy train type of rides shall meet the relevant requirements of GB 8408 and this standard.
4.2 The common types and main technical parameters of fairy train type of rides should be selected according to Table 1.
Table 1 Common types and main technical parameters
No. Type name Main technical parameters Typical equipment
1 electric powered fairy train series Running speed, running height, number of passengers/vehicle, number of vehicles Electric powered fairy train, diesel generator powered fairy train
2 Internal-combustion engine powered fairy train series Running speed, running height, number of passengers/vehicle, number of vehicles Internal-combustion engine powered fairy train
5 Technical Requirements
5.1 Basic requirements
5.1.1 The design documents of fairy train type of rides shall at least include the design specification, design calculation, operation and maintenance specification, risk appraisal report, design verification outline and a full set of design drawings in accordance with relevant national standards.
5.1.2 In the design stage of fairy train type of rides, the risk appraisal shall be carried out according to GB/T 34371, and the risk appraisal shall also be carried out for the amusement rides that need to be transformed or continue to be used after the design life of the complete machine expires. The risk appraisal shall be carried out from the aspects of stressed structure and stressed parts, electrical control system and components, equipment operating environment, obstacles around the equipment, human factors, accident factors, emergency rescue, and the single point of failure shall be identified. Unacceptable risks shall be avoided during the design phase and there shall be no single point of failure that is not detectable or monitored.
5.1.3 The important axle (pin) of fairy train type of rides that is difficult to inspect and test shall be designed for infinite life.
5.1.4 The design drawings of fairy train type of rides shall include the vehicle construction boundary plan.
5.1.5 The design of fairy train type of rides shall be carried out with corresponding calculation according to specific structure: traction calculation, braking calculation, anti-overturning calculation, wheels against derailment stability calculation.
5.2 Machinery and structure
5.2.1 The fairy train type of rides shall be free from obvious skidding phenomenon during starting and running process, and the transmission mechanism shall be of normal running. The complete machine operation shall be free from abnormal vibration, impact, heating, noise and clamping phenomena.
5.2.2 Mechanical transmission structure design shall be easy to disassemble and repair.
5.2.3 Large rounded corners shall be used to reduce stress concentration at axle steps.
5.2.4 The main components of drive system shall be designed to meet the requirements of the life cycle.
5.2.5 Weld seams with higher stress shall be ground to smooth transition.
5.2.6 The welding structure should be treated to eliminate welding stress after assembly welding.
5.2.7 Train oil pipes and air pipes shall be arranged neatly and reasonably, fixed and reliable, and there shall be free from oil leakage, air leakage and other failure.
Contents Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 General Rules 5 Technical Requirements 5.1 Basic requirements 5.2 Machinery and structure 5.3 Loading system 5.4 Electrical control system 5.5 Emergency rescue 5.6 Surface protection 5.7 Complete machine 6 Inspection, Testing and Test Requirements 6.1 Basic requirements 6.2 Machinery and structure 6.3 Loading system 6.4 Electrical control system 6.5 Emergency rescue 6.6 Surface protection 6.7 Complete machine 7 Accompanying Documents, Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage 7.1 Accompanying documents, marking 7.2 Packaging, transportation and storage Annex A (Informative) Examples of Common Important Axles (Pins) and Welds