Determination for maximum explosion pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise of dust cloud
This standard is equivalent to the ISO/DIS 6184/1 Explosion protection systems—Part 1: Determination of explosion indices of combustible dusts in air.
1 Subject content and application scope
This standard specifies the apparatus, procedure, alternative test methods and test report for determination for maximum explosion pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise of combustible dust cloud.
This standard is applicable to general industrial dust.
This standard is not applicable to explosives or explosive substances.
2 Terms
2.1 explosion pressure (pm)
maximum overpressure relative to the pressure in the vessel at the time of ignition attained during explosion
2.2 maximum explosion pressure (pmax)
maximum value of explosion pressure pm determined by tests over a wide range of reactant concentrations
2.3 rate of pressure rise [(dp/dt)m]
maximum gradient of the curve of explosion pressure constantly changed with time of an explosion
2.4 maximum rate of pressure rise [(dp/dt)max]
maximum value of rate of pressure rise (dp/dt)m determined by tests over a wide range of reactant concentrations
2.5 explosion index (Km)
constant determined by the vessel volume V and the rate of pressure rise during explosion (dp/dt)m according to the equation:
1 Subject content and application scope 2 Terms 3 Apparatus 4 Procedure 5 Alternative test methods 6 Test report