Information technology — Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) — Part 2:Information object specification
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 16262 is part of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) and provides notation for specifying information object classes, information objects and information object sets.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this part of GB/T 16262, constitute provisions of this part. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections), or revisions, of any of these publications do not apply to this part. However, parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest editions apply to this part.
GB/T 16262.1-2006 Information technology — Abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) — Part 1: Specification of basic notation (ISO/IEC 8824-1: 2002, IDT)
GB/T 16262.3-2006 Information technology — Abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1)— Part 3: Constraint specification (ISO/IEC 8824-3: 2002, IDT)
GB/T 16262.4-2006 Information technology — Abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) — Part 4: Parameterization of ASN.1 specifications (ISO/IEC 8824-4: 2002, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this part of GB/T 16262-2006, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Specification of basic notation
This part uses the terms defined in GB/T 16262.1-2006.
3.2 Constraint specification
This part uses the following terms as defined in GB/T 16262.3-2006:
——table constraint.
3.3 Parameterization of ASN.1 specification
This part uses the following terms as defined in GB/T 16262.4-2006:
a) parameterized type;
b) parameterized value.
3.4 Additional definitions
association table
abstract table (for some information object or information object set), derivable from the object or object set by flattening the hierarchical structure resulting from the presence of link fields (see 3.4.15)
Note: An associated table can be used to determine the precise nature of some constraint (see GB/T 16262.3-2006) which has been applied using an object set.
default syntax
notation which shall be used for defining information objects of classes whose definers have not provided a defined syntax (see example 11.10)
defined syntax
notation, provided by the definer of a class, which allows information objects of that class to be defined in a user-friendly manner
Note: For example, the defined syntax for the class OPERATION might allow instances of the class to be defined by the word ARGUMENT followed by &ArgumentType, then the word RESULT followed by the &ResultType, then the word CODE followed by &operationCode (see example 11.11).
extensible object set
object set with an extension marker or which has been defined using set arithmetic with object sets that are extensible
component of an information object class. Each field is a type field, a fixed-type value field, a variable-type value field, a fixed-type value set field, a variable-type value set field, an information object field or an information object set field
field name
name which identifies a field of some class; either the class which specifies the field directly, in which case the name is a primitive field name, or a class which has a chain of link fields to that in which the field is actually specified
governing (class)
information object class definition or reference which affects the interpretation of a part of the ASN.1 syntax, requiring it to reference or to specify information objects of the governing class
identifier field
fixed-type value field of a class, selected to provide unique identification of information objects in that class. Values of the identifier field, if supplied, are required to be unambiguous within any information object set that is defined for that class. They may, but need not, serve to unambiguously identify information objects of that class within some broader scope
This part uses the following terms as defined in GB/T 16262.4-2006:
a) parameterized type;
b) parameterized value.
3.4 Additional definitions
association table
abstract table (for some information object or information object set), derivable from the object or object set by flattening the hierarchical structure resulting from the presence of link fields (see 3.4.15)
Note: An associated table can be used to determine the precise nature of some constraint (see GB/T 16262.3-2006) which has been applied using an object set.
Foreword i Introduction ii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 3.1 Specification of basic notation 3.2 Constraint specification 3.3 Parameterization of ASN.1 specification 3.4 Additional definitions 4 Abbreviations 5 Convention 6 Notation 6.1 Assignments 6.2 Types 6.3 Values 6.4 Elements 7 ASN.1 lexical items 7.1 Information object class references 7.2 Information object references 7.3 Information object set references 7.4 Type field references 7.5 Value field references 7.6 Value set field references 7.7 Object field references 7.8 Object set field references 7.9 Word 7.10 Additional keywords 8 Referencing definitions 9 Information object class definition and assignment 10 Syntax List 11 Information object definition and assignment 12 Information object set definition and assignment 13 Associated tables 14 Notation for the object class field type 15 Information from Objects Annex A (Normative) The TYPE-IDENTIFIER information object class Annex B (Normative) Abstract syntax definitions Annex C (Normative) The instance-of type Annex D (Informative) Examples Annex E (Informative) Tutorial annex on the ASN.1 model of object set extension Annex F (Informative) Summary of the notation