This standard specifies the general terms and the definitions of graphical symbols.
This standard is applicable to standardization of graphical symbols and the related fields.
2 Symbol Terms
2.1 Symbol
The visuals with simplified feature for expressing certain object or concept by writing, drawing and printing.
2.2 Graphical symbol
The symbol for expressing the certain object concept with major characteristics of figure or image.
2.2.1 Common symbol
The graphical symbol which is applicable for multi-field and multi-profession or applied universally.
2.2.2 Special symbol
The graphical symbol used for some field or profession or for special purpose.
2.2.3 Detailed symbol
The graphical symbol used for indicating the function, type and (or) external characteristic in details of referent.
2.2.4 Simplified symbol
The graphical symbol with partial graphs omitted or more simplified graphs.
2.2.5 General symbol
The simplified graphical symbol for presenting a type of object or its feature, or that as composition foundation of each graphical symbol in symbol set.
2.2.6 Specified symbol
The graphical symbol determined by the meaning formed by the general symbol which is added with qualifying symbol or other symbol element.
2.2.7 Block symbol
The simple graphical symbol which is used for indicating the composition and its function of elements or equipment, while the details of elements or equipment and all the connection are not taken into consideration.
2.2.8 Symbol set
A group of graphical symbols with related functions such as similar shape, close meaning, similar indicating referent or similar application. Generally, they are composited by adding other symbol or symbol element in the general symbol.
2.2.9 Graphical symbols for use in technical product documentation
The graphical symbols used in technical product documentation so as to indicate the referent and (or) function, or indicate the specific indication of production, inspection and installation. Symbols for diagram
The graphical symbols for use in technical product documentation in diagram so as to indicate the relationship between each components of system or equipment. Symbols for indicating
Graphical symbols for use in technical product documentation for indicating the geometrical features (dimension, interval, angle, shape, position, orientation and microcosmic surface) and manufacturing process in entire process of design, manufacture, measurement and quality guarantee.
2.2.10 Graphical symbols for use on equipment
The graphical symbols used for each kinds of equipment which is regarded as the operation indication or indication of equipment function. Display symbol
The graphical symbol for use on equipment which is used to indicate the function of equipment or the working condition. Control symbol
The graphical symbols for use on equipment used as controlling or operation indication.
2.2.11 Graphical symbols for use on sign
The graphical symbols used on the graphical signs for indicating the information such as public, safety, transportation, packaging as well as storage (see Figure 1).
Figure 1 Graphical Signs
3 Sign Terms
3.1 Sign
The visuals formed by elements such as symbol, color and geometrical shape (or frame) to indicating the behavior. They are mainly used in public places, building, external packaging or printed matters.
Note: graphical signs, graphical signs and other auxiliary signs are included.
3.2 Graphical sign
The signs fixedly formed by visual elements such as graphical symbols for sign, color, geometrical shape (or frame) (See Figure 1).
3.3 Environmental information sign
The graphical sign containing such information that related to a large area.
3.4 Partial information sign
Graphical sign containing such information that is only related to one certain site, or even one equipment or part.
3.5 Prohibition sign
The graphical sign for prohibiting some behavior and actuation or operating of people.
3.6 Warning sign
Graphical sign used for reminding people to notice the surrounding environment so as to avoid possible risks.
3.7 Mandatory action sign
The graphical sign forcing people in doing some actuation or behavior.
3.8 Limit sign
The graphical sign for restricted some behavior of people.
3.9 Instruction (information) sign
The graphical sign providing people with certain information (for instance, indicateing some facility or site).
3.10 Guide sign
The sign compositing with instruction (information) sign and arrow so as to guide the right direction.
3.11 Writing sign
The sign with composition of visual elements such as words, color and geometrical shape.
3.12 Writing supplementary sign
The sign is constructed by graphical sign name in bold type and in geometrical shape with proper bottom color, it is the textual description of graphical sign and it must be used simultaneously with graphical sign.
3.13 Directional supplementary sign
The sign compositing by arrow, it is generally used with graphical sign so as to indicate the object direction described by the graphical sign.
3.14 Complementary sign
It is attach beside the graphical signs and describe the content of graphical signs for supplement. It is generally words and must be used with graphical signs simultaneously (See Figure 2).
1 Subject Content and Application Scope 2 Symbol Terms 3 Sign Terms 4 Composition Terms of Symbol (Sign) 5 Design Terms 6 Test Terms 7 Application Terms Appendix A (Informative) Relationship of Terms Appendix B (Informative) Index Additional Explanation
中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 15565—1995 图形符号 术语 Graphical symbol—Terms 国家技术监督局1995-05-19批准 1996-05-01实施 1 主题内容与适用范围 本标准规定了图形符号的通用术语及其定义。 本标准适用于图形符号标准化及有关领域。 2 符号术语 2.1 符号 symbol 由书写、绘制、印刷等方法形成的可表达一定事物或概念、具有简化特征的视觉形象。 2.2 图形符号 graphical symbol 以图形或图象为主要特征的、表达一定事物或概念的符号。 2.2.1 通用符号 common symbol 适用多个领域、专业或普遍使用的图形符号。 2.2.2 专用符号 special symbol 只适用某个领域、专业或为特殊目的而使用的图形符号。 2.2.3 详细符号 detailed symbol 详细表示对象的功能、类型和(或)外部特征时所使用的图形符号。 2.2.4 简化符号 simplified symbol 省略图形符号的部分图形或用其他更简单的图形符号表示时所使用的图形符号。 2.2.5 一般符号 general symbol 表示一类事物或其特征,或作为成组符号中各个图形符号的组成基础的较简明的图形符号。 2.2.6 特定符号 specified symbol 将限定符号或其他符号要素附加在一般符号之上所形成的含义确定的图形符号。 2.2.7 方框符号 block symbol 用以表示元件、设备等的组合及其功能,既不给出元件、设备的细节也不考虑所有的连接的简单的图形符号。 2.2.8 成组符号 symbol set 具有形状相似、含义相近、表达对象相仿、应用相似等特点的功能相关的一组图形符号。通常在一般符号上附加其他符号或符号要素而构成。 2.2.9 技术产品文件用图形符号 graphical symbols for use in technical product documentation 用于技术产品文件上,以表示对象和(或)功能,或表明生产、检验和安装的特定指示的图形符号。 简图用符号 symbols for diagram 在简图中表示系统或设备各组成部分之间相互关系的技术产品文件用图形符号。 标注用符号 symbols for indicating 表示产品的设计、制造、测量和质量保证整个过程所涉及的几何特性(如尺寸、距离、角度、形状、位置、定向、微观表面等)和制造工艺等的技术产品文件用图形符号。 2.2.10 设备用图形符号 graphical symbols for use on equipment 用于各种设备上,作为操作指示或显示设备的功能或工作状态的图形符号。 显示符号 display symbol 显示设备的功能或工作状态的设备用图形符号。 控制符号 control symbol 作为控制或操作指示的设备用图形符号。 2.2.11 标志用图形符号 graphical symbols for use on sign 用于图形标志上,表示公共、安全、交通、包装储运等信息的图形符号(见图1)。