This standard specifies the physical performance test methods for moisture, dust, aqueous extract pH value, sedimentation rate, true density, general powder fineness, wet whiteness, loose volume density, micronized powder and ultrafine powder fineness, magnet attracted substance, apparent density, scraper fineness and oil absorption, etc. of talc powder
This standard is applicable to natural talc lump and powder.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2010 Method of Sampling and Sample Preparation of Talc in Bulk
GB/T 5950 Method for Measurement of Whiteness of Building Materials and Non-metal Mineral Products
GB/T 6003.1 Test Sieves - Technical Requirements and Testing - Part 1: Test Sieves of Metal Wire Cloth
GB/T 15342-2012 Talc Powder
3 Sample
3.1 Sampling
3.1.1 Talc lump sample is taken according to GB/T 2010
3.1.2 Talc powder sample is taken according to 7.3 of GB/T 15342-2012.
3.2 Sample preparation
3.2.1 The talc lump sent to laboratory is crushed and divided according to GB/T 2010 and then prepared to the particle size and sample amount required for each inspection, the rest sample is taken as backup sample.
3.2.2 The talc powder sent to laboratory is mixed uniformly and divided by quartering and then prepared to the sample amount required for each inspection, the rest sample is taken as backup sample
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Sample 4 Test Methods Annex A (Informative) Water Density Annex B (Informative) Density and Viscosity Coefficient of Ethanol Solution