This standard specifies criterion threshold and evaluation of controllability and stability for automobiles.
This standard is applicable to the automobiles running on highways or urban roads. Off-highway automobiles may make reference to this standard.
2 Steady State Circular Test
2.1 This test is scored upon evaluation on such three indexes as lateral acceleration at neutral turning point, an, degree of understeer, U, and side tilt of trunk, Kφ.
2.2 For lower limit values of an, U and Kφ as an60, U60 and Kφ60 and upper limit values as an100, U100 and Kφ100, see Table 1.
1 Subject Content and Application Scope 2 Steady State Circular Test 3 Returnability Test 4 Steering Efforts Test 5 Steering Transient Response Test (Steering Wheel Angle Step Input) 6 Steering Transient Response Test (Steering Wheel Angle Pulse Input) 7 Slalom Test 8 Total Evaluation Score for Operation Stability of Automobiles 9 Evaluation on Operation Stability of Automobiles