is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 12754-2006 Prepainted steel sheet.
In addition to editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB/T 12754-2006:
—— normative references of GB/T 228, GB/T 1839 and GB/T 2975 are deleted, and normative reference of GB/T 8170 is added (see clause 2 of this standard and clause 2 of Edition 2006);
—— the definition of “prepainted steel sheet” is modified (see 3.1 of this standard and 3.1 of Edition 2006);
—— the designation expression method is modified, with example added (see 4.1 of this standard and 4.1 of Edition 2006);
—— designation and purpose of prepainted steel sheet are deleted (see 4.2 of Edition 2006)
—— two types of steel substrate for prepainted steel sheet are added: hot-dip aluminium-silicon alloy steel substrate and hot-dip aluminum-magnesium alloy steel substrate (see Table 1);
—— the coating sheet in the previous edition is modified into ordinary coating sheet, and coating surface states are added: checkered sheet, velvet sheet, pearlescent sheet, and frosted sheet (see Table 1 of this standard and Table 2 of Edition 2006);
—— finish paint functions of ordinary, self-cleaning, anti-static, anti-bacterial, and thermal insulation are added (see Table 1);
—— the default dimension and flatness precision grade when ordering are added (see 5.2);
—— requirements are modified for the width, length, shape of prepainted steel sheet and the thickness of its steel substrate (see 6.2 of this standard and 6.1.3 of Edition 2006);
—— regulations are added for the cases when users have requirements on the inner diameter tolerance of steel coil (see Table 2);
—— requirements are added that the mechanical property, plating property and plating weight of the prepainted steel sheet shall meet the requirements of the standards for steel substrate of corresponding designation (see;
—— the recommended nominal plating weight of each steel substrate type under different corrosive environments is deleted (Table 4 of Edition 2006);
—— the requirement is added for the color difference of coating (see;
—— the grading and test time of resistance to neutral salt spray are modified (see of this standard and 7.3.1 of Edition 2006);
—— the grading of accelerated weathering by ultraviolet lamp is modified, and the evaluations for discoloration and dulling are added (see of this standard and 7.3.2 of Edition 2006);
—— requirements are modified for the test of accelerated weathering by ultraviolet lamp (see of this standard and 7.3.2 of Edition 2006);
—— the antistatic property of antistatic prepainted steel sheet and self-cleaning property of the self-cleaning prepainted steel sheet are added (see and;
—— descriptions and technical requirements are added for checkered sheet, velvet sheet, pearlescent sheet and frosted sheet (see 7.2.3, 7.2.4, 7.2.5 and 7.2.6);
—— the sampling number for test items other than coating thickness test is modified (see Table 8 of this standard and Table 11 of Edition 2006);
—— typical atmospheric environment types corresponding to different corrosivity classes in Annex A are modified, and permissible deviations of the dimension and shape of prepainted steel sheet are deleted (see Annex A of this standard and Annex A of Edition 2006);
—— Annex B Mechanical properties of the prepainted steel sheet is deleted (see Annex B of Edition 2006);
—— Annex C Table of comparison of designations of domestic and foreign steel substrates commonly used for prepainted steel sheet is deleted (see Annex C of Edition 2006);
——Annex D Typical atmospheric environment types corresponding to different corrosivity classes is modified (see Annex A of this standard and Annex D of Edition 2006).
This standard was proposed by the China Iron and Steel Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of SAC/TC 183 National Technical Committee on Iron and Steel of Standardization Administration of China.
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
—— GB/T 12754-1991 and GB/T 12754-2006.
Prepainted steel sheet and strip
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, designation expression methods, classification and code, order details, dimension, shape, weight, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, and product quality certificate in connection with prepainted steel sheet and strip.
This standard is applicable to the prepainted steel sheet and strip (hereinafter referred to as "prepainted steel sheet") for building exterior and interior applications. This standard may serve as a reference for prepainted steel sheet for household electrical appliances and other purposes.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 247 General rule of package, mark and certification for steel plates (sheets) and strips
GB/T 1766-2008 Paints and varnishes - Rating schemes of degradation of coats
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgement of limiting values
GB/T 13448 Test methods for prepainted steel sheet
GB/T 17505 Steel and steel products - General technical delivery requirements
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
prepainted steel sheet
the product obtained by baking and curing after continuously coating organic coating materials on the steel substrate which has been subjected to surface pretreatment
steel substrate
steel strip for coating
top side
one of the two sides of the prepainted steel sheet that has higher requirements on color, coating property, surface quality, etc.
bottom side
the other side of the prepainted steel sheet opposite to the top side
building exterior applications
applications affected by exterior atmospheric environment
building interior applications
applications affected by interior atmosphere
coating hardness
the ability of the coating to resist mechanical actions such as scratch, friction, collision and indentation
the ability of the coating to deform with the steel substrate without damage
the degree of firmness between coatings or between coating and steel substrate
life to the first major maintenance
the interval time between the end of manufacturing and the time when the property of the original coating degrades to the condition that its protection on the steel substrate can only be maintained through overhaul
Note: Overhaul refers to the maintenance and repair work that must be carried out on the building when the paint film becomes incomplete due to weathering or the steel substrate is perforated, including repainting, local replacement, etc.
the ability of the coating to reach the specified life to the first major maintenance
the phenomenon that the coating property gradually degrades under the influence of the application environment
4 Expression method, classification and code of designation
4.1 Designation expression methods
The designation of prepainted steel sheet consists of capital letter T plus the designation of steel substrate.
Example 1: TDX51D+Z
—— representing the prepainted steel sheet with a steel substrate of designation DX51D+Z.
Example 2: TDC01+ZE
—— representing the prepainted steel sheet with a steel substrate of designation DC01+ZE.
Example 3: TS300GD+AZ
—— representing the prepainted steel sheet with a steel substrate of designation S300GD+AZ.
4.2 Classification and code
4.2.1 See Table 1 for the classification and code of prepainted steel sheet.
4.2.2 If steel substrate not included in Table 1 in terms of application, steel substrate type, coating surface state, finish paint type, finish paint function, coating structure, surface structure of hot-dip zinc steel substrate, resistance to neutral salt spray, and accelerated weathering by ultraviolet lamp, it shall be negotiated when ordering.
Table 1 Classification and code
Classification Item Code
Application Building exterior applications JW
Building interior applications JN
Household electrical appliances JD
Others QT
Steel substrate type Hot-dip zinc steel substrate Z
Hot-dip zinc-iron alloy steel substrate ZF
Hot-dip aluminium-zinc alloy steel substrate AZ
Hot-dip zinc-aluminium alloy steel substrate ZA
Hot-dip aluminium-silicon alloy steel substrate AS
5.2 If dimension and flatness precision is not specified in the order contract, the products shall be supplied based on general precision.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Expression method, classification and code of designation 5 Order contents 6 Dimension, shape and weight 7 Technical requirements 8 Test method 9 Inspection rules 10 Packaging, marking and quality certificate 11 Description of corrosivity of service environment for prepainted steel sheet 12 Selection of prepainted steel sheet 13 Storage, transport and loading and handling of prepainted steel sheet 14 Processing of prepainted steel sheet 15 Life to the first major maintenance and durability of prepainted steel sheet 16 Atmospheric exposure test sites for prepainted steel sheet Annex A (Informative) Description of service environment corrosivity of prepainted steel sheet Annex B (Informative) Selection of prepainted steel sheet Annex C (Informative) Storage, transport and handling of prepainted steel sheet Annex D (Informative) Processing of prepainted steel sheet Annex E (Informative) Life to the first major maintenance and durability of prepainted steel sheet Annex F (Informative) Atmospheric exposure test sites for prepainted steel sheet
彩色涂层钢板及钢带 1 范围 本标准规定了彩色涂层钢板及钢带的术语和定义,牌号表示方法、分类及代号,订货内容,尺寸、外形、重量,技术要求,试验方法,检验规则,包装、标志及质量证明书。 本标准适用于建筑内、外用途的彩色涂层钢板及钢带(以下简称为彩涂板)。家电及其他用途的彩涂板可参考使用。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 247钢板和钢带包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 GB/T 1766—2008色漆和清漆 涂层老化的评级方法 GB/T 8170数值修约规则与极限数值的表示和判定 GB/T 13448 彩色涂层钢板及钢带试验方法 GB/T 17505 钢及钢产品交货一般技术要求 3术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 彩涂板prepainted steel sheet 在经过表面预处理的基板上连续涂覆有机涂料,然后进行烘烤固化而成的产品。 3.2 基板 steel substrate 用于涂覆涂料的钢带。 3.3 正面top side 彩涂板两个表面中对颜色、涂层性能、表面质量等有较高要求的一面。 3.4 反面 bottom side 彩涂板相对于正面的另一个表面。 3.5 建筑外用 building exterior applications 受外部大气环境影响的用途。 3.6 建筑内用 building interior applications 受内部气氛影响的用途。 3.7 涂层硬度 coating hardness 涂层抵抗擦划伤、摩擦、碰撞、压入等机械作用的能力。 3.8 柔韧性 flexibility 涂层与基板共同变形而不发生破坏的能力。 3.9 附着力 adhesion 涂层间或涂层与基板间结合的牢固程度。 3.10 使用寿命life to the first major maintenance 从制造完成之日开始到原始涂层的性能下降到必须对其进行大修才能维持其对基板的保护作用时的间隔时间。 注:大修是指当漆膜因老化而变得不完整或基板穿孔时必须对建筑物进行的维护、维修工作,包括重新喷漆、局部更换等。 3.11 耐久性durability 涂层达到规定使用寿命的能力。 3.12 老化 weathering 涂层在使用环境的影响下性能逐渐发生劣化的现象。 4牌号表示方法、分类及代号 4.1 牌号表示方法 彩涂板的牌号由大写英文字母T加基板牌号组成。 示例1:TDX51D+Z ——表示基板牌号为DX51D+Z的彩涂板。 示例2:TDC01+ZE ——表示基板牌号为DC01+ZE的彩涂板。 示例3:TS300GD+AZ ——表示基板牌号为S300GD+AZ的彩涂板。 4.2分类及代号 4.2.1 彩涂板的分类及代号见表1。 4.2.2如需表1以外用途、基板类型、涂层表面状态、面漆种类、面漆功能、涂层结构、热镀锌基板表面结构、耐中性盐雾性能和紫外灯加速老化性能的彩涂板应在订货时协商。 表1 分类及代号 分类 项目 代号 用途 建筑外用 JW 建筑内用 JN 家电 JD 其他 QT 基板类型 热镀锌基板 Z 热镀锌铁合金基板 ZF 热镀铝锌合金基板 AZ 热镀锌铝合金基板 ZA 热镀铝硅合金基板 AS 热镀锌铝镁合金基板 ZM 电镀锌基板 ZE 涂层表面状态 普通涂层板 TC 压花板 YA 印花板 YI 网纹板 WA 绒面板 RO 珠光板 ZH 磨砂板 MO 面漆种类 聚酯 PE 硅改性聚酯 SMP 高耐久性聚酯 HDP 聚偏二氟乙烯 PVDF 面漆功能 普通 自洁 AP 抗静电 AS 抗菌 AB 隔热 AH 涂层结构 正面二层、反面一层 2/1 正面二层、反面二层 2/2 热镀锌基板表面结构 小锌花 MS 无锌花 FS 耐中性盐雾性能 1级 S1 2级 S2 3级 S3 4级 S4 紫外灯加速老化性能 1级 U1 2级 U2 3级 U3 4级 U4