is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB/T 12604 consists of eleven parts under the general title Non-destructive testing—Terminology:
—12604.1 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in Ultrasonic testing;
—12604.2 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in radiographic testing;
—12604.3 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in penetrant testing;
—12604.4 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in acoustic emission testing;
—12604.6 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in eddy current testing;
—12604.7 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in leak testing;
—12604.8 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in neutron testing;
—12604.9 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in infrared testing;
—12604.10 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in magnetic memory testing;
—12604.11 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in X-ray digital radioscopic testing.
This is Part 5 of GB/T 12604.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part replaces GB/T 12604.5-2008 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Magnetic particle testing, with respect to which the following main technical changes have been made:
—Some terms and definitions have been deleted, see Annex NA for details;
—Some terms and definitions have been added, see Annex NB for details.
This part is identical to ISO 12707:2016 Non-destructive testing—Magnetic particle testing—Vocabulary by means of translation.
The following editorial changes have been made in this part:
—To be consistent with the existing standard series, the standard name has been changed to Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Magnetic particle testing;
—The informative Annex NA and Annex NB have been added;
—An index has been added.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Non-destructive Testing of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 56).
The previous editions of this part are as follows:
—GB/T 12604.5-1990, GB/T 12604.5-2008.
Non-destructive testing—Terminology—
Magnetic particle testing
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 12604 defines general terms specifically associated with magnetic particle testing.
2 Terms and definitions
adjacent conductor technique
magnetization using a bar or cable conductor close to the test surface
ampere turns
product of the number of turns of a coil and the current in amperes flowing through the coil
arcing strike
poor electrical contact causing burn damage
carrier liquid
liquid in which the magnetic particles (2.30) are suspended for the wet method
central conductor
threaded conductor positioned in the centre of an aperture of the component
circular magnetization
continuous lines of force within a test piece produced by current flow or a conductor surrounded by the test piece
coil technique
magnetization using a flexible cable or a rigid coil to test total or a part of a component
coloured detection medium
detection medium for testing with visible light
detection medium supplied in a form requiring dilution before use
conditioning agent
additive in water-based media used to improve their properties which may include wetting, antifoaming and corrosion inhibitors
constant current control
device to maintain the pre-set current
contact pad
replaceable pad usually copper braid, placed at contact points to improve electrical connection and prevent the arc strike of the tested component
continuous magnetization technique
technique where detection medium is applied during magnetization
contrast aid paint
thin coating or film applied to a surface to improve the visibility of indications using coloured detection medium (2.8)
current flow technique
magnetization by passing a current through a component
current generator
source of current for magnetization
detection medium
magnetic ink or particle used in magnetic particle testing
dry powder technique
application of magnetic particles testing, applying dry magnetic particle (2.30)
fixed installation
stationary equipment providing a magnetic field for testing of components
flexible coil technique
magnetization using a conductor wrapped closely around a component
fluorescent detection medium.
detection medium that emits visible light when activated by a different radiation, usually UV-A radiation
flux indicator
magnetic flux direction detector containing artificial discontinuities
fluorescent stability
capability of a detection medium to maintain fluorescent properties
induced current flow technique
current flow in a ring type component produced by making it the secondary of a transformer
lift test
functional check of portable electromagnets assessed by attractive force
magnetic bench
stationary equipment for general applications of magnetic particle testing, employing magnetic flow techniques (2.28) and/or current flow techniques (2.15)
magnetic extender
ferromagnetic piece placed at the end of a component to improve the magnetization
magnetic flow technique
magnetization by inducing a magnetic flux through the component
magnetic ink
carrier liquid suspending with magnetic particles (2.30), mixed in a certain proportion
magnetic particle
finely distributed ferromagnetic material attracted by the magnetic flux leakage
magnetic particle content
measurement of magnetic particles (2.30) in magnetic ink
magnetic particle testing
non-destructive test method using magnetic fields and detection media to reveal surface and near surface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials
magnetic writing
form of false indication due to partial, random magnetization, caused when a magnetized component comes in contact with the test item
magnetizing coil
arrangement of a rigid or flexible coil to encircle the entire component or part of it
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Terms and definitions Annex NA (Informative) The terms and definitions in GB/T 12604.5-2008 deleted in this part Annex NB (Informative) Terms introduced to this part with respect to GB/T 12604.5- Bibliography Index
参考文献 [1] ISO 12706 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Terms used in penetrant testing [2] ISO 12718 Non-destructive testing—Eddy current testing—Vocabulary [3] EN 1330-7:2005 Non-destructive testing—Terminology—Part 7:Terms used in magnetic particle testing
索引 汉语拼音索引 A 安匝 2.2 B 便携式电磁铁(磁轭) 2.37 C 触头 2.38 磁场指示器 2.22 磁粉 2.30 磁粉检测 2.32 磁粉浓度 2.31 磁化工作台 2.26 磁化线圈 2.34 磁通技术 2.28 磁写 2.33 磁性延长块 2.27 磁悬液 2.29 D 电弧烧伤 2.3 电流发生器 2.16 多方向磁化 2.36 F 反差增强剂 2.14 G 干粉技术 2.1 8 感应导体技术 2.1 感应电流技术 2.24 刚性线圈技术 2.40 固定装置 2.19 H 恒流控制 2.11 J 机械稳定性 2.35 检测介质 2.17 接触衬垫 2.12 L 连续磁化技术 2.13 N 浓缩液 2.9 Q 切向磁场 2.41 切向磁场强度 2.42 R 柔性线圈技术 2.20 S 剩磁 2.39 T 提升力测试 2.25 调节剂 2.10 通电技术 2.15 X 线圈技术 2.7 芯棒导体技术 2.43 Y 荧光检测介质 2.21 荧光稳定性 2.23 有色检测介质 2.8 Z 载液 2.4 中心导体 2.5 周向磁化 2.6
A adjacent conductor technique 2.1 ampere turns 2.2 arcing strike 2.3 C carrier liquid 2.4 central conductor 2.5 circular。magnetization 2.6 coil technique 2.7 coloured detection medium 2.8 concentrate 2.9 conditioning agent 2.10 constant current control 2.11 contact pad 2.12 continuous magnetization technique 2.13 contrast aid paint 2.14 current flow technique 2.15 current generator 2.16 D detection medium 2.17 dry powder technique 2.18 F fixed installation 2.19 flexible coil technique 2.20 fluorescent detection medium 2.21 fluorescent stability 2.23 flux indicator 2.22 I induced current flow technique 2.24 L lift test 2.25 M magnetic bench 2.26 magnetic extender 2.27 magnetic flow technique 2.28 magnetic ink 2.29 magnetic particle content 2.31 magnetic particle testing 2.32 magnetic particle 2.30 magnetic writing 2.33 magnetizing coil 2.34 mechanical stability 2.35 multidirectional magnetization 2.36 P portable electromagnet(yoke) 2.37 prods 2.38 R residual field 2.39 rigid coil technique 2.40 T tangential field 2.41 tangential field strength 2.42 threaded conductor technique 2.43