This Standard specifies the water and steam quality index of thermal generating unit and steam power equipments when they are normally operating and out-of-service (standby) the unit start-up.
This Standard is applicable to the thermal generating unit and steam power equipments with main boiler steam pressure of no less than 3.8MPa (atmospheric pressure).
2. Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding content of corrigenda) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, Parties to agreements based on this Code are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 7064 Requirements for Turbine Type Synchronous Machine
3. Definitions and Abbreviations
The following definitions and abbreviations are applicable to this Standard.
Cation conductivity
Conductivity of water sample tested after the cation exchange resin like hydrogen strong acid
Feed water system without copper alloys
Copper or copper alloy-free feed water system of parts and equipments (excluding condenser) contacted with the water and steam
Feed water system with copper alloys
Copper or copper alloy-contained feed water system of parts and equipments (excluding condenser) contacted with the water and steam
[AVT (R)] all volatile treatment (reduction))
Treatment of boiler feed water adding with ammonia and reducing agents
[AVT (O)] all volatile treatment (oxidation))
Treatment of boiler feed water only adding with ammonia
(OT) oxygenated treatment
Treatment of boiler feed water adding with oxygen
Solid alkalizing agents
Phosphate, sodium hydroxide and other pharmaceutical products for dealing with boiler water
Alkalizing of boiler water with solid alkalizing agents
Treatment of adding phosphate and sodium hydroxide in the boiler water
Alkalizing of the boiler water without solid alkalizing agents
Add volatile alkali for the water, the boiler water is not processed by adding solid alkalizing agents
Standard value
The minimum required value for the operational control; in case of going beyond the standard value, the unit may happen with the possibilities of corrosion, scaling and salification
Expectation value
The optimal value for operational control or the value reachable after effort; it may be more effectively control the corrosion, scaling and salification and other hazards of the unit
Closed recirculating cooling water
Water of closed system for recirculating and cooling the auxiliary equipments of the thermodynamic system, and its make-up water may be de-mineralized water and condensation water
Contents Foreword I 1. Scope 2. Normative references 3. Definitions and Abbreviations 4. Steam Quality Standard 5. Quality Standard of Boiler Feed Water 6. Quality Standard of Condensation Water 7. Quality Standard of the Boiler Water 8. Quality Standard of the Boiler Feed Water 9. Quality Standard of the Desuperheating Water 10. Quality Standard of Drainage and Production Backwater 11. Quality Standard of the Closed Recirculating Cooling Water 12. Quality Standard of the Heating Network Make-up Water 13. Quality Standard of the Cooling Water of Internal Water Cooling Generator 14. Water and Steam Quality Standard for the Start-up of Out-of-service (standby) Unit 15. Treatment on the Quality of Deteriorating Water and Steam