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1 Scope This part of GB 10827 gives safety requirements and the means for their verification for the following types of self-propelled industrial trucks (hereafter referred to as trucks), as defined in ISO 5053: a) Industrial counterbalanced trucks; b) Reach trucks with retractable mast or retractable fork arm carriage; c) Straddle trucks; d) Pallet-stacking trucks; e) High-lift platform trucks; f) Trucks with elevating operator position up to 1200 mm; g) Side-loading trucks (one side only); h) Lateral-stacking trucks (both sides), and lateral- and front-stacking trucks; i) Pallet trucks; j) Bidirectional and multidirectional trucks; k) Tractors with a drawbar pull up to and including 20 000 N; l) Rough-terrain counterbalanced trucks; m) Industrial trucks powered by battery, diesel, gasoline or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). Note 1: Trucks powered by CNG (compressed natural gas) are not dealt with. It is intended that CNG and other power sources be addressed in future revisions of this part. For trucks with an elevating operator position of more than 1 200 mm and/or trucks designed to travel with an elevated load of more than 1 200 mm, this part is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 3691-3. Note 2: ISO 3691-3 is not applicable to counterbalanced fork lift trucks or trucks intended for container handling. Note 3: Some low-level order pickers with an elevating operator's position up to and including 1200 mm lift height can be equipped with an additional lifting device to lift the load to a maximum lift height of 1800 mm. This part is not applicable to self-propelled variable-reach trucks, driverless trucks or burden carriers, which are covered in ISO 3691-2, ISO 3691-4 and ISO 3691-6, respectively. It is not applicable to industrial trucks operating in severe conditions (e.g. extreme climates, freezer applications, hazardous environments), where special precautions can be necessary. This part deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events, as listed in Annex B, with the exception of the following, relevant to the applicable machines when used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer. It does not establish requirements for hazards that can occur: ——during construction; ——when handling suspended loads that can swing freely; ——when using trucks on public roads; ——when operating in potentially explosive atmospheres; ——when using trucks in very narrow aisles with clearance of less than 500 mm to the racks; ——arising from a non-ergonomic body attitude when driving sit-on trucks, load trailing; ——during travelling with unladen trucks having a rated capacity of more than 10000kg, due to visibility concerns; ——due to overload. Note 4: For the purposes of this part, fork arms, load platforms and integrated attachments are considered to be parts of the industrial truck. Attachments mounted on the load carrier or on the fork arms which are removable by the user are not considered to be part of the industrial truck. Requirements for attachments are given in the appropriate clauses. 2 Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative documents (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 5143-2008 Industrial Trucks - Overhead Guards - Specification and Testing (ISO 6055: 2004, IDT) GB/T 5169.16 - 2008 Fire Hazard Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 16: Test Flames - 50W Horizontal and Vertical Flame Test Methods(IEC 60695-11-10: 2003, IDT) GB/T 5184-2008 Fork-lift Trucks - Hook-on Type Fork Arms and Fork Arm Carriages - Mounting Dimensions(ISO 2328: 2007, IDT) GB/T 7593-2008 Powered Industrial Trucks - Symbols for Operator Controls and Other Displays (ISO 3287: 1999, IDT) GB/T 8420-2011 Earth-moving Machinery - Physical Dimensions of Operators and Minimum Operator Space Envelope (ISO 3411: 2007, IDT) GB 10827.5-2013 Industrial Trucks - Safety Requirements and Verification - Part 5: Pedestrian-Propelled Trucks (ISO 3691-5: 1999, IDT) GB/T 15706-2012 Safety of Machinery - General Principles for Design - Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction (ISO 12100: 2010, IDT) GB 16754-2008 Safety of Machinery - Emergency Stop - Principles for Design (ISO 13850: 2006, IDT) GB/T 16855.1-2008 Safety of Machinery - Safety-related Parts of Control Systems - Part 1: General Principles for Design (ISO 13849-1: 2006, IDT) GB/T 17300-2010 Earth-moving Machinery - Access Systems (ISO 2867: 2006, IDT) GB/T 18849-2011 Powered Industrial Trucks - Brake Performance and Component Strength (ISO 6292: 2008, IDT) GB/T 22417-2008 Fork-Lift Trucks - Fork-Arm Extensions and Telescopic Fork Arms - Technical Characteristics and Strength Requirements(ISO 13284: 2003, IDT) GB/T 22418-2008 Industrial Trucks - Additional Requirements for Automated Functions on Trucks (ISO 24134: 2006, IDT) GB/T 22419-2008 Industrial Trucks - Specification for Indicator Lights for Container Handling and Grappler Arm Operations (ISO 15871: 2000, IDT) GB/T 26560-2011 Powered Industrial Trucks--Safety Signs and Hazard Pictorials - General Principles (ISO 15870: 2000, IDT) GB/T 26562-2011 Construction and Layout of Pedals of Self-propelled Sit-down Rider-controlled Industrial trucks - Rules for the Construction and Layout of Pedals (ISO 21281: 2005, IDT) GB/T 26948.1-2011 Industrial Trucks - Specifications and Test Methods for Operator Restraint Systems - Part 1: Lap-type Seat Belts (ISO 24135-1: 2006, IDT) GB/T 26949.1-2012 Industrial Trucks - Verification of Stability - Part 1: General(ISO 22915-1: 2008, IDT) GB/T 26949.2-2013 Industrial Trucks - Verification of Stability - Part 2:Counterbalanced Trucks with Mast (ISO 22915-2: 2008, IDT) GB/T 26949.3-2013 Industrial Trucks - Verification of Stability - Part 3: Reach and Straddle Trucks(ISO 22915-3: 2008, IDT) GB/T 26949.10-2011 Industrial Trucks - Verification of Stability — Part 10: Additional Stability Test for Trucks Operating in the Special Condition of Stacking with Load Laterally Displaced by Powered Devices (ISO 22915-10: 2008, IDT) GB/T 27544-2011 Industrial Trucks - Electrical Requirements (ISO 20898: 2008, IDT) ISO 2330 Fork-lift Trucks - Fork Arms - Technical Characteristics and Testing ISO 3691-3: —1) Industrial Trucks - Safety Requirements and Verification - Part 3: Additional Requirements for Trucks with Elevating Operator Position and Trucks Specifically designed to Travel with Elevated Loads ISO 3795: 1989 Road Vehicles, and Tractors and Machinery for Agriculture and Forestry - Determination of Burning Behaviour of Interior Materials ISO 5053 Powered Industrial Trucks - Terminology ISO 13564-1: 2012 Powered Industrial Trucks - Test Methods for Verification of Visibility - Part 1: Sit-on and Stand-on Operator Trucks up to and Including 10 t Capacity ISO 22915-4: 2009 Industrial Trucks - Verification of Stability - Part 4: Pallet Stackers, Double Stackers and Order-Picking Trucks with Operator Position Elevating up to and Including 1 200 mm Lift Height ISO 22915-7: 2009 Industrial Trucks Verification of Stability - Part 7: Bidirectional and Multidirectional Trucks ISO 22915-8: 2008 Industrial Trucks - Verification of Stability - Part 8: Additional Stability Test for Trucks Operating in the Special Condition of Stacking with Mast Tilted Forward and Load Elevated) ISO 22915-11: 2011 Industrial Trucks - Verification of Stability - Part 11: Industrial Variable-reach Trucks ISO 22915-20: 2008 Industrial Trucks - Verification of Stability - Part 20: Additional Stability Test for Trucks Operating in the Special Condition of Offset Load, Offset by Utilization ISO 22915-21: 2009 Industrial Trucks - Verification of Stability - Part 21: Order-Picking Trucks with Operator Position Elevating Above 1200 mm 3 Terms and Definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5053 and GB/T 15706 and the following apply. 3.1 Self-propelled industrial truck Wheeled vehicle having at least three wheels with a powered driving mechanism, except for those running on rails, designed either to carry, tow, push, lift, stack or tier in racks any kind of load and controlled by an operator (3.7). Note: See ISO 5053 for a comprehensive terminology. 3.2 Pedestrian-controlled truck Truck designed to be controlled by an operator (3.7) walking with the truck by means of, for example, a tiller or remote control. Note: The truck may be equipped with a stand-on option. 3.3 Ride-on truck Truck designed to be controlled by an operator (3.7) riding on a seat or a driving platform on the truck. Note: Stand-on industrial trucks with a seat for the operator are considered as being stand-on trucks. 3.4 Low-lift truck Truck having a lift height of 500 mm or less. 3.5 Bidirectional truck Truck designed to travel in either direction on a line parallel with its longitudinal axis, or perpendicular to this axis. Note: Adapted from ISO 5053:1987, 3.6 Multidirectional truck Truck designed to travel in any direction relative to its longitudinal axis. Note: Adapted from ISO 5053:1987, 3.7 Operator Designated person, appropriately trained and authorized, who is responsible for the movement and load handling of an industrial truck. Note 1: Depending on the truck type, the operator can be riding on the industrial truck, on foot accompanying the truck(e.g. tiller-, cable-controlled) or remote from the truck (e.g. remote radio-controlled). Note 2: National regulations can apply. 3.8 Normal operating position Position in which the operator is able to control all functions for driving and load handling as defined by the manufacturer. Note: Additional positions are permitted to be defined by the manufacturer if it is not possible to control all the functions of the truck from a single position. A rotating seat or stand-up end-control truck with more than one operating direction is considered as being or having a single operating position. 3.9 Lift height Vertical distance between the upper face of the fork blades or the lifting platform and the ground. 3.10 Lift height for travelling Lifting height up to and including 500 mm providing sufficient ground clearance for travelling. Note: It is identical to the maximum lift height for the stability test for travelling. 3.11 Low lift height Maximum lift height up to and including 500 mm, where the vertical centre of gravity of the load does not exceed 1100 mm above the ground. 3.12 Automatically acting brakes Mechanical brakes which automatically apply in the non-travelling condition until released by the control of the operator. 3.13 Lost load centre Horizontal shift in the standard load centre that may occur when removable attachments are added to a truck. Note: For standard load centre, see Annex A. 3.14 Actual capacity Maximum load, expressed in kilograms, established by the manufacturer based on component strength and truck stability, that a truck can carry, lift and stack to a specified height, at a specified load centre distance and reach, if applicable, in normal operation. Note: The actual capacity depends on the configuration of the truck, including variables such as the type and lift height of the mast fitted, the actual load centre and any attachments that might be fitted. This actual capacity defines the load-handling ability of the particular truck, as equipped. Additional actual capacity ratings with removable attachments can also be established where permitted by the appropriate stability tests or by calculation verified by empirical data. 3.15 Rated capacity Maximum load, expressed in kilograms, established by the manufacturer based on component strength and truck stability, that the truck can carry, lift and stack to the standard lift height and at the standard position of the centre of gravity. Note 1: For centre of gravity, see Annex A. Note 2: If the lifting height of the mast is lower than the standard lift height, H, the rated capacity is still assessed at the standard lift height. Note 3: The rated capacity is used to compare the capacity of different manufacturers' trucks and to provide the break points used in technical standards and statistics. The operating limits for the truck are defined by its actual capacity. 4 Safety Requirements and/or Protective Measures 4.1 General 4.1.1 Overall requirements The truck shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective measures of this clause. In addition, the truck shall be designed according to the principles of GB/T 15706 for relevant but not significant hazards which are not dealt with by this part. 4.1.2 Normal climatic conditions For truck operation, the following climatic conditions apply: ——Average ambient temperature for continuous duty: +25℃; ——Maximum ambient temperature, short term (up to 1 h): +40℃; ——Lowest ambient temperature for trucks intended for use in normal indoor conditions: +5℃; ——Lowest ambient temperature for trucks intended for use in normal outdoor conditions: -20 ℃; ——Altitude: ≤ 2000m. 4.1.3 Normal operating conditions Normal operating conditions are the following: ——Driving (travelling and lifting) on substantially firm, smooth, level and prepared surfaces - the surface conditions on which the truck is designed to operate shall be specified in the instruction handbook (see 6.2); ——Driving with the horizontal load centre of gravity approximately on the longitudinal centre plane of the truck; ——Travelling with the mast or fork arms tilted backwards, where applicable, and the load in the lowered (travel) position. If the above is not sufficient to allow the conditions for stability of a particular truck type to be specified, then the operating conditions shall be according to the standard referenced for stability in 4.8. 4.1.4 Electrical requirements Electrical requirements shall comply with GB/T 27544. 4.1.5 Edges or angles There shall be no sharp edges or angles posing a hazard in the area of the operator in the normal operating position or in the area of access and egress during normal operation and daily checks. 4.1.6 Stored energy components Components which store energy and that would cause a risk during removal or disassembly, e.g. hydraulic accumulator or spring-applied brakes, shall be provided with a means to release the energy before removal or disassembly. 4.2 Starting/moving 4.2.1 Unauthorized starting Trucks shall be provided with a device (e.g. key, code, magnetic card) which prevents starting without its use. Such devices for pedestrian-controlled and rider-controlled trucks manufactured by the same manufacturer shall not be interchangeable between the two truck types. Where devices, e.g. magnetic cards, are destined for an individual operator, one device may be used on both truck types but shall not allow starting by unauthorized persons. 4.2.2 Unintended movement and inadvertent activation Truck movement from the holding position, other than by actuation of the controls by the operator, due to drift or creep (e.g. by leakage), shall be avoided. Parking brakes A parking brake complying with 4.3.1 shall be provided. For sit-on rider trucks, the parking brake system shall be manually operable by hand or foot from the normal operating position or automatically applied by leaving the normal operating position. Trucks with only non-automatically applied parking brake(s) shall have a warning to the operator to apply the brakes before leaving the truck. Failure of the control system of an automatically applied parking brake shall be indicated to the operator. Internal-combustion-engine powered trucks Internal-combustion-engine powered trucks shall be fitted with a device which prevents the engine being started while the transmission is engaged. Travel controls Travel controls on internal-combustion-engine powered trucks shall be so arranged that on level ground the truck will not move from rest until the transmission has been engaged. Powered travel movement Powered travel movement of the truck with a ride-on operator shall be possible only if the operator is in the normal operating position. Powered travel shall not occur automatically when the operator returns to the normal operating position without an additional operation, e.g. by requiring a resetting of the direction control or reactivation of the speed control. Manual gearbox and manually operated clutch pedal A truck with an automotive-type manual gearbox and manually operated clutch pedal satisfies the requirements of and 4.2.3 Travel speed Pedestrian-controlled trucks Single-speed pedestrian-controlled trucks operating on level ground shall not exceed a travel speed of 4 km/h and an acceleration of 0.5 m/s2 and shall be designed for low-lift only. Variable-speed pedestrian-controlled trucks operating on level ground shall be controllable by the operator to be aligned with their walking speed not exceeding 6 km/h. Stand-on trucks and pedestrian-controlled trucks with foldable platform The maximum speed on level ground of stand-on trucks and pedestrian-controlled trucks fitted with a foldable platform when the operator is on the platform shall not exceed 16 km/h. For trucks with a foldable operator platform, see For trucks with stand-on options, see and Foreword I Introduction III 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Safety Requirements and/or Protective Measures 5 Verification of Safety Requirements and/or Protective Measures 6 Information for Use Annex A (Normative) Determination of Driving Direction and Rated Capacity Annex B (Informative) List of Significant Hazards References 工业车辆 安全要求和验证 第1部分:自行式工业车辆(除无人 驾驶车辆、伸缩臂式叉车和载运车) 1 范围 GB 10827的本部分规定了如ISO 5053所定义的下列自行式工业车辆(以下简称“车辆”)的安全要求及其验证方法: a) 平衡重式叉车; b) 前移式叉车(具有可伸缩的门架或货叉架); c) 插腿式叉车; d) 托盘堆垛车; e) 高起升平台搬运车; f) 操作台起升高度不大于1 200 mm的车辆; g) 侧面式叉车(单侧); h) 侧面堆垛式叉车(两侧和三向); i) 托盘搬运车; j) 双向和多向运行叉车; k) 牵引力不大于20 000N的牵引车; l) 平衡重式越野叉车; m) 其他以蓄电池、柴油、汽油或液化石油气为动力的工业车辆。 注1:本部分不适用于以压缩天然气为动力的车辆,以压缩天然气和其他动力源为动力的车辆可能在将来修订本部分时增加。 对于操作台起升高度大于1 200 mm的车辆和/或带着载荷起升至1 200 mm以上运行的车辆,本部分应与ISO 3691-3一起使用。 注2:ISO 3691-3不适用于平衡重式叉车或搬运集装箱的车辆。 注3:有些带有起升高度不大于1 200 mm操作台的低起升拣选车,可以安装一个附加起升装置,将载荷起升至1 800mm的最大起升高度的,可适用。 本部分不适用于自行式伸缩臂式叉车、无人驾驶车辆和载运车,ISO 3691-2、ISO 3691-4和ISO 3691-6分别适用于这些车辆。 本部分不适用于在苛刻条件下(如极端天气、冷库应用、危险环境)工作的车辆,这些情况需要有特殊防护措施。 本部分涉及了除以下情形外,有关机械在制造商预期用途下使用和可预见条件下误用的,如附录B所列的所有重大危险、危险状态或危险事件。 本部分不包括下列情况可能发生的危险: ——在制造过程中; ——搬运能自由摆动的悬吊载荷时; ——在公路上使用时; ——在潜在爆炸性环境中操作时; ——在与货架之间的单侧间隙小于500 mm的狭窄通道上使用时; ——驾驶拖曳载荷的坐驾式车辆时,由于采用非人类工效学姿势而引起; ——驾驶额定起重量大于10 000 kg的空载车辆时,由于视野关系而引起; ——超载时。 注4:本部分中,货叉、载货平台和整体式属具都被看作是工业车辆的一部分。安装在载货平台或货叉上的可拆卸式属具,不被看作是工业车辆的一部分。对属具的要求见本部分相关条款规定。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 5143—2008 工业车辆 护顶架 技术要求和试验方法(ISO 6055:2004,IDT) GB/T 5169.16—2008 电工电子产品着火危险试验 第16部分:试验火焰 50 W水平与垂直火焰试验方法(IEC 60695-11-10:2003,IDT) GB/T 5184—2008 叉车 挂钩型货叉和货叉架 安装尺寸(ISO 2328:2007,IDT) GB/T 7593—2008 机动工业车辆 驾驶员控制装置及其他显示装置用符号(ISO 3287:1999,IDT) GB/T 8420—2011 土方机械 司机的身材尺寸与司机的最小活动空间(ISO 3411:2007,IDT) GB 10827.5—2013 工业车辆 安全要求和验证 第5部分:步行式车辆(ISO 3691-5:1999,IDT) GB/T 15706—2012 机械安全 设计通则 风险评估和风险减小(ISO 12100:2010,IDT) GB 16754—2008 机械安全 急停 设计原则(ISO 13850:2006,IDT) GB/T 16855.1—2008 机械安全 控制系统有关安全部件 第1部分:设计通则(ISO 13849-1:2006,IDT) GB/T 17300—2010 土方机械 通道装置(ISO 2867:2006,IDT) GB/T 18849—2011 机动工业车辆 制动器性能和零件强度(ISO 6292:2008,IDT) GB/T 22417—2008 叉车 货叉叉套和伸缩式货叉 技术性能和强度要求(ISO 13284:2003,IDT) GB/T 22418—2008 工业车辆 车辆自动功能的附加要求(ISO 24134:2006,IDT) GB/T 22419—2008 工业车辆 集装箱吊具和抓臂操作用指示灯技术要求(ISO 15871:2000,IDT) GB/T 26560—2011 机动工业车辆 安全标志和危险图示 通则(ISO 15870:2000,IDT) GB/T 26562—2011 自行式坐驾工业车辆踏板的结构与布置 踏板的结构与布置原则(ISO21281:2005,IDT) GB/T 26948.1—2011 工业车辆驾驶员约束系统技术要求及试验方法 第1部分:腰部安全带(ISO 24135-1:2006,IDT) GB/T 26949.1—2012 工业车辆 稳定性验证 第1部分:总则(ISO 22915-1:2008,IDT) GB/T 26949.2—2013 工业车辆 稳定性验证 第2部分:平衡重式叉车(ISO 22915-2:2008,IDT) GB/T 26949.3—2013 工业车辆 稳定性验证 第3部分:前移式和插腿式叉车(ISO 22915-3:2008,IDT) GB/T 26949.10—2011 工业车辆 稳定性验证 第10部分:在由动力装置侧移载荷条件下堆垛作业的附加稳定性试验(ISO 22915-10:2008,IDT) GB/T 27544—2011 工业车辆 电气要求(ISO 20898:2008,IDT) ISO 2330 叉车 货叉 技术要求和试验方法(Fork-lift trucks—Fork arms—Technical charac-terlstlcs and testing) ISO 3691-3:—1) 工业车辆 安全要求和验证 第3部分:对带有起升操作台的车辆和专门设计为带起升载荷运行的车辆的附加要求(Industrial turcks—Safety requirements and verification— Part 3:Additional requirements for trucks with elevating operator position and trucks specifically de- signed to travel with elevated loads) ISO 3795:1989 农林用道路车辆、拖拉机和机械 内部材料燃烧性能的测定(Road vehicles,and tractors and machinery for agricultrure and forestry—Determination of burning behaviour of interior materials) ISO 5053 机动工业车辆 术语(Powered industrial trucks—Terminology) ISO 13564-1:2012 机动工业车辆 验证视野的试验方法 第1部分:额定起重量不大于10 t的坐驾式和站驾式车辆(Powered industrial trucks—Test methods for verification of visibility—Part 1:Sit-on and stand-on operator trucks up to and including 10 t capacity) ISO 22915-4:2009 工业车辆 稳定性验证 第4部分:托盘堆垛车、双层堆垛车和操作台起升高度不大于1 200 mm的拣选车辆(Industrial trucks—Verification of stability—Part 4:Pallet stackers,double stackers and order-picking trucks with operator position elevating up to and including 1 200 mm lift height) ISO 22915-7:2009 工业车辆 稳定性验证 第7部分:双向和多向运行叉车(Industrial trucks Verification of stability—Part 7:Bidirectional and multidirectional trucks) ISO 22915-8:2008 工业车辆 稳定性验证 第8部分:在门架前倾和载荷提升条件下堆垛作业的附加稳定性试验(Industrial trucks—Verification of stability—Part 8:Additional stability test for trucks operating in the special condition of stacking with mast tilted forward and load elevated) ISO 22915-11:2011 工业车辆 稳定性验证 第11部分:伸缩臂式叉车(Industrial trucks Verification of stability—Part 11:Industrial variable-reach trucks) ISO 22915-20:2008 工业车辆 稳定性验证 第20部分:载荷偏置条件下作业的附加稳定性试验(Industrial trucks—Verification of stability—Part 20:Additional stability test for trucks operating in the special condition of offset load,offset by utilization) ISO 22915-21:2009 工业车辆 稳定性验证 第21部分:操作台起升高度大于1 200 mm的拣选车辆(Industrial trucks—Verification of stability—Part 21:Order-picking trucks with operator position elevating above 1 200 mm) 3 术语和定义 ISO 5053和GB/T 15706界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 自行式工业车辆self-propelled industrial truck 至少有3个车轮,并带有动力驱动装置的轮式车辆(不包括那些在轨道上运行的车辆),设计用来搬运、牵引、推顶、起升、堆垛或在货架上分层堆垛各种货物,并由一个操作者(3.7)控制。 注:完整术语见ISO 5053。 3.2 步驾式车辆pedestrian-controlled truck 由一个以步行跟随车辆的操作者(3.7)通过如舵柄或遥控装置控制的车辆。 1) 即将出版。 注:这种车辆可备有站驾选项。 3.3 乘驾式车辆ride-on truck 由一个坐在座位上或站在操作平台上的操作者(3.7)控制的车辆。 注:带有操作者座椅的站驾式工业车辆属于站驾式车辆。 3.4 低起升车辆low-lift truck 起升高度不大于500 mm的车辆。 3.5 双向运行车辆bidirectional truck 沿着与其纵向轴线平行或垂直方向运行的车辆。 注:根据ISO 5053:1987中3.6.1.2改编。 3.6 多向运行车辆 multidirectional truck 沿着相对于其纵向轴线的任一方向运行的车辆。 注:根据ISO 5053:1987中3.6.1.3改编。 3.7 操作者operator 经过相应培训并取得资格,负责控制工业车辆运行及载荷搬运的专业人员。 注1:根据车辆的类型,操作者可以乘驾、步驾(如舵柄控制,电缆控制)或遥控(如无线电遥控)车辆。 注2:国家的法规可以适用。 3.8 正常操作位置normal operating position 操作者能按照制造商的规定控制所有运行和载荷搬运功能的位置。 注:如果在一个位置上不能控制车辆的全部功能,那么制造商可规定附加位置。具有一个以上操作方向的旋转座椅或站驾式端部控制车辆也被视作具有一个操作位置。 3.9 起升高度lift height 货叉水平段或升降平台的上表面至地面之间的垂直距离。 3.10 运行时的起升高度lift height for travelling 为运行提供足够离地间隙而提升的不大于500 mm的高度。 注:运行时的起升高度等同于稳定性试验中运行时的最大起升高度。 3.11 低起升高度low lift height 最大起升高度不大于500 mm,此时,载荷质心与地面的垂直距离不超过1 100 mm。 3.12 自动动作制动装置automatically acting brakes 在非运行条件下,除操作者将其释放外,可自动实施机械制动的装置。 3.13 失载中心距lost load centre 将可拆卸式属具安装到车辆上时标准载荷中心可能产生的水平位移。 注:标准载荷中心距见附录A。 3.14 实际起重量actual capacity 由制造商根据零部件强度和车辆稳定性确定的,车辆在正常运行状态,特定的载荷中心距(如果需要亦可前伸)时能够搬运、起升和堆垛到特定高度的最大载荷(单位为千克)。 注:实际起重量取决于车辆的配置,它与所安装门架的类型和起升高度、实际的载荷中心距以及安装的属具有关。该实际起重量规定了某一具体配置下的车辆的载荷搬运能力。通过适当的稳定性试验或经验数据的计算校验,可以确定车辆带有可拆卸式属具时的实际起重量值。 3.15 额定起重量rated capacity 由制造商根据零部件强度和车辆稳定性确定的,车辆在标准载荷质心位置时能够搬运、起升并堆垛到标准起升高度的最大载荷(单位为千克)。 注1:质心见附录A。 注2:当门架的起升高度低于标准起升高度H时,仍按照标准起升高度确定额定起重量。 注3:额定起重量用来比较不同制造商所生产车辆的额定能力,并为技术标准和统计提供依据。车辆的操作极限由实际起重量决定。 4 安全要求和/或保护措施 4.1 概述 4.1.1 一般要求 车辆应符合本章的安全要求和/或保护措施。 另外,对于本部分没有涉及到的非重大危险,应按GB/T 15706规定的原则进行车辆设计。 4.1.2正常气候条件 车辆作业时应符合以下正常气候条件: ——连续运行条件下的平均环境温度:+25℃; ——短期内(不大于1 h)的最高环境温度:+40℃; ——正常室内条件下使用车辆时的最低环境温度:+5℃; ——正常室外条件下使用车辆时的最低环境温度:-20 ℃; ——海拔高度:不大于2 000 m。 4.1.3正常作业条件 正常作业条件如下: ——在坚实、平整、水平和铺设好的路面上行驶(包括运行和起升),车辆设计作业的路面条件,应在使用说明书中详细说明(见6.2); ——行驶时载荷质心应大约位于车辆的纵向中心平面内; ——运行时在可能的情况下,应将门架或货叉后倾,并应使载荷处在较低的(运行)位置。 如果上述各项还不能完全满足某些类型车辆所规定的稳定性要求,那么这些车辆的运行条件应符合4.8所述的稳定性要求。 4.1.4电气要求 电气要求应符合GB/T 27544的规定。 4.1.5边或角 在操作者正常操作位置范围,以及在正常作业和日常检查时的出入范围都不应有造成危险的锐边或棱角。 4.1.6储能部件 储存能量并有可能在移动或拆卸过程中造成危险的部件,如液压蓄能器或弹簧制动装置,应采取措施在移动或拆卸前先释放其能量。 4.2启动/运行 4.2.1 未经许可的启动 车辆应配备一种装置(如钥匙、密码、磁卡),防止在没有使用该装置时车辆的启动。 对于由同一制造商生产的步驾式车辆和乘驾式车辆,其两者的启动装置应不能互换。对于同一个操作者,一种启动装置(如磁卡)可同时用于步驾式车辆和乘驾式车辆,但不允许未经授权的其他人员进行启动。 4.2.2意外的移动/开动 除非由操作者主动操纵控制装置,车辆应避免从其锁定位置移动,如滑行或蠕动(因泄漏等)。停车制动器 应配备满足4.3.1要求的停车制动器。 对于坐驾式车辆,停车制动器应能在操作者处于正常操作位置时用手或脚操作,或操作者离开正常操作位置时自动地实现制动。只装有非自动停车制动器的车辆,应警示操作者在离开车辆前启用停车制动器。 自动停车制动器的控制系统出现故障时,应能向操作者发出警示。 内燃车辆 内燃车辆应配备一种装置,当传动装置处于接合状态时,该装置能防止发动机启动。 运行控制 内燃车辆的运行控制装置应设计成,只有传动装置处于接合状态后,车辆才能在水平路面上从静止开始移动。动力运行 只有当操作者处于正常操作位置时,乘驾式车辆才能进行动力运行。 当操作者回到正常操作位置,但没有进行如重新调整方向控制、激活速度控制等额外操作时,动力运行不应自动发生。手动变速箱和人工操作的离合踏板 带有车用手动变速箱和人工操作离合踏板的车辆应符合4.2.2.2和4.2.2.4的要求。 4.2.3 运行速度 步驾式车辆 在水平路面上行驶的单速步驾式车辆的运行速度不应超过4 km/h,加速度不应超过0.5 m/s2,并且只应设计成低起升高度。 在水平路面上行驶的可调速步驾式车辆的运行速度应能被操作者调节到与其步行速度相匹配,不应超过6 km/h。 站驾式车辆和带有折叠式站板的步驾式车辆 在水平路面上行驶的站驾式车辆和带有操作者站立其上的折叠式站板的步驾式车辆,其最大运行速度不应超过16 km/h。 带有折叠式站板的车辆见4.7.3.3。 带有站驾选项的车辆见4.7.3.2和4.7.3.4。带着起升的门架运行 车辆带着起升的门架运行时,无特殊要求。 4.3 制动装置 4.3.1 概述 所有工业车辆都应带有行车制动器和停车制动器。制动器应符合GB/T 18849的规定。 停车制动器应配有防止意外释放的装置。停车制动力应通过机械装置产生。 4.3.2行车制动器的供能故障 行车制动器的供能发生故障时,不应导致整个制动失效,并应能控制停车。 4.3.3站驾式和步驾式车辆 站驾式和步驾式车辆应带有一个制动装置,该装置应自动闭合直到其被操作者释放。该装置可作为车辆的行车制动器和停车制动器。 4.4手动控制装置 4.4.1 概述 与车辆运动的一致性 控制装置的动作应尽可能和车辆正在进行的运动方向保持一致。控制装置的操作应被限制在车辆或舵柄的轮廓内。多人操作 如果安装了附加操作位置并有一个以上的操作者,则同一时间应只能从一个操作位置操纵这些控制装置,唯一的例外是紧急断电开关,从所有的操作位置都可以操纵此开关。多个操作位置 当一个操作者有多个操作位置时,在某一操作位置操纵控制装置的同时应排除从其他操作位置操纵的可能性。唯一的例外是紧急断电开关,从所有的操作位置都可以操纵此开关。 4.4.2运行和制动控制概述 速度操纵控制装置的动作应被设计成运行速度随着控制装置行程的增加而增加。当控制装置被释放时,它应自动回到零位。坐驾式车辆 用踏板操纵运行和制动控制装置的车辆应符合GB/T 26562的规定。站驾式车辆 站驾式车辆的运行和制动控制装置应符合下列要求: a)运行控制功能 ——当采用舵柄时,舵柄上应装有控制运行方向和速度的控制装置; ——当采用方向盘或类似控制装置时,运行方向和速度控制装置应位于方向盘附近。行车制动器在下列情况下,应自动实现制动功能: ——如果制动器是由舵柄操纵的,当舵柄被释放时; ——如果制动器是由运行控制装置操纵的,当运行控制装置被释放时; ——如果制动器是由脚操纵的,当踏板被释放时; ——如果制动器是由手操纵的,当手柄被操作时。 b) 操作台起升高度不大于1 200 mm的车辆 当操作台的起升高度超过500 mm时,应提供措施防止车辆的运行,除非控制装置可以和操作台一起起升。步驾式车辆 对步驾式车辆的要求如下: a) 舵柄上应配备运行方向和运行速度的控制装置; b) 当舵柄被释放时,它应能自动返回至高位静止位置,切断运行方向的牵引动力并闭合制动器; c) 当舵柄处在低位时,运行方向的牵引动力应被切断,并且制动器应闭合; d)舵柄应配备一种装置,当其头部在操作位置与固体物(如操作者的身体)接触时,能促使车辆朝远离操作者的方向运行,直到该装置上的压力被解除或实施制动使车辆停下。差速锁 车辆运行过程中应能解开差速锁。 对于带有踏板控制差速锁的车辆,踩下踏板应能锁住差速锁,释放踏板时应能解开差速锁。 从车辆外部进行的附加操作 对于坐驾式或站驾式车辆和牵引车,如果具有操作者从车辆外部进行运行控制的功能,则从外部操作车辆时,其运行速度不应大于6 km/h。这些控制装置可以附加在车辆上或采用遥控的方式。这种外部操作系统可以被设计成通过一个单独的开关起作用或当操作者离开正常操作位置自动起作用。 a) 概述 1) 当车外控制装置被释放时,驱动装置应自动关闭,制动器应自动闭合。应排除从车内操作位置同时进行操作的可能; 2) 安装在车辆外部的控制装置应安全可靠,以防意外激活。 b) 采用电缆连接的远程控制装置的附加要求 1) 电缆的长度和布置应能使操作者在车辆危险区域之外进行操作,并能够看清运行的道路。电缆应不会缠绕到车轮上。 2)对于便携式控制面板,应防止运行控制元件被意外操作,紧急制动按钮除外。便携式控制面板应安装符合GB 16754规定的紧急制动按钮。 c)无线控制的附加要求 1) 传输范围应足够以便让操作者在车辆危险区域之外进行操作,并能够看清运行的道路; 2) 对于便携式控制面板,应防止运行控制元件被意外操作,紧急制动按钮除外; 3) 可靠度等级应至少为10-9,汉明距离(代码间距)应为2;遥控装置应符合GB/T 16855.1的规定,性能等级(PL)c; 4) 当车辆在操作者的直接视野(90°)之外和/或在遥控范围之外,车辆应自动停车; 5) 当一辆以上的车辆同时在遥控状态下运行时,控制不应相互干扰。 d) 带牵引装置车辆的附加要求 1) 控制装置(如后接触装置)应设计成操作者在操作时不需要在车辆和拖车之问走动; 2) 后接触装置应确保可靠,不会发生意外操作; 3) 当操作后接触装置时,车辆的运行速度不应超过2.5 km/h。在步驾式和站驾式车辆边缘位置时的附加操作 操作者步行在步驾式和站驾式车辆旁进行的附加操作,应只有在车辆朝着载荷端的反方向运行时才可以。 只有当车辆静止时,才能从车辆外部激活运行控制装置。 当从车辆外部操纵运行控制装置时,速度不应超过4 km/h。当运行控制装置被释放时,制动器应自动闭合。 |
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GB/T 10827.1-2014/XG1-2021, GB 10827.1-2014/XG1-2021, GB 10827.1-2014XG1-2021, GB/T10827.1-2014/XG1-2021, GB/T 10827.1, GB/T10827.1, GB10827.1-2014/XG1-2021, GB 10827.1, GB10827.1, GB10827.1-2014XG1-2021, GB 10827.1, GB10827.1 |