This standard defines the terminology that is used in mechanical testing of metallic materials and forms a common basis for standards and general use.
2 General Terms
crack growth
crack extension
change in crack length
Note: It is expressed in millimetres (mm).
fracture toughness crack length
length of crack measured from load line to crack tip in the CT specimen, from the perpendicular bisector of the central crack to crack tips in the MT specimen, and from the specimen front face to crack tip in the bend specimen
fatigue crack length
crack size
a linear measure of a principal planar dimension of a crack from a reference plane to the crack tip
Note: It is expressed in millimetres (mm).
ability of a material to deform plastically without fracturing
elastic limit
maximum stress that a material is capable of sustaining without any permanent strain remaining upon complete release of the stress
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 General Terms 3 Terms Common to Uniaxial Test 4 Terms Common to Ductility Test 5 Terms Common to Hardness Test 6 Terms Common to Toughness Test 7 Terms Common to Fatigue Test Annex A (Informative) Comparison of Chapter and Article Numbers between This Standard and ISO 23718:2007 Annex B (Informative) Technical Differences between This Standard and ISO 23718:2007 and Their Reason Analysis Index