This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-202 "standardization guidelines, Part 1 structure of standardized documents and starting rules".
This document is "environmental test chamber technical conditions" one of the series of standards, the series consists of the following documents: - GB/T 10586---2006 humidity and heat test chamber technical conditions.
GB/T 10587-2006 salt spray test chamber technical conditions.
GB/T 10588-2006 long mold test chamber technical conditions.
GB/T 10589-2008 low temperature test chamber technical conditions.
GB/T 10590-2006 high and low temperature/low pressure test chamber technical conditions.
GB/T 10591-2006 high temperature/low air pressure test chamber technical conditions.
GB/T 10592-2023 high and low temperature test chamber technical conditions.
GB/T 11158-2008 high temperature test chamber technical conditions.
GB/T 11159-2010 low pressure test chamber technical conditions.
This document replaces GB/T 10592-2008 "High and low temperature test chamber technical conditions", compared with GB/T 10592 a 2008, in addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows.
a) increased the "temperature shock test" (see Chapter 1).
6 deleted the "actual temperature" (see 3.3 of the 2008 edition), "temperature gradient" (see 3.7 of the 2008 edition), "temperature deviation of the working space" (see 3.9 of the 2008 edition) 3.9 of the 2008 edition), changed the definition of "temperature fluctuation" (see 3.8. 3.5 of the 2008 edition), and changed the term "limit temperature" (see 3.10 of the 2008 edition) to "temperature extremes" (see 3.10 of the 2008 edition). "Temperature extremes" (see 3.5), "Rate of change of temperature" (see 3.8 of the 2008 edition) is divided into "Average rate of change of temperature" (see 3.11) and "linear temperature change rate" (see 3.13), adding "temperature deviation" (see 3.7), "temperature uniformity" (see 3.9), and "Temperature indication error" (see 3.10), "Average temperature change rate throughout" (see 3.12), "Linear temperature change rate throughout" (see 3.14), and "temperature rise and fall time" (see 3.15), "temperature recovery time (see 3.16), "temperature overshoot" (see 3.17), "temperature overshoot " (see 3.18), "temperature overshoot recovery time" (see 3.19), "temperature change test profile" (see 3.20) terms and definitions.
Environmental test equipment is a general term for test chambers that simulate climatic conditions, including high and low temperature, heat and humidity, low pressure test chambers. In order to ensure that the test chamber product classification, performance indicators, test methods and other technical provisions in the production and use of a common basis for compliance, China has established a test chamber technical conditions of the standard system, including the following documents.
GB/T 10586-2006 humidity and heat test chamber technical conditions. The purpose is to provide the basis for quality assurance testing for the humid heat test chamber.
GB/T 10587-2006 salt spray test chamber technical conditions. The purpose is to provide the salt spray test chamber quality assurance test basis.
GB/T 10588-2006 long mold test chamber technical conditions. The purpose is to provide the basis for quality assurance inspection of the long mold test chamber.
GB/T 10589-2008 low-temperature test chamber technical conditions. The purpose is to provide a low-temperature test chamber quality assurance test basis.
GB/T 10590-2006 high and low temperature/low pressure test chamber technical conditions. The purpose is to provide a high and low temperature/low air pressure test chamber quality assurance test basis.
GB/T 10591-2006 high temperature/low pressure test chamber technical conditions. The purpose is to provide the basis for high temperature/low pressure test chamber quality assurance inspection.
GB/T 10592-2023 high and low temperature test chamber technical conditions. The purpose is to provide a high and low temperature test chamber quality assurance test basis.
GB/T 11158-2008 high temperature test chamber to find the technical conditions. The purpose is to provide the basis for quality assurance inspection of high-temperature test chambers.
GB/T 11159-2010 low air pressure test chamber technical conditions. The purpose is to provide the basis for quality assurance inspection of the low-pressure test chamber.
High and low temperature test chamber is a simulation of high and low temperature climate conditions test equipment, widely used in a variety of products, components, materials, high or low temperature, high and low temperature cycle and temperature shock environmental testing.
This document from the high and low temperature test chamber manufacturing, use and inspection and other aspects of the temperature specifications, the scientific nature of the test method and the accuracy of the test results, coordinated with GB/T 5170 "environmental test equipment test methods" (all parts), JIF 1101 "environmental test equipment temperature, humidity parameters calibration specifications" and JJF 1270 "temperature, humidity, vibration integrated The terminology of the Calibration Specification for Environmental Test Systems. The relationship between the requirements and test methods, the definition of the temperature specifications, requirements and their corresponding test methods are given.
1 Scope
This document specifies the high and low temperature test chamber (hereinafter referred to as "test chamber") related technical requirements, use and installation conditions, the main test instruments and devices, test methods, test rules, signs, instructions and packaging, transportation, storage and other content.
This document applies to products, parts, materials in the process of research and development, production, inspection and other high or low temperature test, as well as high and low temperature cycle test, temperature shock test chamber. Similar temperature test chamber with reference to the implementation.
2 normative reference documents
The following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through the normative references in the text. Among them, note the date of the reference document, only the date of the corresponding version applies to this document; do not note the date of the reference document, its latest version (including all the revision of the list) applies to this document.
GB/T 191 packaging storage and transportation iconic signs
GB/T 3785.1 electroacoustic sound level meter part 1: specification
GB/T 5226.1-2019 mechanical electrical safety mechanical electrical no equipment Part 1: General technical conditions
GB 8624 building materials and products burning performance classification
GB/T 9969 General rules for the use of industrial products
GB/T 14048.1-2012 low-voltage switchgear and control equipment Part 1: General
GB/T 15706-2012 mechanical safety design general principles of risk assessment and risk reduction
GB/T 21067-2007 industrial machinery and electrical equipment electromagnetic compatibility general immunity requirements
GB 23313 industrial machinery and electrical equipment electromagnetic compatibility emission limits
GB/T 50050 Industrial circulating cooling water treatment design specification
GB 50209 Construction quality acceptance specification for building ground works
JB/T 9512-2018 climate environment test equipment emission noise sound power level of the sound pressure method of determination
JB/T 12571-2018 climate environment test equipment emission noise work position and other specified position emission sound pressure level determination
3 terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Product performance
Test chamber performance items and requirements are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 test chamber performance items and requirements
4.2 Product structure and appearance requirements
4.2.1 The design of the test chamber should be risk assessment, should take full account of the test section of the mechanical safety, and take measures to reduce the risk. Content according to
GB/T 15706-2012 relevant requirements.
4.2.2 test chamber walls should be used heat-resistant and not easy to oxidize and have a certain mechanical strength of the material manufacturing. There should be no pollution sources that affect the test.
4.2.3 insulation materials should be able to withstand the temperature extremes of the test chamber, and has flame retardant properties (burning performance level of not less than GB 8624 in the B1 level).
4.2.4 test chamber should have a lead hole.
4.2.5 test chamber should be equipped with an observation window and lighting devices for the temperature shock test chamber does not make uniform provisions.
4.2.6 volume > 0.2m 's test box should be equipped with pressure balancing device to avoid damage to the box deformation caused by the stress generated by the temperature difference.
4.2.7 step man type test chamber door should be designed to both the door can be opened in the door of the external, but also in the door of the internal opening of the structure.
4.2.8 volume ≤ 2m 's test box, there should be placed or hanging test samples of the sample frame. Sample shelf should be able to withstand the temperature extremes of the test chamber
4.2.9 heating and cooling device heat and cold should not be directly on the test sample radiation.
4.2.10 refrigeration system should not have air leakage, water leakage, oil leakage and other defects.
5 Use and installation conditions
5.1 Conditions of use
5.1.1 Environmental conditions
Unless otherwise specified, the environment in which the test chamber should meet the following conditions.
Indoor use.
Temperature: 5C~35C;6
Relative humidity: ≤85%.
Barometric pressure: 80kPa ~ 106kPa.
Installation site ground quality in line with the requirements of GB 50209.
6 Main inspection instruments and devices
6.1 Temperature measurement system
Temperature measurement system consists of platinum resistance, thermocouples and other temperature sensors and data collectors, the response time in the air should be less than 20s, when measuring the rate of temperature change, the temperature measurement system response time should be less than 0.5s, the display resolution is not less than .1C. temperature measurement system after correction.
a) tS100C, the maximum allowable error should not exceed 0.2C.
b) 100C
1 Scope
2 normative reference documents
3 terms and definitions
4 Technical requirements
5 Use and installation conditions
6 Main inspection instruments and devices
7 test method
8 test rules
9 signs, instructions for use
10 packaging, transportation, storage
Appendix A (informative) suspicious data identification methods
本文件按照GB/T 1.1-202《标准化工作导则第1部分标准化文件的结构和起规则》的规定起草。
本文件是“环境试验箱技术条件”系列标准之一,该系列由以下文件组成:-GB/T 10586--2006湿热试验箱技术条件:
GB/T 10587-2006盐雾试验箱技术条件;
GB/T 10588-2006长霉试验箱技术条件:
GB/T 10589-2008低温试验箱技术条件:
GB/T 10590-2006高低温/低气压试验箱技术条件:
GB/T 10591-2006高温/低气压试验箱技术条件:
GB/T 10592-2023高低温试验箱技术条件:
GB/T 11158-2008高温试验箱技术条件:
GB/T 11159-2010低气压试验箱技术条件。
本文件代替GB/T 10592-2008《高低温试验箱技术条件》,与GB/T 10592一2008相比,除结构调整和编辑性改动外,主要技术变化如下:
GB/T 10586-2006湿热试验箱技术条件。目的在于为湿热试验箱提供质量保证检验的依据。
GB/T 10587-2006盐雾试验箱技术条件。目的在于为盐雾试验箱提供质量保证检验的依据。
GB/T 10588-2006长霉试验箱技术条件。目的在于为长霉试验箱提供质量保证检验的依据。
GB/T 10589-2008低温试验箱技术条件。目的在于为低温试验箱提供质量保证检验的依据。
GB/T 10590-2006高低温/低气压试验箱技术条件。目的在于为高低温/低气压试验箱提供质量保证检验的依据。
GB/T 10591-2006高温/低气压试验箱技术条件。目的在于为高温/低气压试验箱提供质量保证检验的依据。
GB/T 10592-2023高低温试验箱技术条件。目的在于为高低温试验箱提供质量保证检验的依据。
GB/T 11158-2008高温试验箱找术条件。目的在于为高温试验箱提供质量保证检验的依据。
GB/T 11159-2010低气压试验箱技术条件。目的在于为低气压试验箱提供质量保证检验的依据。
本文件从高低温试验箱制造、使用和检验等方面考虑了温度技术指标的规范性、检验方法的科学性和检验结果的准确性,协调了与GB/T 5170《环境试验设备检验方法》(所有部分),JIF 1101《环境试验设备温度、湿度参数校准规范》和JJF 1270《温度、湿度、振动综合环境试验系统校准规范》的相关术语.要求和检验方法之间的关系,给出了有关温度技术指标的定义、要求及其对应的检验方法。
GB/T 191包装储运图示标志
GB/T 3785.1电声学声级计第1部分;规范
GB/T 5226.1-2019机械电气安全机械电气没备第1部分:通用技术条件
GB/T 9969工业产品使用说明书总则
GB/T 14048.1-2012低压开关设备和控制设备第1部分:总则GB/T 15706-2012机械安全设计通则风险评估与风险减小GB/T 21067-2007工业机械电气设备电磁兼容通用抗扰度要求GB23313工业机械电气设备电磁兼容发射限值GB/T 50050工业循环冷却水处理设计规范GB50209建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范JB/T 9512-2018气候环境试验设备的发射噪声声功率级的声压法测定JB/T 12571-2018气候环境试验设备的发射噪声工作位置和其他指定位置发射声压级的测定
GB/T 15706-2012相关要求。
4.2.3保温材料应能耐受试验箱的温度极值,并具有阻燃性能(燃烧性能等级不低于GB 8624中规定的B1级)。
安装场地地面质量符合GB 50209的要求;
GB/T 10592-2023 引用如下标准: |
GB/T 10592-2023被如下标准引用: