1.1 This Part of GB/T 1043 specifies a method for determining the Charpy impact strength of plastics under defined conditions. A number of different types of specimen and test configurations are defined. Different test parameters are specified according to the type of material, the type of test specimen and the type of notch.
1.2 The method is used to investigate the behaviour of specified types of specimen under the impact conditions defined and for estimating the brittleness or toughness of specimens within the limitations inherent in the test conditions. It may also be used for the determination of comparative data from similar types of material.
1.3 The method has a greater range of applicability than that given in GB/T 1843 and is more suitable for the testing of materials showing interlaminar shear fracture or of materials exhibiting surface effects due to environmental factors.
1.4 The method is suitable for use with the following range of materials:
——rigid thermoplastic moulding and extrusion materials, including filled and reinforced compounds in addition to unfilled types; rigid thermoplastics sheets:
——rigid thermosetting moulding materials, including filled and reinforced compounds: rigid thermosetting sheets, including laminates;
——fibre-reinforced thermosetting and thermoplastic composites incorporating unidirectional or non-unidirectional reinforcements such as mat, woven fabrics, woven rovings, chopped strands, combination and hybrid reinforcements, rovings and milled fibres, sheet made from pre-impregnated materials (prepregs), including filled and reinforced compounds;
——thermotropic liquid-crystal polymers.
1.5 The method is not normally suitable for use with rigid cellular materials and sandwich structures containing cellular material. Also, notched specimens are not normally used for long-fibre-reinforced composites or thermotropic liquid-crystal polymers.
1.6 The method is suited to the use of specimens which may be either moulded to the chosen dimensions, machined from the central portion of a standard multipurpose test specimen (see GB/T 11997) or machined from finished or semifinished products such as mouldings, laminates and extruded or cast sheet.
1.7 The method specifies preferred dimensions for the test specimen. Tests which are carried out on specimens of different dimensions or with different notches, or specimens which are prepared under different conditions, may produce results which are not comparable. Other factors, such as the energy capacity of the apparatus, its impact velocity and the conditioning of the specimens can also influence the results. Consequently, when comparative data are required, these factors must be carefully controlled and recorded.
1.8 The method should not be used as a source of data for design calculations. Information on the typical behaviour of a material can be obtained, however, by testing at different temperatures, by varying the notch radius and/or the thickness and by testing specimens prepared under different conditions.
Content Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Principle 5 Apparatus 6 Test specimens 7 Procedure 8 Calculation and Expression of Results 9 Precision 10 Test report Appendix A (Informative) Additional Methods for Investigating the Influence of Surface Effects Appendix B (Informative) Precision Data