1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to standardizing the design of telecommunication power equipment installation, ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment, and the normal operation of equipment.
1.0.2 The installation project of telecommunication power equipment in this code refers to the installation project of telecommunication power equipment in public telecommunication network.The installation projects of telecommunication power equipment in other private networks can be performed with reference to this code.
1.0.3 Under the precondition of ensuring power supply quality, telecommunication power supply equipment installation design must consider the convenience of installation, maintenance and use;and shall ensure the telecommunication security for the special conditions such as natural disaster and the like.
1.0.4 To ensure the quality of power supply equipment in telecommunication systems and the power supply reliability, the power supply equipment adopted in the engineering design of telecommunication system shall pass Tell Certification (TLC) for telecommunication products in the information industry.The equipment without the access network certification requirements requested by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shall be certified by other relevant national institutes.In accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China of Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters, the construction, extension and reconstruction projects shall meet the requirements of earthquake foftification.For the telecommunication system projects as life line engineering, the main telecommunication equipment used in construction must meet the requirements of earthquake fortification, so as to enhance the earthquake fortification level of networks.
1.0.5 The recent construction scale of project design scheme and equipment configuration and the like shall be combined with the future development plan.Meanwhile, techno-economic comparison among many schemes shall be made according to project construction and development prediction, economic effect, equipment service life, possibility of extension and reconstruction and the like factors.The highly reliable scheme with low engineering and maintenance costs shall be selected.
1.0.6 The design shall be suitable to actual circumstances and technology advanced, economic reasonable and safety apphcable.The extension and reconstruction engineering shall fully consider the features of original telecommunication equipment, utilize reasonably the original buildings, equipment and devices and take innovation measures.The design should achieve the objectives of the advancement, economy and application.
1.0.7 The design of telecommunication power shall adopt energy saving technology.
1.0.8 The telecommunication bureaus (stations) shall adopt centralized supervision and control system for power and environment.
1.0.9 For the design of engineering for telecommunication power equipment installation, not only the requirements stipulated in this standard (code) , but also those in the current relevant standards of the nation shall be complied with.
2 Terms
the near future and forward
considering the engineering construction scale, the economic and reasonable load classification is needed.The near future means a period of 1years-3years after completion of construction of engineering project;the forward means a period of 3years-5years after completion of the construction of engineering project.
centralize power supply and decentralize power supply
the centralize power supply means only one telecommunication power supply centre (such as power room and battery room) is mounted in the whole bureau and all telecommunication equipment is supplied by this power supply centre.
The decentralize power supply means many telecommunication power supply centres are mounted in the whole bureau and each power supply centre supplies the adjacent telecommunication equipment independently.
independent power supply
the independent power supply refers to the power supply that is not affected by power failure or power cut of other power supply during the operation.In this code it mainly refers to a power generation plant (station) and a transformer substation or a switching station at a ring power grid comprised of two or more generation plants (stations) .
introducing power supply line
the Introducing power supply line refers to the power supply line led in accordance with the following utility power supply modes.
1 Special cable lines or special overhead lines directly led in from the lead-out of power generation plants (stations) or transformer substations.
2 Cable lines or overhead lines directly led in from transmission lines of power generation plants (stations) or transformer substations.
3 Cable lines or overhead lines directly led in from a ring power grid.
clear width
the clear width refers to the horizontal spacing between equipment or between the equipment and the biggest ledge of wall.
two level low voltage disconnection
the two level low voltage disconnection function is a measure used to ensure the safety of network operation in view of the specificity of the structure of mobile telecommunication transmission network.That is to say, in case of utility power outage and the battery discharging, when the voltage of the battery reaches certain value, the power supply of wireless load of base station will be disconnected automatically (namely first level disconnection) and the battery will supply the transmission load preferentially.When the voltage of the battery reaches the cut-off voltage, the power supply of all loads will be disconnected (namely second level disconnection) for the purpose of protecting the battery.
assured load
assured load refers to the load that is powered by the utility power under normal condition, and powered by standby generator sets in case of the interruption of utility power.
high voltage
the high voltage stated in this code means the voltage classof 10kV and above.
3 Classifications of Utility Power and Telecommunication Bureaus (Station) and Utility Power Introducing
3.0.1 The T connection from the independent ring power supply network or leading in from the extended switching station, both can be regarded as leading in one utility power.
3.0.2 According to the provisions of national standard Technical Specification for Internet Data Center Engineering, IDC (Internet Data Center) room may be divided into R1, R2, R3 three tiers.All tiers of IDC room shall accord with following provisions:
1 For R1 tier IDC room, the machine room infrastructure and the main part of network system shall have certain redundancy ability, the availability of IDC business supported by machine room infrastructure and network system shall not be less than 99.5%.
2 For R2 tier IDC room, the machine room infrastructure and network system shall have redundancy ability, the availability of IDC business supported by machine room infrastructure and network system shall not be less than 99.9%.
3 For R3 tier IDC room, the machine room infrastructure and network system shall have fault tolerance ability, the availability of IDC business supported by machine room infrastructure and network system shall not be less than 99.99%.
3.0.3 Introducing of external utility power shall accord with following provisions.
1 The construction of telecommunication bureaus (stations) shall take full consideration of the reliability of utility power.Class Ⅰ bureaus (stations) shall consider to adopt the ClassⅠutility power;Class Ⅱ telecommunication bureaus (stations) shall consider the Class Ⅱ utility power, and may consider the Class Ⅰ utility power in case of owning the external utility power condition and the investment increase is not big;Class Ⅲ bureaus (stations) may introduce the Class Ⅱ utility power in case the relevant conditions are satisfied, and may introduce the Class Ⅲ utility power in case the relevant conditions are not satisfied.Class Ⅳ bureaus (stations) may introduce Class Ⅲ or higher class utility power when relevant conditions are satisfied, and may introduce Class Ⅳ utility power in case the relevant conditions are not satisfied.
2 The introducing of external utility power shall consider the expandability in the future.The voltage class of the external utility power led in shall be determined according to local power supply condition, power consumption capacity and so on.Generally 10kV utility power introducing is selected.The higher voltage class of utility power introducing may be considered when relevant conditions are satisfied and the power consumption capacity is large.
3 For independent configured small capacity but much important telecommunication loads, such as core network and national trunk line transmission nodes, when the classification requirements of utility power are not met due to condition limit, the reliability of power supply may be enhanced by improving the configuration of fixed or mobile generator sets.
3.0.4 Telecommunication bureaus (stations) shall preferentially select the utility power as the primary power source.
3.0.5 In telecommunication bureaus (stations) , the high voltage cables should not be led in by the method of overhead line.Two high voltage cables of same bureaus (stations) should not be led in by the same trench.
3.0.6 For the bureaus (stations) where the utility power led in from two lines, the input capacity of the first line shall meet the power requirement of all the loads of the bureau (station) , the input capacity of the second line shall be determined according to whether the loads of the bureau (station) need to be ensured by two utility power supply.
3.0.7 For telecommunication bureaus (stations) with over-long utility power introducing lines or without utility power, the primary power source may adopt solar power or other energy.
4 Alternative Current Power Supply System
4.1 General Requirements
4.1.1 On precondition that electrical loads requirements of bureaus (stations)are met,the alternative current power supply system shall ensure simple wiring,safe operation,flexible dispatching and convenient maintenance.
4.1.2 TN-S earthing systems shall be adopted by the low voltage alternative current power supply system in telecommunication bureaus (stations)with independent transformers.
4.1.3 The power distribution in the alternative current power supply system shall be simple and reliable.The number of distribution classes at the same voltage,in case of high voltage (10kV or above),should not be more than two classes;and should not be more than three classes in case of low voltage (400V or lower).