GB 51108-2015 Technical code for online safety monitoring system of tailings pond
1General provisions
1.0.1 This code is prepared with a view to unify the engineering technical requirements for the onlinesafety monitoring system of tailings ponds, ensuring the quality of monitoring. In aims to ensuring thatit is safe and applicable , technologically advanced , economically reasonable, environmentally friendly ,and reliable in operation, realizing the safety early warning and guaranteeing the safe operation oftailings ponds.
1.0.2This code is applicable to the online safety monitoring for tailings ponds of metal and non-metalmine , red mud pond , and manganese slag pond.
1.0.3 In addition to the requirements stipulated in this code, the online safety monitoring of tailingsponds shall also comply with those specified in the current relevant standards of the nation.
2 Terms and symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Online safety monitoring system of tailings pondThe all-weather automatically safety monitoring system of tailings pond including monitoring,analyzing and early warning by engineering measurement, network communication and computertechnology based on electronic monitoring instruments , sensors , power supply , communication and otherfacilities are arranged on tailings pond area, tailings dams, flood drainage facilities and other structures
2.1.2 Online safety monitoringAdopt network communication, intelligent control and computer technology to continuously andautomatically monitor the safety status of tailings pond through monitoring equipment.2.1.3 Manual safety monitoring
Adopt manual method to regularly monitor the safety status of tailings pond through monitoringequipment.
2.1.4 n-site inspection and examination
On-site inspection and examination for facilities, equipment and surrounding environment oftailings pond by management personnel.
2.1.5 Monitoring center
A central control site where computers, online saety monitoring software, communications.
power supply , data sforage, display screens and other related external equipment are installed.
3Basic requirements
3.1 Safety monitoring requirements
3.1.1 The online safety monitoring system of tailings pond shall operate effectively.
3.1.2The online safety monitoring of tailings pond shall comply with manualsafety monitoring methodsand frequencies.
3.1.3 The online safety monitoring system for tailings pond shall conduct comprehensive analysismanagement and information release of online safety monitoring results, on-site inspections and manualsafety monitoring results.
3.1.4 Tailings pond shall select its monitoring items and monitoring levels according to design class ,construction methods of tailings dam , tailings discharge methods, pollution nature of tailings andtailings water, topographic and geological conditiong,and geographical environment, etc.
3.1.5 For the online and offline (manual) safety monitoring of tailings pond , the engineering coordinatesystem shall be adopted where the axis of dam is regarded as the X axis, and the left bank when facingtowards the outer dam slope is the positive direction; where for the Y axis, it is perpendicular to the axis ofdam , and the outer dam slope is at the positive direction; where the positive direction of 2 axis shall be theplumb line downward direction,
3.1.6 The safety monitoring and early warning information of tailings pond must be reportedimmediately to the produetion safety management department of tailings pond enterprise. Latentdanger investigation and handling must be done under the circumstances that tailings pond safetymonitoring item is in the orange alert level;, emergeney handling measures must be taken under thecircumstances that tailings pond safety monitoring item is in the red alert level.
Contents 1General provisions 2Terms and symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 2.3 Abbreviations3 Basic requirements 3.l Safety monitoring requirements 3.2 Tailings pond classification. 3.3 Safety monitoring level 3.4 Safety monitoring items 4Monitoring system 7.6 System debugging Data analysis and early warning 8.1Generalrequirements 8.2Data processing and analysis 8.3Monitoring and early warning 8,4 Information feedback 9 Project acceptance 10 peration and maintenance,data archiving Appendix A On-site inspection and examination… Appendix B Monitoring of tailings dam surface displacementAppendix CMonitoring of tailings dam internal displacement AppendixD Monitoring ofseepage. Appendix E Monitoring of precipitationExplanation of wording in this code List of quoted standards