1.0.1 This code was formulated with a view to guaranteeing the construction quality of electric installations and wiring work, promoting the construction scientific management and technological progress and ensuring safe operation.
1.0.2 This code applies to the construction and acceptance of 1kV and below wiring work in the buildings and structures.
1.0.3 The construction of wiring work shall be carried out according to the approved design document and any design alteration under construction or deepened design according to the contract for a work shall be confirmed by the original design organization.
1.0.4 The construction and acceptance of wiring work shall not only comply with those specified in this code, but also shall meet those specified in the current relevant national standards.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms 3 Basic Requirement 4 Conduit, Wiring Trough Laying 4.1 General Provisions 4.2 Steel Conduit Laying 4.3 Pliable Metal Conduit and Metal Hose Laying 4.4 Rigid Plastic Insulated Conduit Laying 4.5 Wiring Trough Laying 5 Wire 5.1 General Provisions 5.2 Conduct Wiring 5.3 Wiring Trough Wiring 5.4 Steel Rope Wiring 5.5 Plastic Sheathed Wire Direct Laying 6 Enclosed Plug-in Bus Bar Laying 7 Enclosed Plug-in Illumination Bus Bar Laying 8 Check and Acceptance of Work Hand-over Addition A Minimum Distance between Metal Raceway & Plug-in Bus Bar and Various Piping Explanation of Wording in this Code List of Quoted Standards