1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to strengthening the quality control of building works, and unifying the acceptance of constructional quality of concrete structures.
1.0.2 The code is applicable for the acceptance of constructional quality of concrete structures of building engineering, not applicable for the acceptance of constructional quality of special concrete structures.
1.0.3 Requirements for acceptance of constructional quality specified in the technical documents and contract documents of concrete structures shall not be lower than the regulations of this code.
1.0.4 The code shall be used together with national standard “Unified standard for acceptance of constructional quality of building engineering” GB 50300-2001.
1.0.5 Besides following this code, the acceptance of constructional quality of concrete structures shall also comply with the regulations of relevant current national standards.
Foreword 1 General 2 Terms 3 Basic Stipulations 4 Formwork Itemized works 4.1 General stipulations 4.2 Formwork installation 4.3 Formwork removal 5 Reinforcing bar Itemized works 5.1 General stipulations 5.2 Raw materials 5.3 Reinforcing bar processing 5.4 Reinforcing bar connection 5.5 Reinforcing bar installation 6 Prestress itemized works 6.1 General stipulations 6.2 Raw materials 6.3 Fabrication and installation 6.4 Tensioning and tension releasing 6.5 Grouting and anchorage sealing 7 Concrete itemized works 7.1 General stipulations 7.2 Raw materials 7.3 Mix ratio design 7.4 Concrete construction 8 Cast-in-situ sub-section work of concrete structure 8.1 General stipulations 8.2 Appearance quality 8.3 Size deviation 9 Assembly sub-section work of concrete structure 9.1 General stipulations 9.2 Prefabricated members 9.3 Inspection of structural performance 9.4 Construction of assembly concrete structures 10 Sub-section works of Concrete Structures 10.1 Inspection on Structural Entity 10.2 Acceptance of Sub-section works of Concrete Structure Appendix A Records on Quality Acceptance Appendix B The minimum overlapped length of longitudinally stressed reinforcing bar Appendix C Methods for inspection of structural performance of prefabricated member Appendix D Strength inspection of test piece cured at the same condition used for inspection of structural entity Appendix E Inspection on thickness of protection layer of reinforcing bar of structural entity Explanation of wording in this Code Explanations on Articles