1.0.1 This standard is established with a view to unifying the fundamentals, basic requirements and basic methods for design of various engineering structures such as buildings, railways, highways, port and harbor structures as well as water conservancy and hydropower, and making the structures meet the sustainable development requirements as well as requirements on safety, economy, state-of-art technology and high quality.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to design of the members of the whole structures, their components and the foundations; to the design of structures for construction- and service periods; and to the reliability assessment of the structures.
1.0.3 Probability-based limit state and partial factor format should be adopted for the design of engineering structures.. The design of structures can be carried out according to engineering experience or necessary experimental investigation if statistical data is insufficient. In some cases, such empirical methods as allowable stress or slumped safety factor can also be used.
1.0.4 Standards for design of engineering structures and other relevant standards shall comply with the ground rules specified in this standard and establish corresponding specific specifications .
1.0.5 The design of engineering structures shall not only comply with the specifications specified in this standard, but those in the current relevant national ones.
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Structure
A system which is composed of various connecting parts and rigid to withstand the actions.
2.1.2 Structural Member
Part that can be separated physically from the structures.
2.1.3 Structural System
All the load-bearing members and the way in which these members function together.
2.1.4 Structural Model
The idealized structural system used for structural analysis and design.
2.1.5 Design Working Life
The intended period specified in the design, during which the structure and its members can be used as intended purpose with anticipated maintenance but without major repair being necessary.
2.1.6 Design Situations
A group of design conditions which represent the practical situations in a certain period of time. The structures shall not exceed the related limit state in design under this group of conditions.
2.1.7 Persistent Design Situation Design situation that is relevant during a period of the same order as the design working life of the structure.
2.1.8 Transient Design SituationDesign situation that is relevant during a period much shorter than the design working life of the structure and which has a high probability of occurrence.
2.1.9 Accidental Design Situation
Design situation involving exceptional conditions of the structure or its exposure
2.1.10 Seismic Design Situation
The design situation when the structures are exposed in an earthquake.
2.1.11 Load Arrangement
The reasonable determination for the positions, magnitude and orientation of the free action in structural design.
2.1.12 Load Case
The compatible load arrangementof the fixed variable actions, permanent actions and free actions as well as deformation and geometrical deviation, which are considered simultaneously for specific verification purposes.
2.1.13 Limit States
1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Basic Provisions 3.1 Basic Requirements 3.2 Safety Grade and Reliability 3.3 Design Working Life and Durability 3.4 Reliability Management 4 Principles For Limit State Design 4.1 Limit State 4.2 Design Situations 4.3 Limit State Design 5 Actions on the Structure and Environmental Influence 5.1 General Requirements 5.2 Actions on the Structure 5.3 Environmental Influence 6 Material and Geotechnical Properties and Geometrical Parameters 6.1 Material and Geotechnical Properties 6.2 Geometrical Parameters 7 Structural Analysis and Test-assisted Design 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Structural Model 7.3 Action Model 7.4 Analysis Method 7.5 Test-assisted Design 8 Partial Factor Design Methods 8.1 General Requirements 8.2 Ultimate Limit States 8.3 Serviceability Limit States Appendix A Special Provisions for Various Engineering Structures A.1 Special Provisions for Building Structures A.2 Special Provisions for Railway Bridge and Culvert Structures A.3 Special Provisions for Highway Bridge and Culvert Structures A.4 Special Provisions for Port and harbor Structures Appendix B Quality Control B.1 Quality Control Requirements B.2 Design Inspection and Construction Supervision Appendix C Action Examples and Principle for Determination of Representative Value of a Variable Action C.1 Action Examples C.2 Principle for Determination of the Representative Value of a Variable Action Appendix D Test-Assised Design D.1 General Requirements D.2 Statistical Assessment Principle of Test Result D.3 Statistical Assessment of the Design Value of Single Performance Index Appendix E Basis for Structural Reliability Anlysis and Design E.1 General Requirements E.2 Calculation for Structural Reliability Index E.3 Calibration of Structural Reliability E.4 Design Based on Reliability Index E.5 Determination of Partial Factors E.6 Determination of Combination Value factor Appendix F Verification of Fatigue Reliability of Structure F.1 General Requirements F.2 Fatigue Action F.3 Fatigue Resistance F.4 Verification of Fatigue Reliability Appendix G Reliability Assessment of Existing Structure G.1 General Requirements G.2 Safety Assessment G.3 Serviceablity Assessment G.4 Durability Assessment G.5 Ddisaster Resistance Capacity Assessment Explanation of Wording in This Standard