1.0.1 This code is drawn up for the sake of implementing the national technical and economic policies in design of electric power transmission and distribution system so as to ensure safety of human body, reliability of power supply, technical advancement and economic rationality.
1.0.2 This code is suitable for the design of new and expansion works for the electric power transmission and distribution system with voltage of 110kV and below.
1.0.3 The design of power transmission and distribution system must have the view point of overall situation and take all factors into consideration according to load nature, power used capacity, engineering characteristics and regional power supply condition so that the design scheme is rationally determined.
1.0.4 The design of power transmission and distribution system shall combine the long term with the short term with the short term as priority according to engineering characteristics, work scale and development planning.
1.0.5 The design of power transmission and distribution system shall use those electrical products conforming to high efficiency, low consumption of energy and advanced performance of the current relevant national standards.
1.0.6 The design of power transmission and distribution system, besides in compliance with this code, shall further conform to the stipulations of the current relevant national standards and codes.
1 General 2 Load categorization and electric power supply requirement 3 Electric power source and power supply system 4 Voltage selection and electric energy quality 5 Reactive power compensation 6 Low-voltage power distribution Appendix I Explanation of terms Appendix II Explanation of wording used in this code Additional explanation