1.0.1 This code intends to implement the technical-economic policy of the State in the design of steel structures, by using advanced technology and ensuring economy, reasonableness, safety, suitability for use and good quality of the structures.
1.0.2 This code applies to the design of steel structures of industrial and civil buildings and allied engineering structures, among which members made of cold-formed steel shapes and their connections shall comply with the current national standard “Technical Code of Cold-formed Thin-wall Steel Structures” GB 50018.
1.0.3 The design principles of this code are based on the “Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Structures” GB 50068. Loadings and their combination values assumed in designing with this code shall comply with the current national standard “Load Code for the Design of Building Structures” GB 50009. Buildings and engineering structures in seismic region shall furthermore comply with the current national standards “Code for Seismic Design of Buildings” GB 50011, “Seismic Ground Motion Parameter Zonation Map of China” GB 18306 and “Design Code for Antiseismic of Special Structures” GB 50191.
1.0.4 In designing steel structures, designers shall consider the real situation of the project, select reasonably the material, the structural scheme and detailing measures. The requirements of strength, stability and stiffness of the structure during transportation, erection and service, as well as requirements of fire protection and corrosion resistance shall be fulfilled. Typical and standardized structures and structural members should he adopted in preference, the amount of fabrication and erection work should be reduced.
1.0.5 In the design documents of steel structures shall be indicated the design working life of the building structures, the steel grade, the category (or grade) of connection materials and mechanical properties, chemical composition and additional items of guarantee of the steel. Moreover, the weld type and the class of weld quality, the location of end planning for close fitting and its quality requirement shall also be indicated.
1.0.6 The design of steel structures with special requirements and those under special circumstances shall furthermore comply with the relevant current national codes.
Contents 1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Basic design requirements 3.1 Design principles 3.2 Load and calculation of load effects 3.3 Material selection 3.4 Design indices 3.5 Provisions for deformation of structures and structural members 4 Calculation of flexural members 4.1 Strength 4.2 Overall stability 4.3 Local stability 4.4 Calculation of built-up girder with webs taking account of post-buckling strength 5 Calculation of axially loaded members and members subjected to combined axial load and bending 5.1 Axially loaded members 5.2 Members subjected to combined axial load and bending 5.3 Effective length and allowable slenderness ratio 5.4 Local stability of compression members 6 Fatigue calculation 6.1 General requirements 6.2 Fatigue calculation 7 Calculation of connections 7.1 Welded connection 7.2 Fastener (bolted and riveted) connection 7.3 Flange connection of built-up I-section (girder) 7.4 Beam-to-column rigid connection 7.5 Calculation of connected plates at joints 7.6 Supports (bearings) 8 Detailing requirements 8.1 General requirements 8.2 Welded connection 8.3 Bolted and riveted connections 8.4 Structural members 8.5 Requirements for crane girders and crane trusses (or similar structures) 8.6 Large span roof structures 8.7 Requirements for preventing brittle fracture under low temperature 8.8 Fabrication, transportation and erection 8.9 Protection and heat insulation 9 Plastic design 9.1 General requirements 9.2 calculation of members 9.3 Allowable slenderness ratio and detailing requirements 10 Steel tubular structures 10.1 General reguirements 10.2 Detailing requirements 10.3 Capacity of members and joints 11 Composite steel and concrete beams 11.1 General requirements 11.2 Design of composite beams 11.3 Calculation of shear connectors 11.4 Calculation of deflection 11.5 Detailing requirements Appendix A Allowable deflection of structures or structural members A.1 Allowable deflection of flexural members A.2 Allowable horizontal displacement of framed structures Appendix B Overall stability factor of beams B.1 Simply supported beam of uniform welded I- and rolled H-section B.2 Simply supported beam of regular rolled I-section B.3 Simply supported beams of rolled channel-section B.4 Cantilever beams of doubly symmetric uniform I-section (including rolled H shape) B.5 Approximate calculation of overall stability factors Appendix C Stability factor of axial compression members Appendix D Effective length factor for columns Appendix E Classification of members and connections for fatigue calculation Appendix F Stability calculation of truss gusset plate subject to compressive force of the diagonal web member Explanation of Wording in This Code