is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China and the Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection of the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Minimum allowable values and grades of the energy efficiency and water efficiency for smart water closets
1 Scope
This standard specifies the minimum allowable values and grades of the energy efficiency and water efficiency, technical requirements and test methods for smart water closets.
This standard is applicable to smart water closets installed on cold water pipelines in building facilities and used at the static water supply pressure of 0.1 MPa~0.6 MPa.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 6952 Sanitary wares
GB/T 9195 Classification and Terms of Building and Sanitary Ceramics
GB/T 20810 Toilet tissue paper (including toilet tissue base paper)
GB 25502 Minimum allowable values of water efficiency and water efficiency grades for water closets
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 9195 and the following apply.
smart water closets
water closets with one or more basic smart functions including at least warm water cleaning function completed under the control of electromechanical system and/or program, including integral smart water closets and split smart water closets
Note: The warm water cleaning function includes the self-cleaning function of the nozzle.
integral smart water closets
smart water closets for which the smart electromechanical control system cannot be used separately with the water closets
split smart water closets
cover board of smart water closets that can be used after combination of the smart electromechanical control system and the water closets which can also be separated
basic function of smart water closets
most basic movements or abilities of the smart water closets, including warm water cleaning function (e.g. buttock cleaning and the women's cleaning) and seat heating function
auxiliary function of smart water closets
functions added to improve the health and hygiene performances of smart water closets, including water temperature adjustment, seat temperature adjustment, mobile cleaning, warm air drying, air temperature adjustment, nozzle adjustment and automatic flushing functions
extended function of smart water closets
functions added to improve the comfort of smart water closets, including but not limited to the following functions: automatic opening and closing of the seat and cover, deodorization, massage and cleaning, flushing force adjustment, remote control, lighting, multimedia, memory, APP, WIFI, disinfection, etc.
energy consumption per unit cycle of smart water closets
energy consumption per test cycle (1.5 h) of smart water closets measured and calculated according to the test method and calculation equation specified in the standard
average water consumption for flushing of smart water closets
average water consumption for flushing function measured and calculated according to the test method and calculation equation specified in the standard
average water consumption for cleaning of smart water closets
average water consumption of buttock cleaning and women’s cleaning functions (including self-cleaning of nozzle) measured and calculated according to the test method and calculation equation specified in the standard
minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and water efficiency for smart water closets
maximum energy consumption per unit cycle, maximum average water consumption for flushing and maximum average water consumption for cleaning allowed for smart water closets under the test conditions specified in the standard
4 Grades of the energy efficiency and water efficiency for smart water closets
The energy efficiency and water efficiency for smart water closets are classified into 3 grades, with Grade 3 representing the least efficiency. The energy consumption per unit cycle, average water consumption for cleaning and that for flushing of smart water closets of various grades shall meet those specified in Table 1.
Table 1 Grade indexes of the energy efficiency and water efficiency for smart water closets
Grades of the energy efficiency and water efficiency for smart water closets Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Grade indexes of energy efficiency Energy consumption per unit cycle/(kW·h) With seat heating function ≤0.030 ≤0.040 ≤0.060
Without seat heating function ≤0.010 ≤0.020 ≤0.030
Grade indexes of water efficiency Average water consumption for cleaning of smart water closets/L ≤0.30 ≤0.50 ≤0.70
* Average water consumption for flushing of smart water closets/L meet the requirements of Grade 1 indexes in GB 25502 meet the requirements of Grade 2 indexes in GB 25502 meet the requirements of Grade 3 indexes in GB 25502
* Water consumption for full flushing of dual-flush smart water closets/L
Note 1: "*" is applicable to integral smart water closets.
Note 2: For dual-flush smart water closets with each grade of water efficiency, the average water consumption for half flushing shall not be greater than 70% of the maximum allowable value of the water consumption for full flushing.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Basic requirements
Under the test conditions specified in the standard, the smart water closets shall meet the relevant requirements of the standard prescribed expressly.
5.2 Cleaning function
5.2.1 Water temperature characteristics
The water temperature characteristics shall be tested according to Sub-clause A.5.2, and the maximum temperature of water for cleaning shall be controlled at 35℃~42℃.
5.2.2 Self-cleaning of nozzle
The self-cleaning of nozzle shall be tested according to Sub-clause A.5.3, and the chalk line at 1/4 of the nozzle shall be cleaned up without any residue.
5.3 Flushing function
5.3.1 Washing function
It shall meet the requirements of washing function in GB/T 6952.
5.3.2 Water seal recovery
It shall meet the requirements of water seal recovery in GB/T 6952.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Grades of the energy efficiency and water efficiency for smart water closets 5 Technical requirements 6 Test methods Annex A (Normative) Test methods Annex B (Normative) Standard water supply system
ICS 27.010 F 01 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB 38448—2019 智能坐便器能效水效限定值及等级 Minimum allowable values and grades of the energy efficiency and water efficiency for smart water closets 2019-12-31发布 2020-07-01实施 国家市场监督管理总局 国家标准化管理委员会 发布 前言 本标准按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。 本标准由国家标准化管理委员会、中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会资源节约和环境保护司提出。 本标准由国家标准化管理委员会归口。 智能坐便器能效水效限定值及等级 1 范围 本标准规定了智能坐便器的能效水效限定值及等级、技术要求和试验方法。 本标准适用于安装在建筑设施内冷水管路上,供水静压力0.1 MPa~0.6 MPa条件下使用的智能坐便器。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 6952卫生陶瓷 GB/T 9195建筑卫生陶瓷分类及术语 GB/T 20810卫生纸(含卫生纸原纸) GB 25502 坐便器水效限定值及水效等级 3术语和定义 GB/T 9195界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 智能坐便器smart water closets 由机电系统和/或程序控制,完成至少包含温水清洗功能在内的一项及一项以上基本智能功能的坐便器,包括一体式智能坐便器和分体式智能坐便器。 注:温水清洗功能包含喷头自洁功能。 3.2 一体式智能坐便器 integral smart water closets 智能机电控制系统和坐便器不可分开使用的智能坐便器。 3.3 分体式智能坐便器split smart water closets 智能机电控制系统和坐便器可以独立分开,经组合后可以使用的智能坐便器盖板部分。 3.4 智能坐便器基本智能功能 basic function of smart water closets 坐便器智能化的最基本的动作或能力,包括温水清洗功能(如臀洗、妇洗)、坐圈加热功能。 3.5 智能坐便器辅助智能功能auxiliary function of smart water closets 为提高智能坐便器的健康性能和卫生性能所附加的功能,包括水温调节功能、坐圈温度调节功能、移动清洗功能、暖风烘干功能、风温调节功能、喷头调节功能、自动冲洗功能等。 3.6 智能坐便器扩展智能功能extended function of smart water closets 为提高智能坐便器使用舒适性所附加的功能,包括但不仅限于以下功能:坐圈和盖自动启闭功能、除臭功能、按摩清洗功能、冲洗力度调节功能、遥控功能、灯光照明功能、多媒体功能、记忆功能、APP功能、WIFI功能、消毒功能等。 3.7 智能坐便器单位周期能耗energy consumption per unit cycle of smart water closets 依据标准规定的试验方法和计算公式进行实测和计算得出的智能坐便器一个试验周期(1.5 h)的耗电量。 3.8 智能坐便器冲洗平均用水量average water consumption for flushing of smart water closets 依据标准规定的试验方法和计算公式进行实测和计算得出的冲洗功能的平均用水量。 3.9 智能坐便器清洗平均用水量average water consumption for cleaning of smart water closets 依据标准规定的试验方法和计算公式进行实测和计算得出的臀洗、妇洗功能(含喷头自洁)的平均用水量。 3.10 智能坐便器能效水效限定值 minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and water efficiency for smart water closets 智能坐便器在标准规定试验条件下,所允许的最大单位周期能耗、最大冲洗平均用水量和最大清洗平均用水量。 4 智能坐便器能效水效等级 智能坐便器能效水效等级分为3级,其中3级能效水效最低。各等级智能坐便器的单位周期能耗、清洗平均用水量和冲洗平均用水量应符合表1的规定。 表1 智能坐便器能效水效等级指标 智能坐便器能效水效等级 1级 2级 3级 能效等级指标 单位周期能耗/ (kW·h) 带坐圈加热功能 ≤0.030 ≤0.040 ≤0.060 不带坐圈加热功能 ≤0.010 ≤0.020 ≤0.030 水效等级指标 智能坐便器清洗平均用水量/L ≤0.30 ≤0.50 ≤0.70 *智能坐便器冲洗平均用水量/L 符合GB 25502中1级指标要求 符合GB 25502中2级指标要求 符合GB 25502中3级指标要求 *双冲智能坐便器冲洗全冲用水量/L 注1:“*”适用于一体式智能坐便器。 注2:每个水效等级中双冲智能坐便器的半冲平均用水量不大于其全冲用水量最大限定值的70%。