is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
1 Scope
This standard is applicable to food nutritional fortification substance fructooligosaccharide. Fructooligosaccharide, a food nutritional fortification substance, is a mixture of GF2 to GF7 and F2 to F8 made from chicory (or jerusalem artichoke) through partial enzymatic hydrolysis or membrane separation, purification, drying, etc., or a mixture of GF2 to GF5 made from sucrose through purification and drying under the action of β-fructosyl transferase from Aspergillus niger or Aspergillus oryzae.
2 Structural formula
According to the structure, fructooligosaccharide can be divided into GFn type and Fn type. See Figures 1 and 2 for the molecular structures respectively.
Figure 1 Molecular structure of fructooligosaccharide of GFn type
Figure 2 Molecular structure of fructooligosaccharide of Fn type
3 Technical requirements
3.1 Sensory evaluation criteria
Sensory evaluation criteria shall meet those specified in Table 1.
Table 1 Sensory evaluation criteria
Item Requirement Test method
Color and luster White to yellowish Take a proper amount of specimen and put it into a clean and dry white porcelain dish, observe its color and luster as well as state in natural light and smell it
State Powder
Odor Distinctive odor of the product, with no peculiar smell
Foreign material No visible foreign impurities under normal sight
3.2 Physical and chemical indexes
Physical and chemical indexes shall meet those specified in Table 2.
Contents 1 Scope 2 Structural formula 3 Technical requirements