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Codeofchina.com is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative. This standard is formulated to implement laws such as the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Waste", the "Law on Prevention of Air Pollution of the People's Republic of China" and the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution" etc., to protect environment, to prevent and control pollution, and to promote the improvement in the incineration and disposal technology of municipal solid waste. This standard specifies the requirements for the site selection, technology, feeding wastes, operation, emission control, monitoring, implementation and supervision of municipal solid waste incineration plant. This standard was first issued in 2000 and initially revised in 2001. This is the second revision with main changes as follows: ——The application scope of this standard is adjusted to cover also the control on incinerator for sludge produced by domestic sewage treatment facilities and for non-hazardous industrial solid wastes; ——The requirements for control on pollutant emission during startup, shutdown, malfunction or accident of municipal solid waste incinerator are added; ——The requirements for emission control on pollutant such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen chloride, heavy metals and their compounds, and dioxins in the flue gas from municipal solid waste incineration plants are raised. Relevant national standards for pollutants emission are applicable to the water pollutants, odor pollutants and environmental noises of municipal solid waste incineration plant, and relevant national standards for solid waste identification and pollution control are applicable to the identification and disposal of solid wastes generated by such plants. Appendix A of this standard is normative. Limitations for pollutant emission specified in this standard are basic requirements. Local provincial people's governments may formulate provincial standards for the emission of pollutant control items not specified in this standard. As for the items specified in this standard, stricter provincial pollutant emission standards may be formulated. In case of approval limitations for environmental impact assessments which are stricter than those specified in this standard or provincial standards, they shall prevail. This standard is formulated under the organization of and by the Department of Science, Technology and Standards of Ministry of Environmental Protection. Chief drafting organizations of this standard: Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, Tsinghua University, Urban Construction design & Research Institute, National Research Center for Environmental Analysis and Measurement, Zhejiang University. This standard is approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on April 28, 2014. This standard is to be implemented on July 1, 2014 for new municipal solid waste incinerators and January 1, 2016 for existing municipal solid waste incinerators. The "Standard for Pollution Control on the Municipal Solid Waste Incineration" (GB 18485-2001) will be abolished from January 1, 2016. This standard may also be implemented in advance upon the approval of provincial people's governments basing on the demands of local environmental protection and economical and technical conditions. The Ministry of Environmental Protection is entrusted with the explanation of this standard. NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 18485-2014 Standard for Pollution Control on the Minicipal Solid Waste Incineration 生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准 1 Scope This standard specifies the requirements for the site selection, technology, feeding wastes, operation, emission control, monitoring, implementation and supervision of municipal solid waste incineration plant. This standard is applicable to the design, environmental impact assessment and final acceptance of municipal solid waste incineration plants as well as the pollution control and monitoring & management during operation of such plants. This standard applies as a reference for the industrial furnaces of which municipal solid wastes mass accounts for more than 30% of the total mass of materials put into furnace as well as special incineration furnaces for sludge from domestic sewage treatment facilities and for non-hazardous industrial solid wastes. This standard is applicable to the pollutant emission behaviors allowed by law; the site selection of new pollution sources and the control on existing pollution sources within special monitoring zones shall be conducted according to relevant provisions of laws, regulations and rules such as "Law on Prevention of Air Pollution of the People's Republic of China", "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution", "Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Waste", "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution", "Law of the People' s Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment", "Urban and Rural Planning Law of the People's Republic of China", and "The Law of Land Administration of the People's Republic of China". 2 Normative References This standard refers to the provisions of the following documents. For undated references, the latest edition applies. GB 8978 "Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" GB 14554 "Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants" GB 16889 "Standard for Pollution Control on the Landfill Site of Municipal Solid Waste" GB 30485 "Standard for the Pollution Control on Cooperative Disposal Solid Waste of Cement Kiln" GB/T 16157 "The Determination of Particulates and Sampling Methods of Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Exhaust Gas of Stationary Source" HJ 77.2 "Ambient Air and Waste Gas Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins(PCDDs)and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDFs)" HJ 543 "Measurement of the Exhaust Mercury of Stationary Source Cold Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (Provisional)" HJ 548 "Stationary Source Emission - Determination of Hydrogen Chloride - Silver Nitrate Volumetric Method (Provisional)" HJ 549 "Determination of Hydrogen Chloride in Ambient Air and Exhaust Gas-Ion Chromatography Method (Provisional)" HJ 629 "Determination of Sulphur Dioxide from Exhausted Gas of Stationary Source Nondispersive Infrared Absorption Method" HJ 657 "Ambient Air and Stationary Source Emission - Determination of Metals in Ambient Particulate Matter - Inductively Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)" HJ 693 "Determination of Sulphur Dioxide from Exhausted Gas of Stationary Source Fixed - Potential Electrolysis Method" HJ/T 20 "Technical Specifications on Sampling and Sample Preparation from Industry Solid Waste" HJ/T 27 "Stationary Source Emission - Determination of Hydrogen Chloride - Mercuric Thiocyanate Spectrophotometric Method" HJ/T 42 "Stationary Source Emission - Determination of Nitrogen Oxide - Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Method" HJ/T 43 "Stationary Source Emission - Determination of Nitrogen Oxide – N (1-naphtye) - Ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride Spectrophotometric Method" HJ/T 44 "Stationary Source Emission - Determination of Carbon Monoxide - Non-dispersive Infrared Absorption Method" HJ/T 56 "Determination of Sulphur Dioxide from Exhausted Gas of Stationary Source Iodine Titration Method" HJ/T 57 "Determination of Sulphur Dioxide from Exhausted Gas of Stationary Source - Fixed-potential Electrolysis Method" HJ/T 75 "Specifications for Continuous Emissions Monitoring of Flue Gas Emitted from Stationary Sources" HJ/T228 "Technical Specification for Chemical Disinfection Centralized Treatment Engineering on Medical Waste (On Trial)" HJ/T229 "Technical Specification for Microwave Disinfection Centralized Treatment Engineering on Medical Waste (On Trial)" HJ/T276 "Technical Specifications for Steam-based Centralized Treatment Engineering in Medical Waste (On Trial)" HJ/T 397 "Technical Specifications for Emission Monitoring of Stationary Source" "Management Method on Automatic Supervisory Control of Pollution Source" (Decree of the State Environmental Protection Administration, No. 28) "Environmental Monitoring Management Method" (Decree of the State Environmental Protection Administration, No. 39) "Regulations on the Administration of Medical Wastes" (Wei Yi Fa [2003] No. 287) 3 Terms and Definitions For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 Incinerator It refers to the device that treats municipal solid wastes through high temperature oxidation. 3.2 Incineration capacity It refers to the design capacity of incinerator to incinerate municipal solid wastes in unit time. 3.3 Furnace It refers to the space formed by enclosed furnace wall of incinerator for the burning of combustibles. 3.4 Retention time of flue gas It refers to the duration when the flue gas generated by combustion is in hot section (≥850 ℃). 3.5 Incineration bottom ash It refers to the residues discharged directly from the furnace bottom and the ash and slag discharged by the overheater and economizer after municipal solid waste incineration. 3.6 Incineration fly ash It refers to the trapped substances of flue gas cleaning system and bottom ash settled on flue and chimney bottoms. 3.7 Loss on ignition It refers to the percentage of the mass reduced by ignition to the original mass of incineration slag. It is calculated according to the following formula: P=(A-B)/A×100% Where, P——the loss on ignition, %; A——the mass of incineration slag which has been dried at 110℃ and then cooled to room temperature, g; B——the mass of incineration which has been ignited at 600℃ (± 25 ℃) for 3 hours and then cooled to room temperature, g. 3.8 Dioxins It is the generic term for Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and Polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). 3.9 Toxic equivalency factor (TEF) It refers to the ratio of dioxins congener and 2, 3, 7, 8- TCDD to the affinity of Ah receptor. 3.10 Toxic equivalency quantity (TEQ) It refers to the equivalent concentration when the concentration of dioxins congeners is converted to the equivalent toxicity of 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD; toxic equivalent quantity concentration is the product of measured concentration and the TEF of the isomer. 3.11 Non-hazardous industrial solid waste It refers to the solid wastes generated during industrial production, excluding hazardous wastes. 3.12 Existing municipal solid waste incinerator It refers to the municipal solid waste incinerators which have been built and put into services or of which the environmental impact assessment statements have been approved before the implementation date of this standard. 3.13 New municipal solid waste incinerator It refers to the newly-built, renovated and extended municipal solid waste incinerators of which the environmental impact assessment statements have been approved after the implementation date of this standard. 3.14 Standard conditions It refers to the gaseous state with the temperature of 273.16K and the pressure of 101.325 kPa. 3.15 Average value It refers to the average value of the test values of at least 3 samples taken at equal time intervals (30min to 8h) during the sampling period; as for dioxins, the sampling time interval shall be 6 hours at least and 8 hours at most. 3.16 Hourly average value It refers to the arithmetic mean value of pollutant concentration in any one hour, or, the arithmetic mean value of the measured values of 4 samples taken at equal time intervals. 3.17 Daily average value It refers to the arithmetic mean value of 24 continuous hourly average values. 3.18 Emission concentration at baseline oxygen content Each and every emission limitation for pollutant concentration specified in this standard refers to the emission concentration at baseline oxygen content converted with 11% (V/V%) O2 (dry flue gas) as the baseline and under the standard conditions; the conversion is made according to the following requirements: ρ=ρ’×(21-11)/(φ0(O2)-φ’(O2)) Where, ρ——the emission concentration at baseline oxygen content of air pollutant, mg/m3; ρ’——the measured air pollutants emission concentration, mg/m3; φ0(O2)——the initial oxygen content of combustion air, %; 21 for the case of air being adopted for combustion. φ’(O2)——the measured oxygen content of flue gas, %. 4 Site Selection 4.1 The site selection of municipal solid waste incineration plant shall comply with the local overall urban and country plan, environmental protection program and environmental sanitation special plan as well as demands of atmospheric pollution prevention & control, water resource protection and natural ecology reservation etc. 4.2 The location of municipal solid waste incineration plant and its distance to periphery population shall be determined according to the conclusions of its environmental impact assessment. Such distance may be used as planning basis once approved by environmental protection administration department having the right for examination and approval. 4.3 In the environmental impact assessment for the site selection of municipal solid waste incineration plant, the reasonable positional relations between such plant and the habitation of long term residents, the agricultural lands, the surface waters and other sensitive objectives shall be determined according to the environmental function area type of its location area and the comprehensive assessment of its impacts on the health, daily life and production activities of dwell groups, emphasizing possible hazardous substances leakage, air pollutants (including odorants) generation & diffusion and accident risks of the plant and its facilities. 5 Technology 5.1 Sealing measures shall be taken during the transportation of municipal solid wastes to prevent waste dropping, smell leaking and sewage leaking. 5.2 Sealing and negative pressure measures shall be taken for the storage facilities and leachate collecting facilities of municipal solid wastes, and the negative pressure state shall be maintained during operation and shutdown. Gases inside such facilities shall be led into incinerator preferentially for high temperature processing, or be collected and deodorized until they meet the requirements of GB 14554 and then discharged. 5.3 The main technical performance indexes of municipal solid waste incinerator shall meet the following requirements. (1) The incineration temperature and retention time of flue gas inside furnace as well as the loss on ignition of incineration slag shall meet the requirements specified in Table 1. Table 1 Main Technical Performance Indexes of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator SN Item Index Inspection method 1 Incineration temperature inside furnace ≥850℃ Select at least two sections among the secondary air injecting point section, the furnace middle cross section and the furnace top cross section, arrange monitoring points respectively, and perform real-time on-line thermocouple measurement. 2 Retention time of flue gas inside furnace ≥2 seconds Check the flue gas retention time between monitoring point sections for incineration temperature inside furnace according to the design sheets and shop drawings of incinerator 3 Loss on ignition of incineration slag ≤5% HJ/T 20 (2) The pollutant concentration of flue gas emitted by existing municipal solid waste incinerators shall be in accordance with the limitations specified in GB 18485-2001 before December 31, 2015. (3) The carbon monoxide concentration of flue gas emitted by existing municipal solid waste incinerators shall be in accordance with the limitations specified in Table 2 from January 1, 2016. (4) The carbon monoxide concentration of flue gas emitted by new municipal solid waste incinerators shall be in accordance with the limitations specified in Table 2 from July 1, 2014. Table 2 Limitations for Carbon Monoxide Concentration in Flue Gases Emitted by New Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Valuing time Limitation (mg/m3) Monitoring method Daily average value 80 HJ/T 44 Hourly average value 100 5.4 Each municipal solid waste incinerator must be equipped with a separate flue gas cleaning system and an online flue gas monitoring device; the treated flue gases shall be emitted with independent exhaust funnel, and the exhaust funnels of more than one municipal solid waste incinerator may be arranged in the form of bundles. 5.5 The height of incinerator chimney shall not be less than those specified in Table 3, and the specific value shall be determined according to the conclusions of environmental impact assessment. In case buildings exist within 200 of a chimney, the chimney shall be higher than the highest building in such area by at least 3 m. Table 3 Heights of Incinerator Chimneys Incineration capacity (t/d) Minimum allowable height of chimney (m) <300 45 ≥300 60 Note: In case that more than one incinerator exist in a same plant area, the sum of all the incineration capacities is adopted as the judgment basis. 5.6 Incinerators shall be provided with combustion systems which are used during the startup and shutdown of incinerators as well as the period when the incineration temperature inside furnace is lower than the temperatures specified in Table 1, and such systems shall guarantee that the operation conditions of incinerators meet the requirements specified in 5.3 of this standard. 5.7 Permanent sampling ports shall be arranged according to GB/T 16157, and safe monitoring platforms not smaller than 3m2 with guardrails shall be established about 1m right below such ports, with permanent power supply (220V) being available for sampling devices to work. 6 Feeding Wastes 6.1 The following wastes may be fed into municipal solid waste incinerator for incineration directly: ——Mixed municipal solid wastes collected by sanitation organizations or municipal solid waste generating organizations; ——Non-hazardous industrial solid wastes collected by sanitation organizations from garment processing, food processing and other industries serving municipal life which have similar nature with municipal solid wastes; ——Oversize materials obtained from the screening procedure during municipal solid waste composting and other solid residual components generated during other biochemical treatment; ——Infectious wastes crushed, mutilated and disinfected according to HJ/T 228, HJ/T 229 and HJ/T 276 and meeting the disinfecting effect inspection indexes specified in "Regulations on the Administration of Medical Wastes". 6.2 Sludge generated by domestic sewage treatment facilities and non-hazardous industrial solid wastes may be put into municipal solid waste incinerators for incineration, provided that the pollutants emission indexes will still be met and incinerators will still operate normally, and the pollutant concentrations of flue gas emitted by incinerators subject to the limitations given in Table 4. 6.3 The following wastes shall not be incinerated in municipal solid waste incinerators: ——Hazardous wastes except for those specified in 6.1 of this standard; ——Electronic wastes and their residues after processing or treatment. Those otherwise stipulated by environmental protection administration departments are excluded. Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Site Selection 5 Technology 6 Feeding Wastes 7 Operation 8 Emission Control 9 Monitoring 10 Implementation and Supervision Appendix A (Normative) 生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准 1 适用范围 本标准规定了生活垃圾焚烧厂的选址要求、技术要求、入炉废物要求、运行要求、排放控制要求、 监测要求、实施与监督等内容。 本标准适用于生活垃圾焚烧厂的设计、环境影响评价、竣工验收以及运行过程中的污染控制及监督 管理。 掺加生活垃圾质量超过入炉(窑)物料总质量 30%的工业窑炉以及生活污水处理设施产生的污泥、 一般工业固体废物的专用焚烧炉的污染控制参照本标准执行。 本标准适用于法律允许的污染物排放行为;新设立污染源的选址和特殊保护区域内现有污染源的管 理,按照《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》、《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》、《中华人民共和国海洋 环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》、《中华人民共和国放射性污染防治法》、《中 华人民共和国环境影响评价法》、《中华人民共和国城乡规划法》和《中华人民共和国土地管理法》等法律、法规、规章的相关规定执行。 2 规范性引用文件 本文件内容引用了下列文件中的条款。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本文件。 GB 8978 污水综合排放标准 GB 14554 恶臭污染物排放标准 GB 16889 生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准 GB 30485 水泥窑协同处置固体废物污染控制标准 GB/T 16157 固定污染源排气中颗粒物测定与气态污染物采样方法 HJ 77.2 环境空气和废气 二噁英类的测定 同位素稀释高分辨气相色谱-高分辨质谱法 HJ 543 固定污染源废气 汞的测定 冷原子吸收分光光度法(暂行) HJ 548 固定污染源排气中氯化氢的测定 硝酸银容量法(暂行) HJ 549 环境空气和废气 氯化氢的测定 离子色谱法(暂行) HJ 629 固定污染源废气 二氧化硫的测定 非分散红外吸收法 HJ 657 空气和废气 颗粒物中铅等金属元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 HJ 693 固定污染源废气 氮氧化物的测定 定电位电解法 HJ/T 20 工业固体废物采样制样技术规范 HJ/T 27 固定污染源排气中氯化氢的测定 硫氰酸汞分光光度法 HJ/T 42 固定污染源排气中氮氧化物的测定 紫外分光光度法 HJ/T 43 固定污染源排气中氮氧化物的测定 盐酸萘乙二胺分光光度法 HJ/T 44 固定污染源排气中一氧化碳的测定 非色散红外吸收法 HJ/T 56 固定污染源排气中二氧化硫的测定 碘量法 HJ/T 57 固定污染源排气中二氧化硫的测定 定电位电解法 HJ/T 75 固定污染源烟气排放连续监测系统技术规范 HJ/T228 医疗废物化学消毒集中处理工程技术规范(试行) HJ/T229 医疗废物微波消毒集中处理工程技术规范(试行) HJ/T276 医疗废物高温蒸汽集中处理工程技术规范(试行) HJ/T 397 固定源废气监测技术规范《污染源自动监控管理办法》(国家环境保护总局令第 28 号) 《环境监测管理办法》(国家环境保护总局令第 39 号) 《医疗废物分类目录》(卫医发﹝2003﹞287 号) 3 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本标准。 3.1 焚烧炉 incinerator 利用高温氧化作用处理生活垃圾的装置。 3.2 焚烧处理能力 incineration capacity 单位时间焚烧炉焚烧生活垃圾的设计能力。 3.3 炉膛 furnace 焚烧炉中由炉墙包围起来供燃料燃烧的空间。 3.4 烟气停留时间 retention time of flue gas 燃烧所产生的烟气处于高温段(≥850℃)的持续时间。 3.5 焚烧炉渣 incineration bottom ash 生活垃圾焚烧后从炉床直接排出的残渣,以及过热器和省煤器排出的灰渣。 3.6 焚烧飞灰 incineration fly ash 烟气净化系统捕集物和烟道及烟囱底部沉降的底灰。 3.7 热灼减率 loss on ignition 焚烧炉渣经灼烧减少的质量占原焚烧炉渣质量的百分数。其计算方法如下: P=(A-B)/A ×100% 式中:P—热灼减率,%; A—焚烧炉渣经 110℃干燥 2h 后冷却至室温的质量,g, B—焚烧炉渣经 600℃(±25℃)灼烧 3 小时后冷却至室温的质量,g。 3.8 二噁英类 dioxins 多氯代二苯并-对-二噁英(PCDDs)和多氯代二苯并呋喃(PCDFs)的统称。 3.9 毒性当量因子 toxic equivalency factor(TEF) 二噁英类同类物与 2,3,7,8-四氯代二苯并-对-二噁英对 Ah 受体的亲和性能之比。 3.10 毒性当量 toxic equivalency quantity(TEQ) 各二噁英类同类物浓度折算为相当于 2,3,7,8-四氯代二苯并-对-二噁英毒性的等价浓度,毒性当量浓 度为实测浓度与该异构体的毒性当量因子的乘积。 3.11 一般工业固体废物 non-hazardous industrial solid waste 在工业生产活动中产生的固体废物,危险废物除外。 3.12 现有生活垃圾焚烧设炉 existing municipal solid waste incinerator 本标准实施之日前,已建成投入使用或环境影响评价文件已获批准的生活垃圾焚烧炉。 3.13 新建生活垃圾焚烧炉 new municipal solid waste incinerator 本标准实施之日后环境影响评价文件获批准的新建、改建和扩建的生活垃圾焚烧炉。 3.14 标准状态 standard conditions 温度在 273.16K,压力在 101.325kPa 时的气体状态。 3.15 测定均值 average value 取样期以等时间间隔(最少 30 分钟,最多 8 小时)至少采集 3 个样品测试值的平均值;二噁英类的采样时间间隔为最少6小时,最多8小时。 3.16 1 小时均值 hourly average value 任何 1 小时污染物浓度的算术平均值;或在 1 小时内,以等时间间隔采集 4 个样品测试值的算术平均值。 3.17 24 小时均值 daily average value 连续 24 个 1 小时均值的算术平均值。 3.18 基准氧含量排放浓度 emission concentration at baseline oxygen content 本标准规定的各项污染物浓度的排放限值,均指在标准状态下以 11%(V/V%)O2(干烟气)作为 换算基准换算后的基准含氧量排放浓度,按下式进行换算: ρ=ρ’×(21-11)/(φ0(O2)-φ’(O2)) 式中:ρ—大气污染物基准氧含量排放浓度,mg/m3; ρ’—实测的大气污染物排放浓度,mg/m3; φ0(O2)—助燃空气初始氧含量,%。采用空气助燃时为 21; φ’(O2)—实测的烟气氧含量,%。 4 选址要求 4.1 生活垃圾焚烧厂的选址应符合当地的城乡总体规划、环境保护规划和环境卫生专项规划,并符合当 地的大气污染防治、水资源保护、自然生态保护等要求。 4.2 应依据环境影响评价结论确定生活垃圾焚烧厂厂址的位置及其与周围人群的距离。经具有审批权的 环境保护行政主管部门批准后,这一距离可作为规划控制的依据。 4.3 在对生活垃圾焚烧厂厂址进行环境影响评价时,应重点考虑生活垃圾焚烧厂内各设施可能产生的有 害物质泄漏、大气污染物(含恶臭物质)的产生与扩散以及可能的事故风险等因素,根据其所在地区的 环境功能区类别,综合评价其对周围环境、居住人群的身体健康、日常生活和生产活动的影响,确定生 活垃圾焚烧厂与常住居民居住场所、农用地、地表水体以及其他敏感对象之间合理的位置关系。 5 技术要求 5.1 生活垃圾的运输应采取密闭措施,避免在运输过程中发生垃圾遗撒、气味泄漏和污水滴漏。 5.2 生活垃圾贮存设施和渗滤液收集设施应采取封闭负压措施,并保证其在运行期和停炉期均处于负压 状态。这些设施内的气体应优先通入焚烧炉中进行高温处理,或收集并经除臭处理满足 GB 14554 要求后排放。 5.3 生活垃圾焚烧炉的主要技术性能指标应满足下列要求。 (1)炉膛内焚烧温度、炉膛内烟气停留时间和焚烧炉渣热灼减率应满足表 1 的要求。 表 1 生活垃圾焚烧炉主要技术性能指标 序号 项目 指标 检验方法 1 炉膛内焚烧温度 ≥850℃ 在二次空气喷入点所在断面、炉膛中部断 面和 炉膛上 部断 面中 至少 选择两 个断 面 分别布设监测点,实行热电偶实时在线测 量 2 炉膛内烟气停留时间 ≥2 秒 根据 焚烧炉 设计 书检验 和制造 图核 验炉 膛内 焚烧温 度监 测点断 面间的 烟气 停留 时间 3 焚烧炉渣热灼减率 ≤5% HJ/T 20 (2)2015 年 12 月 31 日前,现有生活垃圾焚烧炉排放烟气中一氧化碳浓度执行 GB18485-2001 中规 定的限值。 (3)自 2016 年 1 月 1 日起,现有生活垃圾焚烧炉排放烟气中一氧化碳浓度执行表 2 规定的限值。 (4)自 2014 年 7 月 1 日起,新建生活垃圾焚烧炉排放烟气中一氧化碳浓度执行表 2 规定的限值。 表 2 新建生活垃圾焚烧炉排放烟气中一氧化碳浓度限值 取值时间 限值(mg/m3) 监测方法 24 小时均值 80 HJ/T 44 1 小时均值 100 5.4 每台生活垃圾焚烧炉必须单独设置烟气净化系统并安装烟气在线监测装置,处理后的烟气应采用独立的排气筒排放;多台生活垃圾焚烧炉的排气筒可采用多筒集束式排放。 5.5 焚烧炉烟囱高度不得低于表 3 规定的高度,具体高度应根据环境影响评价结论确定。如果在烟囱周 围 200 米半径距离内存在建筑物时,烟囱高度应至少高出这一区域内最高建筑物 3m 以上。 表 3 焚烧炉烟囱高度 焚烧处理能力(吨/日) 烟囱最低允许高度(米) <300 45 ≥300 60 注:在同一厂区内如同时有多台焚烧炉,则以各焚烧炉焚烧处理能力总和作为评判依据。 5.6 焚烧炉应设置助燃系统,在启、停炉时以及当炉膛内焚烧温度低于表 1 要求的温度时使用并保证焚烧炉的运行工况满足本标准 5.3 条的要求。 5.7 应按照 GB/T 16157 的要求设置永久采样孔,并在采样孔的正下方约 1 米处设置不小于 3m2 的带护栏 的安全监测平台,并设置永久电源(220V)以便放置采样设备,进行采样操作。 |
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GB 18485-2014, GB/T 18485-2014, GBT 18485-2014, GB18485-2014, GB 18485, GB18485, GB/T18485-2014, GB/T 18485, GB/T18485, GBT18485-2014, GBT 18485, GBT18485 |