This Part of GB 150 specifies the designation and the standard of steels that may be used for the pressure components of pressure vessels, the additional technical requirements of steels, and the application scope (temperature and pressure) and allowable stress of steels.
This Part is applicable to the pressure vessels with design temperature during -253℃~800℃ and design pressure no larger than 35MPa.
Inapplicable scope of this Part: inapplicable scope specified in GB 150.1; vessels in refrigeration industry and papermaking industry; enamelled vessels and simple pressure vessels; scope specified in Article 1.4 of TSG R0004.
2 Normative References
The following documents are absolutely essential to the application of this Standard. For dated reference documents, only the dated versions apply to this Standard; for undated reference documents, the latest versions (including all amendments) apply to this Standard.
GB 150.1-2011 Pressure Vessels-Part 1: General Requirements
GB 150.3~2011 Pressure Vessels-Part 3: Design
GB/T 228 Metallic Materials-Tensile Testing at Ambient Temperature
GB/T 229 Metallic Materials-Charpy Pendulum Impact Test Method
GB/T 699 Quality Carbon Structural Steels
GB 713 Steel Plates for Boiler and Pressure Vessels
GB/T 1220 Stainless Steel Bars
GB/T 1221 Heat-resisting Steel Bars
GB/T 3077 Alloy Structure Steels
GB 3531 Low Alloy Steel Plates for Low Temperature Pressure Vessels
GB/T 4226 Cold Finished Stainless Steel Bar
GB/T 4334 Corrosion of Metals and Alloys - Test Methods for Intergranular Corrosion of Stainless Steels
GB 5310 Seamless Steel Tubes and Pipes for High Pressure Boiler
GB 6479-2000 Seamless Steel Tubes for High-pressure for Chemical Fertilizer Equipments
GB/T 6803 Test Method for Drop-weight Test to Determine Nil-ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels
GB/T 7735 Steel Tubes-The Inspection Method on Eddy Current Test
GB/T 8163 Seamless Steel Tubes for Liquid Service
GB 9948 Seamless Steel Tubes for Petroleum Cracking
GB/T 12771 Welded Stainless Steel Pipes for Liquid Delivery
GB 13296 Seamless Stainless Steel Tubes for Boiler and Heat Exchanger
GB/T 14976 Stainless Steel Seamless Tubes for Fluid Transport
GB 19189 Quenched and Tempered High Strength Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels
GB/T 20878 Stainless and Heat-resisting Steels - Designation and Chemical Composition
NB/T 47008 Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Equipments
NB/T 47009 Low-alloy Steel Forgings for Low Temperature Pressure Equipments
NB/T 47010 Stainless and Heat-resisting Steel Forgings for Pressure Equipments
JB/T 4730.3 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments-Part 3: Ultrasonic Testing
JB/T 4756 Nickel and Nickel Alloy Pressure Vessels
TSG R0004 Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel
ISO 9328-2: 2004 Steel Flat Products for Pressure Purposes- Technical Delivery Conditions - Part 2: Non-alloy and Alloy Steels with Specified Elevated Temperature Properties
3 General
3.1 This standard gives the relevant provisions on the steels used for the steel plates, steel tubes and pipes, steel forgings and studs (including bolts) adopted by the pressure components of pressure vessels.
The steels used for the non-pressure components that are welded with the pressure components shall adopt the steels with favorable weldability.