GB 14166-2024 Safety-belts and restraint systems for occupants of power-driven vehicles
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements, requirements concerning their installation in the vehicles, instructions for use, descriptions for corresponding test methods and same type judgment for safety-belts and restraint systems for occupants of power-driven vehicles.
This document is applicable to:
——Categories M and N vehicles with forward-facing, rearward-facing, and side-facing seats equipped with safety-belts and restraint systems which are intended for separate use, as individual fittings, by adult occupants;
——Seat-belts and restraint systems installed on the forward-facing, rearward-facing, and side-facing seats of Categories M and N vehicles as individual fittings for separate use by adult occupants;
——Categories M and N vehicles equipped with child restraint systems;
——All seating positions on Categories M and N vehicles equipped with safety-belts and corresponding safety-belt reminders;
——Safety-belts designated for installation on side-facing seats in Category M3 (Category II, III or B) vehicles, or the installation of integral universal ISOFIX child restraint systems, but only when required by the vehicle manufacturer.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 4094 Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales of motor vehicles
GB/T 8427 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to artificial light: Xenon arc
GB 11551 The protection of the occupants in the event of a frontal collision for motor vehicle
GB 11552-2009 The interior fittings of passenger car
GB 11557 The stipulation protecting drivers from being injured by motor vehicle steering mechanism
GB 13057 Strength of seats and their anchorages of passenger vehicles
GB 13094-2017 The safety requirements for bus construction
GB 14167-2024 Safety-belt anchorages and restraint systems anchorages for occupants of power-driven vehicles
GB 15083 Strength requirement and test method of automobile seats, their anchorages and any head restraints
GB/T 15089 Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers
GB/T 29120 Procedure for H-point and R-point determination
GB 27887-2024 Child restraint systems for power-driven vehicles
ISO 2575:2010 Road vehicles - Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales
ISO 6487 Road vehicles - Measurement techniques in impact tests - Instrumentation
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB 15083, GB/T 15089, GB 14167-2024, GB 27887, GB/T 29120 and the following apply.
device composed of strap, buckle, adjusting devices, and attachments that secure it to interior of power-driven vehicle
Note 1: It is an assembly designed to diminish the risk of injury to its wearer, in the event of collision or of abrupt deceleration of the vehicle, by limiting the mobility of the wearer's body.
Note 2: It includes any device for absorbing energy or for retracting the strap.
lap belt
two-point belt which passes across the front of the wearer’s pelvic region
diagonal belt
belt which passes diagonally across the front of the chest from the hip to the opposite shoulder
three-point belt
belt which is a combination of a lap strap and a diagonal strap
s-type belt
belt assembly other than a three-point belt or a lap belt
harness belt
S-type belt assembly comprising a lap belt and diagonal belts
Note: A harness belt may be provided with an additional crotch strap assembly
flexible component designed to hold the occupant’s body and to transmit stresses to the belt anchorages
quick-release device enabling the wearer to be held by the safety-belt
Note: The buckle may incorporate the adjusting device, except in the case of a harness belt buckle.
belt adjusting device
device enabling the safety-belt to be adjusted according to the requirements of the individual wearer and to the position of the seat
Note: The adjusting device may be part of the buckle, or a retractor, or any other part of the safety-belt.
pre-loading device
additional or integrated device which tightens the seat-belt webbing in order to reduce the slack of the belt during a crash
airbag assembly
device installed in power-driven vehicles to supplement safety-belts and restraint systems, which automatically deploys a flexible structure by compression of the gas contained within it during severe collision
Note: It is designed to reduce contact forces between one or more parts of the body of an occupant and the interior parts of the vehicle.
parts of the safety-belt assembly
Note: Including the necessary securing components, which enable it to be attached to the belt anchorages
energy absorber
device designed to absorb energy independently of or jointly with the strap
Note: The energy absorber is an integral part of the seat-belt assembly.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 The safety-belt or the restraint system shall be so designed and constructed that, when correctly installed and properly used by an occupant, its satisfactory operation is assured and it reduces the risk of bodily injury in the event of an accident.
4.1.2 The straps of the safety-belt shall not be liable to assume a dangerous configuration.
4.1.3 No mechanical parts of the safety-belt or the restraint system shall be made of polyamide 6.
Note: The hygroscopic deformation characteristics of polyamide 6 adversely affect the operation of all moving mechanical parts.
4.1.4 The H point and seat back angle of the seat shall be determined in accordanced with GB/T 29120.
4.1.5 The installation of safety-belts and restraint systems for adult occupants in forward-facing seats, ISOFIX child restraint systems, i-Size child restraint systems, and booster seat child restraint systems shall meet the requirements of Annex A.
Contents Foreword III 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Technical requirements 5 Test methods 6 Requirements concerning the installation in the vehicle 7 Instructions for use 8 Same type judgment 9 Implementation of this standard Annex A (Normative) Requirements for the installation of safety-belts and restraint systems for adult occupants of power-driven vehicles on forward facing seats, ISOFIX child restraint systems, i-Size child restraint systems, and booster seat child restraint systems Annex B (Normative) Manikin Annex C (Normative) Test arrangements Annex D (Normative) Corrosion test Annex E (Normative) Abrasion and micro-slip tests Annex F (Normative) Double buckle test Annex G (Normative) Schematic diagram of the equipment for the durability test of retractors Annex H (Normative) Schematic diagram of the equipment for the emergency locking test of retractors Annex I (Normative) Schematic diagram of dust test equipment Annex J (Normative) Trolley, seats, anchorages, and parking mechanisms Annex K (Normative) Description of curve of trolley’s deceleration or acceleration as a function of time Annex L (Normative) Minimum requirements for safety-belts and retractors Annex M (Normative) Test for safety-belt reminder Annex N (Normative) Instructions for use Bibliography