This national standard specifies the classification, code name, tag, requirement, test method, test rules, sign, packing, transportation and storage of the fire resistant door sets.
This standard is applicable to timber, steel and timber-steel fire resistant hung door sets and other material fire resistant door sets. As for other open mode fire resistant door sets, refer to this standard.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For date reference, the subsequent amendments to (excluding amending error in the text) or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. And parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, its latest edition referred to applies.
GB/T 708 Dimension shape weight and tolerance for cold-rolled steel plates and sheets
GB/T 709 Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances for hot-rolled plates and sheets
GB/T 2828.1 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributea-Part1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
GB/T 4823-1995 Defects in sawn timber (eqv ISO 1029:1974)
GB/T 5823-1986 Doors and windows for building-Terminology
GB/T 5824 Size system of opening for windows and doors in building
GB/T 5907-1986 Fundamental terminology of fire protection; Part 1
GB/T 6388 Transport package shipping mark
GB/T 7633 Fire resistance tests - Door and shutter assemblies
GB 8624-2006 Classification for burning behavior of building materials and products
GB/T 8625-2005 Test method of difficult-flammability for building materials
GB 9969.1 General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial products
GB/T 13306 Plates
GB/T 14436 General principles of industrial product guarantee documents
GB 15763.1 Safety glazing materials in building Fire-resistant glass
GB 16807 Fire intumescent seals
GB/T 20285-2006 Toxic classification of fire effluents hazard for materials
GA 93 Fire resistant door sets closer
JG/T 122-2000 Wood doors and windows for building
QB/T 2474 Pin tumbler mortise door lock
3 Terminologies and Definitions
Terminologies and definitions stipulated in GB/T 5823-1986 and GB/T 5907-1986 as well as the following terminologies and definitions are applicable in this standard.
3.1 Fire resistant side hung door sets
This is formed by door wing, fireproofing hinge and fireproofing lock. Hinge is the shaft perpendicular to the floor, this shaft can rotate clockwise or counterclockwise to open or shut the fire resistant door sets of the door wing.
3.2 Fire resistant timber door sets
Use the flame resisting timber, flame resisting timberwork to make the doorframe, door wing frame, door wing panel and filling material within the door wing, then fill the fireproofing heat insulating material that is harmless for the human, then form the door with the fire resisting property by assembling with the hardware fittings.
3.3 Fire resistant steel door sets
Use the steel material to make the doorframe, door wing frame, door wing panel and fill material within the door wing, then fill the fireproofing heat insulating material that is harmless for the human, then form the door with the fire resisting property by assembling with the hardware fittings.
3.4 Fire resistant timber door sets with steel structure
Use the steel material, flame resisting woodiness material or flame resisting timberwork to fabricate the doorframe, door wing frame, door wing panel and filling material within the door wing, then fill the fireproofing heat insulating material that is harmless for the human, then form the door with the fire resisting property by assembling with the hardware fittings.
3.5 Other material fire resistant door sets
Use the inorganic noncombustible material, steel, flame resisting timber and flame resisting timberwork but not the steel material, flame resisting wood or flame resisting timberwork to fabricate the doorframe, door wing frame, door wing panel and filling material, then fill the fireproofing heat insulating material that is harmless for the human, then form the door with fire resisting property by assembling the hardware fittings.
3.6 Fully insulated door sets
Within the time specified, this door set can meet the requirements for fireproof integrality and ablative insulating quality.
3.7 Partially insulated door sets
Within 0.50 h greater than or equal to the requirement, fireproof integrality and ablative insulating quality requirement can be met; when 0.50 h is exceeded, fireproof integrality requirement of the fire resistant door sets can also be met.
3.8 No insulated door sets
Within the time specified, the door set can meet the requirements for fireproof integrality and ablative insulating quality.
Foreword 1 Scope 2 The normative references 3 Terminologies and Definition 4 Classification, code name and tag 5 Requirements 5.1 General requirements 5.2 Material 5.3 Fittings 5.4 Processing technique and appearance quality 5.5 Door wing quality 5.6 Size limit deviation 5.7 Form-position tolerance 5.8 Tolerance of fit 5.9 Flexibility 5.10 Reliability 6 Test methods 6.1 Requirement for specimen 6.2 Accuracy of instrument and equipment 6.3 Material 6.4 Fittings 6.5 Processing technique and appearance quality 6.6 Door wing quality 6.7 Dimensional Tolerance 6.8 Tolerance of Form and Position 6.9 Fit Tolerance 6.10 Flexibility 6.11 Reliability 6.12 Fire Resistance 7 Test Rules 7.1 Delivery Test 7.2 Version Inspection 8 Mark, Package, Transportation and Storage Annex A (Normative Annex) Requirements and Test Methods of Flameproof Lock Annex B (Normative Annex) Fire Resistance Requirements and Test Methods of the Fire Resistant Gemel (Hinge) Annex C (Normative Annex) Fire Resistance Requirements and Test Methods of Fire Resistant Sequence Controller Annex D (Normative Annex) Fire Resistance Requirements and Test Methods of Fire Resistant Bolt