This standard specifies the basic requirements of seismic evaluation test for active valve assemblies in PWR nuclear power plant.
This standard is applicable to the seismic evaluation test of power-operated active valve assemblies in nuclear power plant.
This standard is not applicable to power-operated pressure relief valve and self-operated valve.
2 Normative References
EJ/T 1022.14 PWR Nuclear Power Plant Valve - Stress Analysis and Seismic Analysis
3 Terminologies
3.1 Active valve
The valve parts implementing system safety function and achieving opening or closing by using such external input as triggering, mechanical movement or power source.
3.2 Valve device
The combination of valve (including the functional auxiliary parts directly installed on valve) and drive device.
3.3 Required input motion (RIM)
Input motion expressed by acceleration, speed and displacement, generally expressed by frequency function. It is required that the test apparatus shall withstand this input motion and still be able to complete its original function.
3.4 Cutoff frequency
The frequency on response spectrum at the beginning of zero period acceleration asymptote. Above this frequency, single-degree-of-freedom oscillator shows no magnification of motion and indicates the upper limit of frequency components of to-be-analyzed waveform.
3.5 Flexible valve
The valve whose lowest resonance frequency is less than the cutoff frequency of response spectrum. Generally valves lower than 33Hz.
3.6 Rigid valve
The valve whose lowest resonance frequency is greater than the cutoff frequency of response spectrum. Generally valves greater than 33Hz.
3.7 Octave (oct)
The interval of two frequencies with the frequency ratio of 2, e.g. one-third-octave band refers to two frequencies with the frequency ratio of 21/3, from 1 to 1.26Hz, 1.26 to 1.59Hz, and 1.59 to 2Hz, etc.
1 Subject Content and Application Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terminologies 4 General Rules 5 Test Preparation 6 Seismic Evaluation Test of Valves 7 Inspection 8 Acceptance 9 Evaluation Report Additional Explanation: