This standard describes terms and requirements for digital exchange for power system dispatching, including performance requirements, functional requirements, label, package and transportation.
This standard is applicable to research, production, maintenance, administration, engineering construction, equipment import and reformation of digital exchange for power system dispatching. If necessary, this standard is also applicable to digital dispatching exchangers in other industries.
2. Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the Specifications. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding amending error in the text) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties whose enter into agreement according to the Specifications are encouraged to research whether the latest editions of these references are applied or not. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document is applicable to this standard.
GB 3377-1982 Multi-frequency Register Signaling System for Telephone Automatic Switching Network
GB 3380-1982 Ringing and Tone for Telephone Automatic Switching Network
GB 3971.2-1983 Interoffice Junction Digital Line Signaling System for Telephone Automatic Switching Network
GB/T 4798.1-1986 Environmental Condition Existing in the Application of Electric and Electronic Products Storage
GB/T 4798.2-1996 Environmental Conditions Existing in the Application of Electric and Electronic Products
GB 12048-1989 Requirements for Clock and Synchronization Equipment Used in the Digital Network
GB/T 13926.2 - 1992 Electromagnetic Compatibility for Industrial-process Measurement and Control Equipment - Electrostatic Discharge Requirements
GB/T13926.4 - 1992 Electromagnetic Compatibility for Industrial-process Measurement and Control Equipment - Electrical Fast Transient Burst Requirements
GB/T14598.3 - 1993 Electrical Relays Part 5: Insulation Tests for Electrical Relays
GB/T 14598.13-1998 Electrical Interference Tests for Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment Part 1: 1 MHz Burst Interference Tests
GB/T 15542-1995 Technical Requirement of Digital SPC Automatic Telephone Exchange
YDN 065-1997 General Technical Specification for Telephone Exchange Equipments in Ministry of Post and Telecommunications
DL/T 598-1996 The Technical Specification for Automatic Exchange Network of Electric Power System Communication
3. Definition
In this standard, the following terms will have definitions stated below.
3.1 Dispatching Console
It means the operation console where the operator can dispatch telephone calls.
3.2 Keyboard Console
It means the dispatching console where operation is realized through keystroke.
3.3 Mouse Console
It means the dispatching console where operation is realized through computer mouse.
3.4 Touch Console
It means the dispatching console where operation is realized through touch screen of computer.
3.5 Dispatching User
It means extension subscriber or relay-trunk subscriber of dispatching telephone within office or network.
3.6 Group Calling
It means the call preset to made to a group.
Foreword 1. Scope 2. Normative References 3. Definition 4. Performance Requirements 4.1 Interface 4.2 Signal type 4.3 Ringing current and audible signal tome 4.4 Clock synchronization 4.5 Requirement of large traffic load 4.6 Transmission requirement 4.7 Reliability 4.8 Electromagnetic Compatibility 4.9 Excess-voltage protection 4.10 Power supply and grounding 4.11 Environmental requirement. 5. Functional Requirement 5.1 Function of dispatching exchanger. 5.2 Dispatching console. 5.3 Extension function. 5.4 Operator console function (Optional) 5.5 Billing function (Optional) 5.6 Terminal maintenance function 6. Mark, Package and Transportation 6.1 Product mark 6.2 Package 6.3 Transportation 6.4 Storage 6.5 Self-contained document