The standard specifies the automation design requirements of fuel electric plant auxiliary system (workshop) such as condense type and heat supply type industrial power plant and gas turbine.
The standard is applicable to the design of new power plant. The design of extension, technical innovation, captive power station and gas turbine power plants may comply with the provisions of the standard.
2 Normative References
The following documents contain provision which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excepting corrigenda content) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply normative document. Parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB 50229 Code for Fire Protection Design of Power Plant and Substation
GB 50058 Specifications for the Design of Electric Systems in Places with Explosion and Fire
GB 50116 Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System
DL 5000 Technical Code for Designing Fossil Fuel Power Plants
3 General Provisions
3.0.1 As an important constituent of thermal power automation design for power plant, the thermal power automation design of auxiliary system (workshop) must conform to the principles of "safety, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and national situation-compliance" and must be compliant to the characteristics of the units. State-of-the-art, high-quality equipment and components shall be adopted.
3.0.2 The method of standard design, reference design, modular design and general design shall be actively adopted in thermal power automation design for auxiliary system (workshop) of thermal power plant.
3.0.3 The standard is a supplement and embodiment to the thermal power automation of DL 5000. On the process of the design, relative national standard and professional standard shall be executed, and any requirement of the standard shall be satisfied.
4 Monitor Technical Requirements
4. 1 Automation Level
4.1.1 Thermal power automation level of the auxiliary system (workshop) shall be considered from the control mode, system configuration, function and organization and the controllability of equipment.
4.1.2 The corresponding process system equipment of the auxiliary system (workshop) shall be appropriate to thermal power automation level.
4.1.3 The thermal power automation design for auxiliary system (workshop) may be designed according to the division and geographic position of the assistant process system of similar nature or of the adjacent subsidiary production workshop by properly merging the control system and control points. Monitoring points of the auxiliary system (workshop) should not be more than three (coal, ash and water).The rest workshops may be designed unattended. Upper computer shall be adopted to monitor every control point.
4.1.4 The automation level of auxiliary system (workshop), which is under unified monitoring of the upper computer, shall reach the level of computer network technology. In co-operation with the patrol personnel, operators can control the operation of auxiliary system (workshop), monitor and adjust it and dispose anomalies and accidents.
4.1.5 Closed-circuit television supervisory system in duty-free workshops should be installed for auxiliary system (workshop) under central-control and should be considered with closed-circuit television in the main powerhouse, so as to monitor equipment on the spot.
4.1.6 Conventional display, recorder and window annunciator shall not be included in auxiliary system (workshop) under the supervision of programmable controller (plc) and upper computer.
4.1.7 Auxiliary system (workshop) under the supervision of programmable controller (plc) and upper computer shall not have conventional manual operation.
4.1.8 PLC control should be adopted in the following auxiliary system (workshop) (including but not limited to these workshops), and it is proved by technical and economic proof that small DCS or specialized control machine can also be adopted.
1 Boiler Feed Water.
2 Condensate Desalinization System.
3 Air-conditioning System.
4 Ash Removal and Deslagging System.
5 Wastewater Treatment System.
6 Coal Handling System.
7 Electric Precipitation System.
8 Reverse Osmosis System.
9 Chemical Dosing System.
10 Water-Steam Sampling System.
11 Decontamination Station.
12 Fuel Pump Room.
13 Hydrogen Manufacturing Station
14 Weak Acid Handling.
15 Crude Water Pretreatment.
16 Sewage Disposal.
4.1.9 The Distributed Control System (FGD - DCS) system should be adopted or integrated into detection and control of desulfuration system. Small decentralized control system shall be consisted of data acquisition system, modulation regulating system and sequence control system.
4.1.10 Direct air-cooling unit should be integrated into the DCS system of the main powerhouse.
4.1.11 Air compressor system, water circulating pump house, condensate fine treatment, water-steam sampling system and chemical dosing system control may be added into the distributed control system of the main powerhouse.
4.2 Control Mode
4.2.1 According to the principle of appropriate merging by auxiliary system (workshop), coal, ash and water in situ centralized control room may be set on the basis of process system division and geographic position. When conditions permitted, control points may be decreased.
4.2.2 The following control (including but not limited to) of auxiliary system (workshop) should be included in the centralized control room of ash:
1 Ash Handling System.
2 Deslagging System.
3 Electric Precipitation System.
Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 General Provisions 4 Monitor Technical Requirements 4. 1 Automation Level 4.2 Control Mode 4.3 Control System Structure 4.4 Equipment Selection 4.5 Installation Requirement 4.6 Design of Control System 5 Monitoring Items 5.1 Major Detection Items 5.2 Fire Detection 5.3 Major Control Items