This standard specifies the type, whole-machine property index, manufacture requirements, test rules, packing, marking, storing and transporting, installation, test method, and acceptance of electric precipitator, as well as the conformity decision method of products.
This standard mainly is applicable to the design, manufacture, installation, debugging and acceptance of horizontal electric precipitator. The vertical electric precipitator may be implemented by making reference thereto. It is not applicable to the purification of flammable and explosive gases.
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Type Establishment 4 Structure 5 Technical Requirements 5.1 General Provisions 5.2 Whole Machine Property Index 5.3 Principal Part of Machine 5.4 Electrical System 5.5 Noise 6 Test Rules 6.1 Delivery Inspection 6.2 Transportation Inspection 6.3 Installation Inspection 7 Packing, Marking, Storing and Transporting 7.1 Packing 7.2 Marking 7.3 Storing 7.4 Transporting 8 Installation 8.1 Drawings 8.2 Installation of Main Machine Body 8.3 Electrical Installation 9 Test 9.1 Test and Trial Run during Formation Process of Products 9.2 Whole Machine Performance Test of Products 9.3 Retest of Whole-machine Performance 10 Acceptance Regulations Annex A (Normative) Correction Method and Efficiency Judgment of the Separation Efficiency of Electric Precipitator