This code specifies design and calculation methods and structure requirements for concrete filled steel tubular structure, steel encased reinforced concrete structure and steel-concrete composite beam and is applicable to the design of steel-concrete composite structure of buildings (structures) in newly built, expanded or rebuilt thermal power plants (hereinafter referred to as "power plant"). The design of steel-concrete composite structures of general industrial and civil buildings (structures) may also refer to this code.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
CB15—91 Low Alloy Structural Steel
GB700—88 Carbon Structural Steels
GB50204—92 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Concrete Structures
GB50205—1995 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Steel Structure Engineering
GB50260—1996 Code for Seismic Design of Electric Power Installations
GBJ9—87 Load Code for the Design of Building Structures
GBJ10—89 Code for Design of Concrete Structures
GBJ11—89 Code for Seismic Design of Buildings
GBJl7—88 Code for Design of Steel Structures
GBJ68—84 Unified Standards for the Design of Structures
GBJ83—85 Design of Structures-General Symbols Units of Measurement and Basic Terms
GBJ107—87 Standard for Inspection and Evaluation Concrete Strength
DL5022—93 Technical Stipulation for the Design of Civil Structure of Thermal Power Plant
DL/T5095—1999 Technical Code for Designing Load of Main Building in Fossil Fuel Power Plant
SDJ107—87 The Code of Erection and Acceptance for Power Plant Construction (Construction Engineering Section)
3 General Provisions
3.0.1 This code was formulated with a view to implementing the national technical and economic policies and living up to state-of-the-art technologies, economy and rationality, safety and usability as well as ensuring quality in the design of steel-concrete composite structure.
3.0.2 This code was established subject to the principles specified in the current national standard "Unified Standards for the Design of Structures" (GBJ68-84).
3.0.3 Symbols, measurement units and basic terms used in this code are adopted according to those specified in the current national standard "Design of Structures-General Symbols Units of Measurement and Basic Terms" (GBJ83-85). In addition, respective special symbols of these three kinds of structures also are specified in this code by international standard symbols or acronyms of English words according to the different characteristics and requirements of these structures.
3.0.4 Not only the requirements stipulated in this code, but those in the current national standards "Code for Design of Steel Structures" (GBJ17-88), "Code for Design of Concrete Structures" (GBJ10-89), "Code for Seismic Design of Buildings" (GBJ11-89) and "Code for Seismic Design of Electric Power Installations" (GB50260-96) also shall be complied with.
3.0.5 In the design in accordance with this code, the load design shall be in accordance with those specified in the current national standards "Load Code for the Design of Building Structures" (GBJ9-87), professional power standard "Technical Stipulation for the Design of Civil Structure of Thermal Power Plant" (DL5022-93) and "Technical Code for Designing Load of Main Building in Fossil Fuel Power Plant" (DL/T 5095-1999). Material and construction quality shall be in accordance with those requirements specified in the current national standards "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Steel Structure Engineering" (GB50205-95), "Code for Construction and Acceptance of Concrete Structures" (GB50204-92) and professional power standard "The Code of Erection and Acceptance for Power Plant Construction" (Construction Engineering Section) (SDJ107-87) as well as other relevant standards. The required weld quality classes and additional assured items of mechanical properties and chemical compositions required for steels also shall be indicated for the design of the relevant steel structures. Inspection and evaluation of concrete strength shall be in accordance with those requirements specified in the current national standard "Standard for Inspection and Evaluation Concrete Strength" (GBJ107-87).
The design of steel-concrete composite structure in special regions and specific environment still shall be complied with the relevant regulations specified in specific codes.
4 Main Terms and Main Symbols
4.1 Main Terms
4.1.1 Steel-concrete composite structure
Structures are composed by formed steel and concrete or reinforced concrete, for instance concrete filled steel tubular structure, steel encased reinforced concrete structure, and steel-concrete composite beam structure.
4.1.2 Concrete filled steel tubular structure
Structure is formed by filling concrete in the steel tube (referring to round steel tube).
4.1.3 Composite compressive strength
The maximum nominal compressive stress is withstood by the compound sections of concrete-filled steel tubes.
4.1.4 Composite shear strength
The maximum nominal shear stress is withstood by the compound sections of concrete-filled steel tubes.
4.1.5 Composite compressive modulus of elasticity
Ratio of the nominal normal stress to the corresponding normal strain on the section when the compound section of concrete-filled steel tube is compressed unidirectionally and its longitudinal nominal stress is linear with the strain.
4.1.6 Composite shear modulus
Ratio of the nominal shear stress to the corresponding shear strain on the section when the compound section of concrete-filled steel tube is sheared unidirectionally and its composite nominal stress is linear with the strain.
4.1.7 Confining coefficient
Comprehensive parameter is used to reflect the geometrical characteristics of the concrete-filled steel tube's compound section and physical properties of the constructional materials, its characteristic value is indicted in , ; while its design value is indicated in , .
4.1.8 Stiffener ring plate
Ring gusset plate is installed to construct rigid joints for concrete-filled steel tubes.
4.1.9 Steel encased reinforced concrete structure
Reinforced concrete structure is encased with reinforcements, specifically with angle steel in this code.
4.1.10 Rigidity region
It refers to the masonry unit whose partial angular displacement in the range of framework joints can be neglected.
4.1.11 Rigidity anchor
1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 General Provisions 4 Main Terms and Main Symbols 4.1 Main Terms 4.2 Main Symbols 5 Basic Rules 6 Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structure 6.1 General Rules 6.2 Materials 6.3 Calculation of Member Bearing Capacity 6.4 Structures 6.5 Joint and Connection 7 Steel Encased Reinforced Concrete Structure 7.1 General Provisions 7.2 Materials 7.3 Calculation Principles 7.4 Bearing Capacity Calculation of Members 7.5 Loadbearing Framework of Steel Encased Reinforced Concrete 7.6 Constructional Requirements 8 Steel-concrete Composite Beam Structure 8.1 General Provisions 8.2 Materials 8.3 Calculation of the Bearing Capacity of Composite Beam 8.4 Recalculation of Composite Beam at Serviceability Limit States 8.5 Calculation of Shear Connector 8.6 Calculation of Haunch and Flange Plate 8.7 Constructional Requirements Annex A (Normative) Calculation Formulae for the Deformation of Continuous Composite Beam Annex B (Normative) Inspection Requirements on the Material Quality, External Dimensions and Welding Quality of Stud Connectors Annex C (Normative) Explanation of Wording in this Standard