The Rules was prepared based on the safety risks and certification risks of gas-burning appliances, and it stipulates the basic principles and requirements for implementation of compulsory product certification for gas-burning appliances.
These Rules shall be used in conjunction with the general implementation rules issued by Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (CNCA), such as the Implementation Rules for Compulsory product Certification - Production Enterprise Classification Management, Certification Mode Selection and Determination, the Implementation Rules for Compulsory Product Certification - Utilization of Factory’s Test Resources and Other Certification Result, the Implementation Rules for Compulsory Product Certification - Requirements for Factory’s Quality Assurance Capability and the Implementation Rules for Compulsory Product Certification - General Requirement for Factory Inspection.
The certification agency shall compile implementation details according to the requirements of the general implementation rules and these Rules, which is implemented jointly with the general implementation rules and these Rules.
Factories shall ensure the continued compliance of its certified products with the certification requirements.
1 Application scope
The Rules is applicable to:
(1) Household gas cooking appliances, household gas instant water heaters (domestic gas instantaneous water heater for hot water) and gas heating water heaters.
(2) Commercial gas-burning appliances and similar burning appliances with urban gas as energy, air for burning taken from indoors, and burning products directly or indirectly discharged outdoors, including steam generators, steaming ovens, fryers, pasta cookers, commercial oven for cooking, open burners, water boilers, rice cookers, dishwashers, cooking stoves, barbecues, hot plates, ovens and similar gas-burning appliances, as well as combinations of the above products.
In case of any adjustment of applicable scope which is caused by change of the law, regulation or relevant product standard, technology and industry policy etc., the announcement issued by CNCA shall prevail.
2 Certification standard
No. Type of products Certification standard
1 Household gas cooking appliances GB 16410
2 Household instantaneous gas water heater (domestic gas instantaneous water heater for hot water) GB 6932
3 Gas heating water heater GB 25034
4 Commercial gas-burning appliance GB 35848
In principle, the current valid versions of the above standards issued by the national standardization administrative department shall apply.
3 Certification mode
The basic certification mode for implementing compulsory product certification for gas-burning appliances is as follows:
The post-certification supervision refers to the post-certification follow-up inspection, sampling from the production site for testing or inspection, market sampling testing or inspection, or their combinations.
The certification agency shall, according to the requirements of the Implementation Rules for Compulsory product Certification- Factory Classification, Certification Mode Selection and Determination, implement classification management of factories, and determine the post-certification supervision methods and frequencies in combination with the classification management results.
4 Certification unit division
Units are divided according to product type, product structure, working principle, gas type, etc.
0 Introduction 1 Application scope 2 Certification standard 3 Certification mode 4 Certification unit division 5 certification application 5.1 Submission and acceptance of certification application 5.2 Application data 5.3 Implementation arrangements 6 Implementation of certification 6.1 Product testing 6.2 Initial factory inspection 6.3 Certification evaluation and decision 6.4 Certification time limit 7 Post-certification supervision 7.1 Post-certification follow-up inspection 7.2 Sampling testing or inspection on production site 7.3 Market sampling testing or inspection 7.4 Frequency and time of post-certification supervision 7.5 Record of post-certification supervision 7.6 Evaluation of post-certification supervision results 8 Certification certificate 8.1 Holding of the certificate 8.2 Changes in products covered by certificate 8.3 Extension of products covered by certificate 8.4 Cancellation, suspension and revocation 8.5 Use of certificate 9 Certification mark 9.1 Style of marks permitted to use 9.2 Marking mode 10 Charges 11 Certification responsibility 12 Detailed rules for the implementation of certification Annex