is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is one of the technical standards of LTE-based vehicular communication, of which, the composition and titles are as follows:
a) YD/T 3400-2018 General technical requirements of LTE-based vehicular communication;
b) YD/T 3340-2018 Technical requirements of air interface of LTE-based vehicular;
c) YD/T 3707-2020 Technical requirements of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication;
d) YD/T 3709-2020 Technical requirements of message layer of LTE-based vehicular;
e) YD/T 3708-2020 Test methods of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication;
f) YD/T 3710-2020 Test methods of message layer of LTE-based vehicular communication.
This standard is prepared in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this standard shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of China Communications Standards Association.
Test methods of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication
1 Scope
This standard specifies the test methods of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication, and regulates the test parameters and indexes, test methods and test cases of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication.
This standard is applicable to network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced documents (including any amendments) applies.
YD/T 3340-2018 Technical requirements of air interface of LTE-based vehicular
YD/T 3400-2018 General technical requirements of LTE-based vehicular communication
YD/T 3707-2020 Technical requirements of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication
3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviations apply.
AID Application ID
DUT Device Under Test
DME Dedicated Management Entity
DSM Dedicated Short Message
DSMP Dedicated Short Message Protocol
LLC Logical Link Control
LTE Long Term Evolution
LTE-V2X LTE Vehicle to Everything
MIB Management Information Base
MAC Media Access Control
OBU On Board Unit
RSU Road Side Unit
SAP Service Access Point
TS Test System
TTCN-3 Testing and Test Control Notation-3
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
4 Test environment of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication
4.1 Test system architecture
See Figure 1 for the test system architecture of LTE-based vehicular communication. The test system is mainly composed of PC host and system simulator, which communicate with each other through Ethernet.
PC host is the upper computer in the test system, which realizes equipment operation, system self-inspection and TTCN-3 executable test case operation, and can realize automatic test and control of the terminal under test through relevant command interfaces.
The system simulator realizes the underlying protocol stack function of LTE-based vehicular communication technology, and the system simulator communicates with the terminal through air interface.
If the test system needs DUT to feed back the relevant test status or result information during the test process, DUT feeds back the relevant information through Ethernet.
Note: DUT test can be either OBU or RSU.
Figure 1 Test system architecture
4.2 Test conventions
The test cases and scenarios involved in this standard shall follow the following conventions:
Each test case tests only one wireless device under test at a time, and can’t test multiple wireless devices at the same time;
Unless otherwise specified, the “DSM message” mentioned in this standard refers to DSM message whose packet type is “Non-IP” and does not contain “DSMP Extension Domain Indicator” (i.e., the value is taken as 0);
Unless otherwise specified, the DSM message length (DsmMaxLength) value in MIB is 1400 bytes;
The related contents of DSA test of LTE-based vehicular communication technology are not within the definition scope of this standard;
Except for special instructions, the specific test operations for test cases involved in this standard are conducted according to those shown in Figure 2.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Abbreviations
4 Test environment of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication
4.1 Test system architecture
4.2 Test conventions
5 Test of DSM message
5.1 Test of DUT sending DSM message
5.2 Test of DUT receiving DSM message
6 Test of application registration
6.1 Test of higher layer application registration
7 Test of MIB maintenance
7.1 Test of DSM message length
Test methods of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication
2020-04-16发布 2020-07-01实施
中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 发布
a) YD/T 3400—2018《基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术 总体技术要求》;
b) YD/T 3340—2018《基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术 空中接口技术要求》;
c) YD/T 3707—2020《基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术 网络层技术要求》;
d) YD/T 3709—2020《基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术 消息层技术要求》;
e) YD/T 3708—2020《基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术 网络层测试方法》;
f) YD/T 3710—2020《基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术 消息层测试方法》。
本标准按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。
基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术 网络层测试方法
1 范围
2 规范性引用文件
YD/T 3340—2018 基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术空中接口技术要求
YD/T 3400—2018 基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术总体技术要求
YD/T 3707—2020 基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术网络层技术要求
3 缩略语
AID 应用标识 Application ID
DUT 被测实体 Device Under Test
DME 专用管理实体 Dedicated Management Entity
DSM 专用短消息 Dedicated Short Message
DSMP 专用短消息协议 Dedicated Short Message Protocol
LLC 逻辑链路控制 Logical Link Control
LTE 长期演进技术 Long Term Evolution
LTE-V2X 基于LTE的车用无线通信技术 LTE Vehicle to Everything
MIB 管理信息库 Management Information Base
MAC 媒体控制协议 Media Access Control
OBU 车载单元 On Board Unit
RSU 路侧单元 Road Side Unit
SAP 服务接入点 Service Access Point
TS 测试系统 Test System
TTCN-3 测试与测试控制第三版 Testing and Test Control Notation-3
TCP 传输控制协议 Transmission Control Protocol
UDP 用户数据报协议 User Datagram Protocol
4 LTE车联网无线通信技术网络层检测环境
4.1 测试系统架构
图1 测试系统架构
4.2 测试约定
· 每个测试用例仅一次测试一台待测无线设备,不支持同时测试多台无线设备;
· 本标准中提及的“DSM消息”除特殊说明外,均指数据包类型为“Non-IP”的不包含“DSMP扩展域指示”(即DSMP Extension Indicator取值为0)的DSM消息;
· 本标准中除特殊说明外,MIB中DSM消息长度(DsmMaxLength)值为1400字节;
· 基于LTE的车联网无线通信技术专用业务公告(DSA)测试相关内容不在本标准定义范围内;
· 本标准中涉及的测试用例除特殊说明外均采取图2所示内容实施具体测试工作。