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Codeofchina.com is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative. This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009 Directives for standardization - Part 1: Structure and drafting of standards. This standard replaces SY/T 6344-2010 Flammable and combustible liquides code, and the following main technical changes have been made with respect to SY/T 6344-2010: ——The name of the standard is changed to Fire code for flammable and combustible liquids; ——The scope is modified (see clause 1; clause 1 of Edition 2010); ——The normative references are modified (see clause 2; clause 2 of Edition 2010); ——The terms and definitions are modified (see clause 3; clause 3 of Edition 2010); ——The classification of liquids is modified (see clause 4; 3.7 and 3.8 of Edition 2010); ——The fire and explosion prevention and risk control are modified (see clause 5; 7.12, 7.13 and 6.10 of Edition 2010); ——The electrical systems are modified (see clause 6; clause 8 of Edition 2010); ——The storage of liquids in containers - general requirements is modified (see clause 7; 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.9 Edition 2010); ——The storage of liquids in containers - mercantile occupancies is modified (see clause 8; 6.5.6 of Edition 2010); ——The storage of liquids in containers - industrial occupancies is added (see clause 9); ——The storage of liquids in containers - storage occupancies is modified (see clause 10; 6.5.2 of Edition 2010); ——The storage of liquids in containers - detached, unprotected buildings is added (see clause 11); ——The hazardous materials storage lockers is modified (see clause 12; 6.3 of Edition 2010); ——The outdoor storage is modified (see clause 13; 6.7 of Edition 2010); ——The automatic fire protection for inside liquid storage areas is modified (see clause 14; 6.8 of Edition 2010); ——The processing facilities are modified (see clause 15; 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of Edition 2010); ——The dispensing, handling, transfer, and use of liquids are modified (see clause 16; 7.3.7 and 7.5 of Edition 2010); ——The specific operations are modified (see clause 17; 7.4 and 7.10 of Edition 2010); ——The storage of liquids in tanks - requirements for all storage tanks are modified (see clause 18; clause 4 of Edition 2010); ——The aboveground tanks are modified (see clause 19; 4.3.2 of Edition 2010); ——The underground tanks are modified (see clause 20; 4.3.3 of Edition 2010); ——The storage tank buildings are modified (see clause 21; 4.3.4 of Edition 2010); ——The aboveground storage tank vaults are modified (see clause 22; 4.2.7 of Edition 2010); ——The piping systems are modified (see clause 23; clause 5 of Edition 2010); ——The bulk loading and unloading facilities for tank cars and tank vehicles are modified (see clause 24; 7.6 of Edition 2010); ——The wharves are modified (see clause 25; 7.7 of Edition 2010); This standard has been redrafted and modified adoption of NFPA 30: 2012 Flammable combustible liquids code. This standard is changed from NFPA 30: 2012 in structure; the comparison table for clause numbers in this standard and those in NFPA 30: 2012 are listed in Annex E. Technical differences have been made in this standard with respect to NFPA 30: 2012, and relevant technical differences and their causes have been listed in Annex F. In addition, the following editorial changes have been made in this standard: ——The English units are converted into legal units of measurement specified in GB 3101 and GB 3102; ——The contents unrelated to the standard subject content in NFPA 30: 2012 are deleted, including the standard title page, special statement, NFPA preface, and some reference documents only for information reference. This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee for Standardization of Safety in Petroleum Industry. This standard replaces SY/T 6344-2010. The previous edition of ST/T 6344-2010 is as follows: ——SY/T 6344-1998. Fire code for flammable and combustible liquids 1 Scope This code specifies the requirements of classification, container storage, piping systems, bulk loading and unloading facilities for tank cars and tank vehicles and fire and explosion prevention and risk control in petroleum and natural gas industry. This code shall apply to the storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids, including waste liquids, in petroleum and natural gas industry. This code shall not apply to the following: a) Any substance that has a melting point of 100°F (37.8°C) or greater. b) Any liquid that does not meet the criteria for fluidity given in the definition of liquid in clause 3 and in the provisions of clause 4. c) Any cryogenic fluid or liquefied gas, as defined in clause 3. d) Any liquid that does not have a flash point, but which is capable of burning under certain conditions, such as certain halogenated hydrocarbons and mixtures containing halogenated hydrocarbons. e) Any aerosol product. f) Any mist, spray, or foam. g) Transportation of flammable and combustible liquids. h) Storage, handling, and use of fuel oil tanks and containers connected with oil-burning equipment. i) Use and installation of alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) dispensers. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB 3445 Indoor fire hydrant GB 4066 Powder extinguishing agent GB 4351 Portable fire extinguisher GB 4396 Fire extinguishing agent - carbon dioxide GB 4452 Outdoor fire hydrant GB 6246 Fire hose GB 8109 Wheeled fire extinguishers GB 15308 Foam extinguishing agent GB 20031 General technical specifications for foam fire extinguishing systems and components GB 27898 Fixed water supply equipment used for fire-protection SY/T 6306 Safety and technical specification for steel oil tanks SY/T 6355 Oil and gas production dedicated for safety signs NFPA 1 Fire code NFPA 13 Standard for the installation of sprinkler systems NFPA 15 Standard for water spray fixed systems for fire protection NFPA 30A Code for motor fuel dispensing facilities and repair garages NFPA 68 Standard on explosion protection by deflagration venting NFPA 69 Standard on explosion prevention systems NFPA 70 National electrical code NFPA 80 Standard for fire doors and other opening protectives NFPA 85 Boiler and combustion systems hazards code NFPA 91 Standard for exhaust systems for air conveying of vapors, gases, mists, and noncombustible particulate solids NFPA 101 Life safety code NFPA 220 Standard on types of building construction NFPA 221 Standard for high challenge fire walls, fire walls, and fire barrier walls NFPA 307 Standard for the construction and fire protection of marine terminals, piers, and wharves NFPA 505 Fire safety standard for powered industrial trucks including type designations, areas of use, conversions, maintenance, and operations NFPA 2001 Standard on clean agent fire extinguishing systems NFPA 5000 Building construction and safety code API Spec 12B Bolted tanks for storage of production liquids API Spec 12D Field welded tanks for storage of production liquids API Spec 12F Shop welded tanks for storage of production liquids API 620 Recommended rules for the design and construction of large, welded, low-pressure storage tanks API Std 650 Welded steel tanks for oil storage API Std 653 Tank inspection, repair, alteration, and reconstruction ASME Boiler and pressure vessel code ASME B31 Code for pressure piping ASME Code for unfired pressure vessels ASTM A395 Standard specification for ferritic ductile iron pressure-retaining castings for Use at Elevated Temperatures ASTM D5 Standard test method for penetration of bituminous materials ASTM D56 Standard test method for flash point by tag closed cup tester ASTM D86 Standard test method for distillation of petroleum products at atmospheric pressure ASTM D92 Standard test method for flash and fire points by Cleveland open cup tester ASTM D93 Standard test methods for flash point by Pensky-Martens closed cup tester ASTM D323 Standard Test method for vapor pressure of petroleum products (Reid method) ASTM D3278 Standard test methods for flash point of liquids by small scale closed-cup apparatus ASTM D3828 Standard test methods for flash point by small scale closed cup tester ASTM D4359 Standard test for determining whether a material is a liquid or a solid ASTM E119 Standard test methods for fire tests of building construction and materials ASTM F852 Standard specification for portable gasoline containers for consumer use ASTM F976 Specification for portable kerosine and diesel containers for consumer use CSA B51 Boiler, pressure vessel and pressure piping code FM Approval standard for safety containers and filling, supply, and disposal containers FM Approval standard for plastic plugs for steel drums NMFTA National motor freight classification NRFC Uniform freight classification STI SP001 Standard for the inspection of aboveground storage tanks ANSI/UL 30 Standard for metal safety cans UL 58 Standard for steel underground tanks for flammable and combustible liquids ANSI/UL 80 Standard for steel tanks for oil burner fuels and other combustible liquids ANSI/UL 142 Standard for steel aboveground tanks for flammable and combustible liquids UL 971 Standard for nonmetallic underground piping for flammable liquids ANSI/UL 1313 Standard for nonmetallic safety cans for petroleum products ANSI/UI 1314 Standard for special purpose metal containers ANSI/UL 1316 Standard for glass-fiber reinforced plastic underground storage tanks for petroleum products, alcohols, and alcohol-gasoline mixtures ANSI/UL 1746 Standard for external corrosion protection systems for steel underground storage tanks UL 2080 Standard for fire resistant tanks for flammable and combustible liquids ANSI/UL 2085 Standard for protected aboveground tanks for flammable and combustible liquids ANSI/UL 2208 Standard for solvent distillation units ANSI/UL 2245 Standard for below-grade vaults for flammable liquid storage tanks UL 2368 Standard for fire exposure testing of intermediate bulk containers for flammable and combustible liquids UN Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 approved acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction 3.2 authority having jurisdiction organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure 3.3 code standard that is an extensive compilation of provisions covering broad subject matter or that is suitable for adoption into law independently of other codes and standards 3.4 labeled equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner 3.5 listed equipment, materials, or services included in a list published by an organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of products or services, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services, and whose listing states that either the equipment, material, or service meets appropriate designated standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified purpose 3.6 alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) alcohol-containing preparation designed for application to the hands for reducing the number of visible microorganisms on the hands and containing ethanol or isopropanol in an amount not exceeding 95 percent by volume 3.7 area It is classified into the following three types: 3.7.1 control area building or portion of a building within which flammable and combustible liquids are allowed to be stored, dispensed, and used or handled in quantities that do not exceed the maximum allowable quantity 3.7.2 fire area area of a building separated from the remainder of the building by construction having a fire resistance of at least 1 hour and having all communicating openings properly protected by an assembly having a fire resistance rating of at least 1 hour, and its surrounding parts 3.7.3 inside liquid storage area room or building used for the storage of liquids in containers or portable tanks, separated from other types of occupancies Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Classification of liquids 4.1 Determination of flash point 4.2 Classification of liquids 5 Fire and explosion prevention and risk control 5.1 Scope 5.2 Management of fire and explosion hazards 5.3 Hazards analysis 5.4 Control of ignition sources 5.5 Detection and alarm systems and procedures 5.6 Fire protection and fire suppression systems 5.7 Emergency planning and training 5.8 Inspection and maintenance 5.9 Management of security 6 Electrical systems 6.1 Scope 6.2 General requirements 7 Storage of liquids in containers - General requirements 7.1 Scope 7.2 General requirements 7.3 Material of containers 7.4 Venting of containers 7.5 Container size 7.6 Flammable liquids storage cabinets 7.7 Maximum allowable quantities (MAQs) per control area 7.8 Control areas 7.9 Classification of occupancies that exceed the maximum allowable quantities of liquids per control area 7.10 Construction requirements 7.11 Fire protection 7.12 Electrical systems 7.13 Containment, drainage, and spill control 7.14 Ventilation 7.15 Explosion control 7.16 Separation from incompatible materials 7.17 Dispensing, handling, and use of liquids 7.18 Outdoor storage of liquids 8 Storage of liquids in containers - mercantile occupancies 8.1 Scope 8.2 General requirements 8.3 Control areas 8.4 Specific restrictions 8.5 Construction requirements 8.6 Fire protection 8.7 Electrical systems 8.8 Containment, drainage, and spill control 8.9 Ventilation 8.10 Separation from incompatible materials 8.11 Dispensing, handling, and use of liquids 8.12 Outdoor storage of liquids 9 Storage of liquids in containers - industrial occupancies 9.1 Scope 9.2 General requirements 10 Storage of liquids in containers - storage occupancies 10.1 Scope 10.2 General requirements 10.3 Maximum allowable quantities and maximum storage heights 10.4 Control areas 10.5 General-purpose warehouses 10.6 Construction requirements 10.7 Fire protection 10.8 Electrical systems 10.9 Containment, drainage, and spill control 10.10 Ventilation 10.11 Explosion prevention 10.12 Separation from incompatible materials 10.13 Dispensing, handling, and use of liquids 10.14 Outdoor storage of liquids 11 Storage of liquids in containers - detached, unprotected buildings 11.1 Scope 11.2 General requirements 11.3 Maximum allowable quantities and maximum storage heights 11.4 Construction requirements 11.5 Fire protection 11.6 Electrical systems 11.7 Containment, drainage, and spill control 11.8 Ventilation 11.9 Explosion control 11.I0 Separation from incompatible materials 11.11 Dispensing, handling, and use of liquids 11.12 Outdoor storage of liquids 12 Hazardous materials storage lockers 12.1 Scope 12.2 General requirements 12.3 Design and construction of lockers 12.4 Designated sites for lockers 12.5 Storage requirements 13 Outdoor storage 13.1 Scope 13.2 General requirements 13.3 Outdoor storage (adjacent to a building) 14 Automatic fire protection for inside liquid storage areas 14.1 Scope 14.2 Definitions specific to clause 14.3 General requirements 14.4 Automatic sprinkler and foam-water sprinkler fire protection systems 14.5 Fire protection system design criteria 14.6 Fire protection system design schemes 14.7 Water supply 14.8 Containment, drainage, and spill control 14.9 Other automatic fire protection systems 15 Processing facilities 15.1 Scope 15.2 General requirements 15.3 Location of process vessels and equipment 15.4 Accessibility 15.5 Construction 15.6 Electrical systems 15.7 Containment, drainage, and spill control 15.8 Ventilation 15.9 Process equipment and vessels 15.10 Management of operations hazards 16 Dispensing, handling, transfer, and use of liquids 16.1 Scope 16.2 General requirements 16.3 Dispensing, handling, transfer, and use 16.4 Incidental operations 16.5 Ventilation for dispensing areas 17 Specific operations 17.1 Scope 17.2 Recirculating heat transfer systems 17.3 Vapor recovery and vapor processing systems 17.4 Solvent distillation units 18 Storage of liquids in tanks - Requirements for all storage tanks 18.1 Scope 18.2 General requirements 18.3 Design and construction of storage tanks 18.4 Testing for tanks 18.5 Fire prevention and control 18.6 Operation of storage tanks 18.7 Inspection and maintenance of storage tanks and storage tank appurtenances 18.8 Change of stored liquid 19 Aboveground storage tanks 19.1 Scope 19.2 Definitions specific to Clause 19.3 General requirements 19.4 Location of aboveground storage tanks 19.5 Installation of aboveground storage tanks 19.6 Vent piping for aboveground tanks 19.7 Emergency relief venting for fire exposure for aboveground storage tanks 19.8 Fire protection for aboveground storage tanks 19.9 Additional requirements for fire-resistant aboveground storage tanks 19.10 Additional requirements for protected aboveground storage tanks 19.11 Control of spills from aboveground storage tanks 19.12 Equipment, piping, and fire protection systems in remote impoundment areas and diked areas 19.13 Aboveground tank openings other than vents 19.14 Requirements for placement of aboveground storage tanks located in areas subject to flooding 19.15 Collision protection for aboveground storage tanks 19.16 Installation instructions for aboveground storage tanks 19.17 Inspection and maintenance of aboveground storage tanks 20 Underground tanks 20.1 Scope 20.2 General requirements 20.3 Location of underground storage tanks 20.4 Installation of underground storage tanks 20.5 Normal venting for underground storage tanks 20.6 Tank openings other than vents 20.7 Requirements for placement of underground storage tanks located in areas subject to flooding 20.8 Installation instructions for underground storage tanks 20.9 Inspection and maintenance of underground storage tanks 21 Storage tank buildings 21.1 Scope 21.2 Location 21.3 Construction 21.4 Fire protection 21.5 Electrical systems 21.6 Containment, drainage, and spill control 21.7 Ventilation 21.8 Vents for tanks 21.9 Tank openings other than vents for tanks 21.10 Detection and alarm 21.11 Inspection and maintenance for buildings 22 Vaults for aboveground tanks 22.1 Scope 22.2 General requirements 22.3 Location of storage tank vaults 22.4 Construction and installation of storage tank vaults 22.5 Fire protection for storage tank vaults 22.6 Electrical systems for storage tank vaults 22.7 Containment, drainage, and spill control for storage tank vaults 22.8 Ventilation systems for storage tank vaults 22.9 Vents for tanks inside storage tank vaults 22.10 Detection and alarm systems for storage tank vaults 22.11 Inspection and maintenance of storage tank vaults 23 Piping systems 23.1 Scope 23.2 Specific definitions 23.3 General requirements 23.4 Materials for piping systems 23.5 Pipe joints 23.6 Installation of piping systems 23.7 Test of piping 23.8 Vent piping 23.9 Bonding and grounding 23.10 Identification and marking of piping systems 23.11 Special requirements for marine piping systems 23.12 Removal from service of piping systems 24 Loading and unloading for tank cars and tank vehicles 24.1 Scope 24.2 General requirements 24.3 Location of loading and unloading facilities 24.4 Roofed structures 24.5 Electrical systems 24.6 Containment, drainage, and spill control 24.7 Equipment 24.8 Operating requirements 25 Wharves 25.1 Scope 25.2 General requirements Annex A (Informative) Explanatory material Annex B (Informative) Emergency relief vent for fire exposure for aboveground tanks Annex C (Informative) Close or removal of underground storage tanks Annex D (Informative) Development of fire protection system design criteria and other suggested fire protection for Clause Annex E (Informative) Structural changes between this code and NFPA 30: Annex F (Informative) Technical differences between this code and NFPA 30:2012 and the relevant reasons Bibliography 易燃和可燃液体防火规范 1范围 本标准规定了石油天然气工业易燃和可燃液体的分类、容器储存、管线系统、罐车装卸以及防火防爆风险控制等要求。 本标准适用于石油天然气工业易燃和可燃液体(包括废液)的储存、处理和使用。 本标准不适用于: a)熔点等于或大于37.8℃的物质。 b)不符合第3章“液体”定义和第4章中给定的流动性准则的液体。 c)第3章定义的任何液化气体或低温液体。 d)无闪点,但在一定条件下可以燃烧的液体,如某些卤代烃和含有卤代烃的混合物。 e)气溶胶产品。 f)烟雾、喷雾剂或泡沫。 g)易燃和可燃液体的运输。 h)与燃油设备相连的燃料罐和容器的储存、处理和使用。 i)酒精搓手液(ABHR)分配器的使用和安装。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB 3445室内消火栓 GB 4066干粉灭火剂 GB 4351手提式灭火器 GB 4396二氧化碳灭火剂 GB 4452室外消火栓 GB 6246消防水带 GB 8109推车式灭火器 GB 15308泡沫灭火剂 GB 20031泡沫灭火系统及部件通用技术条件 GB 27898固定消防给水设备 SY/T 6306钢质原油储罐运行安全规范 SY/T 6355石油天然气生产专用安全标志 NFPA 1防火规范 NFPA 13喷淋系统的安装 NFPA 15固定防火喷雾系统 NFPA 30A汽车加油分装设施和维修站 NFPA 68爆燃通风口的防爆 NFPA 69防爆系统 NFPA 70国家电气规范 NFPA 80防火门窗 NFPA 85锅炉和燃烧系统危害规范 NFPA 91空气输料装置的排气系统 NFPA 101人身安全规范 NFPA 220建筑结构式样 NFPA 221防火墙和防火堤标准 NFPA 307港口、栈桥及码头的结构与防火 NFPA 505机动工业运货车(包括牌号、使用面积、保养和驾驶) NFPA 2001灭火系统清洁剂 NFPA 5000建筑结构和安全规范 API Spec 12B储存产出液的栓装储罐 API Spec 12D储存产出液的现场焊接储罐 API Spec 12F储存产出液的工厂焊接储罐 API 620大型焊接低压储罐设计、建造推荐规则 API Std 650焊接钢质储油罐 API Std 653储罐检查、维修、更换和重建 ASME锅炉和压力容器规范 ASME B31压力管道规范 ASME非受火压力容器规范 ASTM A395高温下使用的球墨铸铁承压铸件 ASTM D5沥青材料的针入度试验 ASTM D56盖氏闭杯测定仪测试闪点的标准方法 ASTM D86石油产品蒸馏测试标准方法 ASTM D92克利夫兰开杯试验方法 ASTM D93彭马氏闭合测定仪测试闪点的标准方法 ASTM D323石油产品蒸气压力试验的标准方法(雷德法) ASTM D3278 Setaflash密封测定仪测试液体闪点的标准方法 ASTM D3828 Setaflash密封测定仪测试闪点的标准方法 ASTM D4359确定物料为固体或液体的标准测试方法 ASTM E119建筑结构和材料的标准测试方法 ASTM F852供消费者使用的轻型汽油容器 ASTM F976供消费者使用的轻型煤油容器 CSA B51锅炉、压力容器和压力管道规范 FM安全容器与充装、供应、分装容器 FM钢制桶用塑料塞 NMFTA汽车货运规范 NRFC统一货运分类 STI SP001地上罐检查标准 ANSI/UL 30金属安全罐 UL 58易燃和可燃液体钢质地下罐 ANSI/UL 80燃油器燃料和其他可燃液体的钢质储罐 ANSI/UL 142易燃和可燃液体钢质地上罐 UL 971易燃液体非金属地下管道 ANSI/UL 1313石油产品非金属安全罐 ANSI/UI 1314特殊用途金属罐 ANSI/UL 1316石油产品的玻璃纤维加强塑料地下罐 ANSI/UL 1746地下钢储罐外防腐系统 UL 2080易燃和可燃液体耐火罐 ANSI/UL 2085易燃和可燃液体地上罐保护 ANSI/UL 2208溶剂蒸馏单元 ANSI/UL 2245易燃液体地下拱顶储罐 UL 2368易燃和可燃液体中型散装容器的曝火试验 联合国 危险货物运输推荐规则 3术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 认可approved 被管辖部门接受。 3.2 管辖部门authority having jurisdiction 负责实施标准、规范要求,或审批设备、材料、装置或工艺过程的组织机构、办事处或个人。 3.3 规范code 标准,一种涵盖广泛事项的汇编规定,独立于其他的法规和标准,可被法律采用。 3.4 标注labeled 由管辖部门认可的且与产品评价有关的机构,在设备和材料上贴上标签、符号或其他识别标记。该机构对已发标签的设备和材料的生产进行定期检查,通过给生产商发放标签,表明其所进行的生产符合相应的标准或特定的操作方式。 3.5 注册listed 由管辖部门认可的且与产品评价有关的机构出版的表册中包括的设备和材料,该机构保持定期检查登记注册的设备和材料的生产,通过登记注册表明产品符合适当的标准或经过试验并认定它们适合于指定的操作方式。 3.6 酒精搓手液alcohol-based hand rub(ABHR) 含有酒精的液体,用于搓手以减少手上的微生物。该液体由不超过95%含量的乙醇或异丙醇组成。 3.7 区域area 分为以下三种。 3.7.1 控制区域control area 允许用于储存、分装、使用及操作易燃和可燃液体,数量不超过最大允许量的建筑物或建筑物的一部分。 3.7.2 防火区域fire area 用具有耐火等级至少1h的耐火结构隔开,且对所有联通口由耐火等级不小于1h的装置进行适当保护的建筑物与其周围部分。 3.7.3 储液区内部inside liquid storage area 用于存放装有液体的容器或移动式罐的房间或建筑物,并与其他形式的场所分开。 3.8 地下室basement 建筑物或构筑物的一层,地下部分占其高度1/2或以上,当灭火接近时,会受到很多限制。 3.9 沸点boiling point 在101.4kPa蒸气压下,液体变成气体时的温度。对于没有准确沸点的液体,或没有恒定沸点的混合物,为使用本标准,可按ASTM D86对液体进行蒸馏,达20%蒸发点时的温度可作为该液体的沸点。 3.10 沸溢boil-over 在无罐顶的油罐中,某种油在长时间静燃烧之后,燃油从罐中喷溅而出,燃烧猛然增强的现象。 3.11 静电跨接banding 为控制静电危害,用导体连接两个或更多的导电体,使之保持同一电位,而不需要与地同电位。 3.12 建筑物building 用于或拟用于支持、避护各种用途和场所的结构。 3.12.1 重要建筑物important building 被认为不应处于火险之中的建筑物。 3.12.2 储罐建筑物storage tank building 一个三维空间,包括一半以上的可能领域的两侧封闭的屋顶和墙壁,有足够的空间可让人进入。该建筑物会限制散热和可燃蒸气的扩散,也会妨碍灭火。 3.13 闭顶堤closed-top diking 有遮盖的堤,以减少降水进入。 3.14 容器container 任何用于输送和储存液体且容积小于或等于450L的器皿。 3.14.1 密闭容器closed container 用盖子或其他装置封住,使液体或蒸气在常温下不会外漏的容器。 3.14.2 中型散装容器intermediate bulk container(IBC) 用于储存和运输液体的密闭容器,容量不超过3000L,又称IBC桶。 3.14.3 非金属容器nonmetallic container 由玻璃、塑料、纤维或其他非金属材料制成的容器。 3.14.4 非金属中型散装容器nonmetallic intermediate bulk container 由玻璃、塑料、纤维或其他非金属材料制成的中型散装容器。 3.15 低温液体cryogenic liquid 在101kPa绝对压力下沸点低于-101℃的液体。 3.16 防爆结构damage-limiting construction 通过采取措施防止爆炸的建筑单元,包括开放式结构、压力释放结构,或耐压结构。这些功能可以单独或组合应用。 3.17 着火点fire point 液体接触到试验火焰产生着火并达到持续燃烧的最低温度。试验按ASTM D92进行。 3.18 闪点flash point 在特定的容器内,液体挥发出足够浓度的蒸气,与液体表面上的空气形成可燃性混合物时的最低温度,采用适合的程序和仪器进行测定,见4.1。 3.19 渗漏fugitive emissions 正常操作期间,工艺设备连续或间断产生的易燃蒸气释放,包括泵密封处、阀门填料、法兰垫片、压缩机密封、排污管等处的泄漏。 3.20 危险材料或危险化学品hazardous material or hazardous chemical 与闪点和沸点引起的着火无关的危险性材料。 3.21 危险物品储存柜hazardous material storage locker 满足有关部门对危险物品室外储存的要求而预制的一种可移动的结构。 3.22 危险反应或危险化学反应hazardous reaction or hazardous chemical reaction 能够发生除了因反应剂或产品的闪点和沸点引起着火问题以外的危险状态的反应。 3.23 传热流体heat transfer fluid 可作为热载体,把热能从加热器或蒸发器传送到用热设备(如注塑机、烤箱,或烘干机,或夹套化学反应器)的液体。 3.24 高危险物质high hazard contents 包含二级高危险物质和三级高危险物质。 3.24.1 二级高危险物质high hazard level 2 contents 具有爆燃危险或加速燃烧危险的物质。本标准中,此类物质包含I级、Ⅱ级、ⅢA级液体,使用或储存于常开口容器系统,或者在高于或等于103kPa(表压)的密闭容器系统中。 3.24.2 三级高危险物质high hazard level 3 contents 容易助燃或形成物理危害的物质。本标准中,包含I级、Ⅱ级、ⅢA级液体,使用或储存于低于103kPa(表压)的密闭容器系统中。 3.25 临时液体使用或储存incidental liquid use or storage 短时使用和储存液体的活动,通过这些活动决定场所或区域的等级。 3.26 液化气体liquefied gas 在加压条件下,温度在20℃时呈现气液两相的气体。 3.27 液体liquid 任何材料:按ASTM D5进行实验,流动性系数大于针入度为300的沥青;或者,按ASTM D4359不能测定熔点,但能确定为液体的黏性物质。 本标准范围内的液体,以及符合本标准要求的液体一般为易燃液体或可燃液体,按以下进行界定和分类。 3.27.1 可燃液体combustible liquid 闭杯闪点(按4.1的方法和仪器测试)等于或大于37.8℃的液体。可燃液体分类见4.2。 3.27.2 易燃液体flammable liquid 闭杯闪点(按4.1的方法和仪器测试)低于37.8℃,在37.8℃下,按ASTM D323测定蒸气压力不超过275.7kPa(绝对压力)的液体。易燃液体分类见4.2。 3.27.3 稳定液体stable liquid 指任何没有被定义为“不稳定液体”的液体。 3.27.4 不稳定液体unstable liquid 在纯净状态或在商业生产、运输过程中,承受震动、压力或温度条件下,可能产生剧烈的聚合、分解、缩合反应和自反应现象的液体。 3.27.5 水溶性液体water-miscible liquid 能与水以任何比例混合的液体,无需使用化学添加剂,如乳化剂。 3.28 储液房间liquid storage room 使用容器、移动式罐、中型散装容器储存液体的房间,占地面积不超过45m2,封闭在建筑物内部,没有外墙。 3.29 液密性liquidtight 防止液体在正常操作温度和压力范围内非正常泄漏的性能。 3.30 燃烧下限lower flammable limit(LFL) 易燃气体在空气中引进燃烧的最低浓度,也称为爆炸下限(LEL)。 3.31 最大允许量maximum allowable quantity(MAQ) 在一个操作区域内,易燃或可燃液体的最大数量。 3.32 场所occupancy 本标准定义的场所是指按建筑物或工厂各部分的主要操作特性而划分的系统。 3.32.1 紧急救治场所ambulatory health care occupancy 用于同时给四个或更多的患者提供服务或治疗的建筑物或建筑物部分。在提供门诊的基础上,满足以下一个或多个条件: a)对于紧急情况下没有他人的帮助,且失去自我保护能力的患者进行治疗。 b)对于紧急情况下没有他人的帮助,且失去自我保护能力的患者进行麻醉。 c)对于紧急情况下没有他人的帮助,且失去自我保护能力的患者,根据伤病的情况采取急诊或紧急护理措施。 3.32.2 集会场所assembly occupancy 用于50人或更多人的集会、餐饮、娱乐、候车或类似用途的场所,或不必考虑人员负荷的特殊娱乐场所。 3.32.3 商务场所business occupancy 用于商务交流,而不是商业的场所。 3.32.4 日常护理场所day-care occupancy 为四个及以上客户提供治疗、护理和托管的场所,服务人员不是亲属或法定监护人,每天少于24h。 3.32.5 收留和矫正场所detention and correctional occupancy 对四个及以上人采取不同程度的限制措施或安全措施的场所。此类人员大多没有安全控制能力和自我保护能力。 3.32.6 教育场所educational occupancy 进行教育的场所,用于6人以上,每天4h以上或每周12h以上使用时间。 3.32.7 医疗场所health care occupancy 在一个住院基地,为四个及以上患者提供医疗、其他治疗或护理的场所。此类患者大多由于年龄、身体或精神残疾,不能自我保护,或失去安全控制能力。 3.32.8 工业场所industrial occupancy 用于产品制造或加工、组装、混合、包装、整理、装饰或维修业务的场所。 3.32.9 商业场所mercantile occupancy 用于展示、出售货物的场所。 3.32.10 住宿场所residential occupancy 用于睡眠、住宿的场所,不用于治疗、收留和矫正目的。 3.33 操作operations 包括但不限于使用、输送、储存和加工液体的统称。 3.34 码头pier或wharf 从陆地岸边直接延伸到水体中的一种结构,通常长度大于宽度,可以是敞开的甲板,也可以有一个上层建筑。 3.35 压力容器pressure vessel 按照ASME《锅炉与压力容器规范》进行设计的容器及其部件。 3.36 加工或加工工艺process or processing 指操作的一整套工序。 3.37 暴露保护protection for exposures 对邻近液体储存地界的结构提供的防火保护。这类保护可由公共消防部门,或者由邻近液体储存地界的私人消防队来提供,两者均应有能力提供冷却水流,以保护邻近液体储存的地界。 3.38 安全罐safety can 指容量不超过20L,且带有弹簧盖和喷口盖的经过认可的容器,当曝热起火时,能够安全地释放内部压力。 3.39 溶剂分馏单元solvent distillation unit 用于分馏易燃或可燃液体,以消除污染物和回收液体的设施。 3.40 暂存staging 液体暂时存放在生产区的容器、中间缓冲容器和移动式罐体。 3.41 罐tank 分为以下类别。 3.41.1 地上罐ahoveground tank 安装在地上、地面,或地下没有回填的罐。 3.41.2 常压罐atmospheric tank 设计操作压力为大气压至6.9kPa(表压)(760mmHg~812mmHg)的储罐,压力从罐顶测量。 3.41.3 低压罐low-pressure tank 设计内部承受压力为6.9kPa~103.4 kPa(表压)的储罐,压力从罐顶测量。 3.41.4 移动式罐portable tank 液体容量大于230L,不用于固定安装的任何密闭容器。 3.41.5 双层密封罐secondary containment tank 内壁与外壁之间有环形间隙,并且设置有监视两壁泄漏措施的罐。 3.41.6 储罐storage tank 容量超过230L,并且采用固定安装,且不用于加工的容器。 3.42 终端terminal 厂区的一部分,通过大罐、管道、罐车接收液体,进行储存或批量混合,把液体分发到大罐、管道、罐车、移动式罐或货柜。 3.43 单元操作或单元加工unit operation or unit process 一个物理或化学工序的一部分,它可以与(或不与)其他工序部分组成生产工艺流程。 3.44 蒸气压vapor pressure 按ASTMD323检测,液体所产生的压力,其单位以Pa(绝对压力)计。 3.4S 蒸气处理设备vapor processing equipment 蒸气处理系统的组成部分,用于处理在输送、充装中收集到的蒸气或液体。 3.46 蒸气处理系统vapor processing system 采用机械和化学方法收集和处理在输送时所排出的蒸气。例如采用压缩机强制捕集蒸气的系统和用冷冻、吸收和燃烧方法处理蒸气的系统。 3.47 蒸气回收系统vapor recovery system 用以收集和保存(但不处理)在输送、充装中所排出蒸气的系统。如不含蒸气处理的平衡压力蒸气置换系统和真空强制系统。 3.48 蒸气气密性vaportight 采用密封设施.防止易燃蒸气在正常操作温度和压力下异常泄漏的性能。 3.49 穹顶储库vault 由四面墙壁、地面及顶板构成的封闭结构,内有液体储罐。除非需要检查、维修或保养穹顶、储罐或相关设备,一般不允许人员进入。 3.50 排气vent 分为以下两种情况。 3.50.1 紧急释放排气emergency relief vent 在暴露于火的情况下,通过出口、结构或设施能自动释放内部超高的压力。 3.50.2 正常排气normal vent 在正常储存和操作的情况下,通过出口、结构或设施能自动释放内部压力或真空。 3.51 通风ventilation 本标准中,通风指为了防止火灾和爆炸的空气流动。 3.52 仓库warehouse 用于仓储作业的构筑物。 3.52.1 通用仓库general-purpose warehouse 分开、隔离建筑物或其一部分,仅用于仓储作业。按建筑物规范和NFPA 101进行分类,属于“储存—低危险”和“储存—一般危险”场所。 3.52.2 液体仓库liquid warehouses 分开、隔离或附属建筑物或其一部分,仅用于液体仓储作业,其外墙至少占有建筑物周长的25%。 4液体分类 4.1闪点确定 4.1.1在40℃时黏度低于5.5×10-6m2/s或在25℃时黏度低于9.5×10-6m2/s的液体,闪点按照ASTM D56测定。 注:稀释沥青、形成表面膜的液体,以及含有悬浮固体的液体。不得根据ASTM D56测定闪点,即使其符合黏度标准。此类液体依据4.1.2的方法测定。 4.1.2在40℃时黏度等于或高于5.5×10-6m2/s,或在25℃时黏度等于或高于9.5×10-6m2/s的液体,闪点按照ASTM D93测定。 4.1.3作为替代方法,ASTM D3278可用于测定油漆、清漆及相关产品(其组分的闪点介于0℃~110℃,且在25℃时黏度低于150×10-6m2/s)的闪点。 4.1.4作为替代办法,ASTM D3828可用于测定ASTM D3278以外的材料的闪点。 4.2液体分类 4.2.1易燃液体 按照3.27的定义,易燃液体被分类为I级液体,可分为以下类别: a)I A级液体——闪点低于22.8℃、沸点低于37.8℃的液体。 b)I B级液体——闪点低于22.8℃、沸点等于或大于37.8℃的液体。 c)I C级液体——闪点大于或等于22.8℃、低于37.8℃的液体。 4.2.2可燃液体 按照3.27的定义,可燃液体可分为以下类别: a)Ⅱ级液体——闪点等于或大于37.8℃、小于60℃的液体。 b)ⅢA级液体——闪点等于或大于60℃、小于93℃的液体。 c)ⅢB级液体——闪点等于或大于93℃的液体。 5防火防爆风险控制 5.1适用范围 本章适用于与液体储存、操作、装卸和使用有关的危险控制。 5.2火灾爆炸风险管理 本章所运用的管理方法,旨在识别、评估、控制在易燃与可燃液体操作过程中的危险性,这些危险性包括但不限于:物料准备、分离、提纯及状态、能量、成分的改变。 5.3风险分析 5.3.1一般要求对易燃和可燃液体工艺操作进行评估,确保能针对液体可能形成的火灾和爆炸危险性,制定相应的预防措施和应急预案。 注:以下情况可不作此要求: ——液体仅作为定点消耗的燃料。 ——I级和Ⅱ级液体在常压罐储存,或者以低于闪点的温度输送。 ——商业场所、原油开发、钻井,油井服务或偏远地区的空闲设施。用于液体加工装置的防火与控制范围取决于对操作的工程评价,评价根据严格的防火和加工原理进行。它包括但不限于: ——对液体操作中火灾爆炸危险性分析。 ——工艺容器中的紧急排放分析,考虑到所使用材料的性质及采取的火灾防护和控制措施。 ——按第15章、第16章、第17章、第24章、第25章设施的设计要求的分析。 ——按第15章、第16章、第17章、第24章、第25章的液体处理、输送和使用要求的分析。 ——对当地的情况潜在危险的分析,如邻近地界洪水易发、地震和风暴。 ——对当地应急部门和服务部门应急响应能力的分析。储存、加工、装卸、使用Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级液体时,操作温度大于或等于其闪点,则应遵循I级液体的要求。如果按本章要求进行工程评价,也可遵循其他液体等级要求。 5.3.2变更管理 当火灾爆炸危险性显著变化时,应重复进行火灾危险性评估。可能需要重新评估的条件包括但不限于: ——工艺原材料发生变化。 ——工艺设备发生变化。 ——工艺控制发生变化。 ——操作流程和职责发生变化。 5.4火源控制 5.4.1着火源 应采用预防措施,防止易燃蒸气被下列火源点燃: ——明火。 ——照明。 ——炽热表面。 ——热辐射。 ——吸烟。 ——切割和焊接。 ——自燃。 ——摩擦热或火花。 ——静电。 ——电火花。 ——杂散电流。 ——烘炉、炼炉和加热设备。 5.4.2吸烟 只允许在规定的和有适当标志的地方吸烟。 5.4.3热工作业 在装有易燃液体的地方禁止焊接、切割和类似产生火花的操作,除非发有书面证明允许进行此项工作。许可证应由管理部门人员来签发,颁证的依据是根据其对该地区的检查确认,已采取适当预防措施并予以遵守,直到完工为止。 5.4.4静电所有设备,如罐、机器和管道的设计和操作应防止静电形成火源。所有金属设备,如罐、机器和管道,在可能存在着火混合物的地方,应予跨接和接地。跨接和接地应采用物理连接或用本身设备进行连接。金属管线或设备的电绝缘段应予跨接和接地,以防静电积聚。在可能存在着火混合物的地方,非金属设备和管线的设计和操作应防止静电形成火源。 5.5检测与报警系统程序 5.5.1应采取认可的措施,保证在发生火灾或其他险情时能迅速通知工厂、公共消防和互助部门。 5.5.2可能会发生易燃液体溢出的地方(包括建筑物),应适当予以监视。其方法可包括如下: ——人员观察或巡逻。 ——能够显示可能发生溢流或泄漏的工艺监视设备。 ——用气体探测设备连续监视无人值守设施的地区。 |
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