This standard specifies the general principles and technical requirements which the operation of PV power station connected to the power grid shall adhere to.
The standard is applicable to newly-built or expanded grid-connected PV power station connected to 380 V and above power grid, including the connection with and without isolating transformers. It is not applicable to off-grid PV power station.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of the standard. For dated references, only the dated edition is applicable to the standard. For the undated references, the latest edition (with all the amendments) applies.
GB 2894 Safety Signs
GB / T 12325 Power Quality - Deviation of Supply Voltage
GB/T 12326 Power Quality - Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker
GB / T 14549 Power Quality - Harmonics in Public Grid
GB / T 15543 Power Quality - Three-Phase Voltage Unbalance
GB 16179 Guidelines for the Use of Safety Signs
GB / T 17883 0.2 S and 0.5 - Active Kilowatt Hour Meter of Static AC
GB / T 24337 Power Quality - Harmonic Wave Between Public Grid
DL/T 448 Technical Administrative Code of Power Metering DL/T 614 Multi-function Watt-hour Meter
DL/T 645 Multi-Functional Watt-Hour Meter Communication Protocols
SJ / T 11127 Guidelines for Overvoltage Protection of PV Power Station
The following terms and definitions are applicable to the document.
3.1 Photovoltaic (PV) power station
A power generation system which utilizes photo-production voltage effect of solar battery and transforms solar radiation energy into electric energy, generally including transformers, inverters, relevant parts of balance of system (BOS) and solar battery phalange.
3.2 Grid-connected PV power station
PV power station in operation, connected to public grid directly or indirectly
3.3 Point of common coupling (PCC)
The joint of more than one user in power system
3.4 Point of interconnection (POI ) of PV power station
For PV power station with booster station, the point refers to the busbar or node at the high-voltage side of the booster station. For PV power station without booster station, the point refers to the output convergence point of PV power station.
3.5 Transmission line of PV power station
Transmission line from POI of PV power station to point of common coupling
3.6 Active power of grid connected PV power station
The reactive power from the input of PV power station to the POI of PV power station
3.7 Reactive power of grid -connected PV power station
The active power from the input of PV power station to the POI of PV power station
3.8 Active power change
The difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of active power of PV power station in a certain interval (the standard specifies active power change for one minute and 10 minutes)
3.9 Low voltage ride through
Where the voltage drops at the POI of PV power station due to the accident or disturbance of electric power system, PV power station is guaranteed to operate continuously without escape from the grid in a certain voltage drop range and certain interval.
3.10 Islanding
At voltage loss of the grid, PV power station still continues to supply power to a certain part of the line in the voltage loss grid. The islanding can be separated into unintentional islanding and intentional islanding.
3.11 Unintentional islanding
Islanding occurs unintentionally and uncontrolledly.
3.12 Intentional islanding
Islanding occurs intentionally according to prearranged control strategy.
3.13 Anti-islanding
Unintentional islanding is prohibited to occur.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 General Principles 5 Power Quality 6 Power and Voltage 7 Response Feature of Abnormal Power Grid 8 Safety and Protection 9 General Technical Conditions 10 Power Metering 11 Communication and Signal 12 System Test