This standard specifies the type, basic parameters, technical repuirements, test methods, test rules, marking, packaging, transport and storage of cup springs for mine hoist and min winder disc brakes.
This standard is applicable to the cup springs used for mine hoist and mine winder disc brakes (hereinafter referred to as cup springs).
2 Normative References
The provisions involed in the following standards will become the provisions of this standard by quoting in this standard. When published, all the shown versions are valid. All the standards will be modified, and all parties using this standard shall discuss the posibility of using the latest version.
Foreword I 1 Scope 1 2 Normative References 1 3 Type and Basic Parameters 1 4 Technical Requirements 2 5 Test Method 4 6 Inspection Rules 5 7 Marking, Packaging, Transport and Storage 6 Appendix A (Normative) Guiding Element of Cup Spring 7