1.1 General Description
1.1.1 This guide rule is the supplementary explanation of the "Safety Requirements in the Nuclear Power Plant Sitting" (HAF101). This guide rule is a informative document only, and the methods and schemes different from its requirements may also be adopted in the actual practice, but they must be reported to the National Nuclear Safety Administration that they shall be at least in the same safety level as this guide rule and shall not increase any risk to the plant personnel and the public.
1.1.2 In the sitting procedure of the nuclear power plant, it's usually feasible to adopt proper engineering measures to alleviate the potential vibration effects of the earthquake through design. However, sometimes it's unable to prove the engineering measure is applicable to alleviate those effects resulted from such permanent ground deformation phenomenon as surface rupture, ground subsidence, surface collapse or faultage/creep deformation. For this reason, when there is potential permanent ground deformation in the plant site, the selection of other sites may be circumspect.
1.1.3 During each period of the sitting survey, special attention shall be paid to two kinds of earthquake-related site characteristics:
1. The site characteristics that may directly influence the acceptability of the site;
2. The site characteristics that may clearly influence the severity of the design basis earthquake.
The relevant sitting survey shall meet the requirements of the safety guide rule "Sitting Survey of the Nuclear Power Station" (HAD101/07).
1.2 Purpose
1.2.1 The main purpose of this guide rule is to provide a guide line for designing ground movement of the selected nuclear power plant and determining the possibility of surface rupture. It also explains some other permanent ground deformation phenomena (liquefaction, slope instability/sedimentation/subsidence) as well as flood caused by earthquakes. Except for the tsunami-related volcanic activities, no other volcanic activities are covered in this guide rule.
1.3 Scope
1.3.1 This guide rule is applicable to the new nuclear power plant sitting. But it covers neither the complicated disputes over the earthquake revaluation of the existing nuclear power plant nor the safety problem of the advanced reactor-though it includes some useful information about this problem.
1.3.2 The guide lines and procedures expatiated in this guide rule are applicable to the earthquake safety evaluation of nuclear power plants under different seismotectonic environment.