is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GJB 1059 consists of the following six parts under the general title Test methods of phenolic resin for ablative materials:
Part 1: Test of solids content;
Part 2: Test of viscosity;
Part 3: Test of free phenols;
Part 4: Test of gelation time;
Part 5: Test of alkalimetal and alkalin-earth metal;
Part 6: Test of molecular weight and distribution.
This is Part 1 of GJB 1059.
This part replaces GJB 1059.1-1990 Test methods of phenolic resin for ablative materials - Part 1: Test of solids content.
The following main changes have been made with respect to GJB 1059.1-1990:
a) Solid phenolic resin specimen without solvent is added in the test pieces;
b) For phenolic resin solution specimens with high viscosity, anhydrous ethanol can be added dropwise in the test procedure.
This part was proposed by China Building Materials Federation.
GJB 1059.1 was issued for the first time in January 1991.
Test methods of phenolic resin for ablative materials - Part 1: Test of solids content
1 Scope
This part specifies the method of determining solids content in phenolic resin by baking process.
It is applicable to the determination of solids content in phenolic resin for ablative materials. It may be used as a reference for other phenolic resins.
2 Test principle
The test piece of known mass is baked at a certain temperature; after a specified time, the mass of its residue is determined and its percentage is calculated.
3 Reagents
Anhydrous ethanol: chemically pure.
4 Apparatus
4.1 Glass culture dish: φ75mm.
4.2 Dryer: anhydrous calcium chloride or color changing silica gel used as desiccant.
4.3 Small dropping bottle: 25mL~30mL.
4.4 Analytical balance: with a division of 0.0001g.
4.5 Electrothermal blowing drying oven: with temperature of room temperature to 300℃, and sensitivity of ±1℃.
4.6 Wide-mouthed bottle with stopper: 100mL~200mL.
5 Test piece
The test piece is solid phenolic resin or finished liquid phenolic resin without solvent. Place at least 20g of solid phenolic resin and liquid phenolic resin in a clean specimen bag or bottle (4.6) respectively.
Note: According to different models of resins, solid phenolic resins generally have two types: powder one and viscous one.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Test principle 3 Reagents 4 Apparatus 5 Test piece 6 Test procedures 7 Result processing 8 Test report
GJB 中华人民共和国国家军用标准 FL 6230 GJB 1059.1A—2020 代替GJB 1059.1—1990 烧蚀材料用酚醛树脂测试方法 第1部分:固体含量测试 Test methods of phenolic resin for ablative materials-Part1:Test of solids content