This part of ISO 105 provides a method of calculating the color difference between two specimens of the same material, measured under the same conditions, such that the numerical value △Ecmc (l:c) for the total color difference quantifies the extent to which the two specimens do not match. It permits the specification of a maximum value (tolerance) which depends only on the closeness of match required for a given end-use and not on the color involved, nor on the nature of the color difference. The method also provides a means for establishing the ratio of differences in lightness to chroma and to hue.
Foreword i ISO Foreword ii 1 Scope 2 Principle 3 Procedure 4 Report of calculations Appendix A (Informative) Interpretation of Results Appendix B (Informative) Representative Test Data Appendix C (Informative) Computer Program for Calculating Color Difference