This part of GB/T 7190 specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage, and others of large cooling tower.
This part is applicable to the mechanical draft industrial type cooling tower with cooling water flow no less than 1,000m3/h.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this part of GB/T 7190, constitute provisions of this part. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding corrections to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 1033 Test Method for Density and Relative Density of Plastics
GB/T 1040 Plastics - Determination of Tensile Properties
GB/T 1449 Fibre-reinforced Plastic Composites - Determination of Flexural Properties
GB/T 2406 Plastics - Determination of Flammability by Oxygen Index
GB/T 2577 Test Method for Resin Content of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics
GB/T 3854 Test Method for Hardness of Reinforced Plastics by Means of Barcol Impresser
GB/T 8924 Test Method for Flammability Characteristics of Fiber Reinforced Plastics - Oxygen Index Method
GB/T 13041 Packaging Containers - Magnesium Oxychloride Concrete Case
GB 50204 Code for Acceptance of Constructional Quality of Concrete Structures
GB 50205 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures
3 Terminologies and Definitions
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terminologies and Definitions 4 Product Classification 5 Technical Requirements 6 Test Methods 7 Inspection Rules 8 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage, and Sample or Product Instructions 9 Others Appendix A (Normative) Test Methods for Thermal Performance of Cooling Tower Appendix B (Normative) Test Method for Noise of Cooling Tower Appendix C (Normative) Test Method for Consumptive Electric Power Ratio Appendix D (Normative) Test Method for Drifting Ratio Appendix E (Normative) Test Methods for Heat Resistance in Water and Load-Bearing Property of the Flat Sheet and Assembled Block of Plastic Fill Appendix F (Informative) Calculation Examples of Thermal Performance